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FAC: Mahdey Tak Leh Setentang Mata DSWA
By Nujum Siber

26/5/2001 5:52 am Sat

Mahathir mengenakan syarat khas beliau hanya akan menemui delegasi pembangkang jika DS Wan Azizah tidak hadir sama. Nampak sangat beliau ketakutan sesuatu bisa pantang larang mengena dirinya. Nampaknya ada benar juga desas-desus khabar angin akan ramalan bomohnya bahawa dia akan tumbang di dalam keaiban di tangan seorang perempuan.......

Nah ini beritanya.... Mahathir tak mau jumpa sama Wan Azizah dari mata ke mata kerana dia akan tertewas, menderita dan teraib tanpa kesudahannya sebagaimana yang diramal oleh seorang tukang tilek yang tidak boleh disebutkan namanya tetapi dapat dicam siapa.

Ada satu lagi ramalan yang tidak terduga. Bumi tidak akan menerima mayat busuk Mahathir. Mayat lain akan diganti agar tidak terbongkar rahsia.

-Nujum Siber-

FAC News - 25 May 2001

Mahathir cannot see Dr. Wan Azizah eye to eye

Mahathir Mohamad has specifically set out a condition that he would only meet a delegation from the opposition alliance, provided keADILan is not represented by its President, Anwar's wife Dr. Wan Azizah. Such condition amounts to an act of cowardice and a bold proof of how much Mahathir could not stomach meeting eye to eye a woman whom he has humiliated, slandered and threatened.

At last the whole world can witness that in spite of his impressive palace and a throng of loyal bodyguards, nothing could assist him to face his own devil - in a form of a truthful woman who stood by his innocent husband all along. This woman - whom two years ago Mahathir has belittled as a 'crying wife begging for sympathy' - is Mahathir's newest nightmare.

If Mahathir has acted in good faith and have strong proofs of Anwar's 'misdemeanours', surely he would stand by his decision and face Dr. Wan Azizah. Mahathir is now reduced to a jeered insecure dictator who can't even face up a political novice whose career he partly helped to launch.

His cowardice and an indirect admission of guilt will only boost Dr. Wan Azizah's stature and the reform movement's determination to see that justice is finally done.

Dr. Wan Azizah will continue to become a rallying point for anti-Mahathir forces - now that they know he cannot stomach seeing Dr. Wan Azizah eye to eye.