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ATimes: Challenges to Umno Gain Momentum By Anil Netto 18/2/2001 10:28 pm Sun |
[Satu lapuran menyeluruh apa yang terjadi di Malaysia sejak
akhir-akhir ini - ia membayangkan rakyat semakin sedar dan Umno
semakin terpudar. Jangan lupa MIC dan MIC juga berkrisis sekarang ini.
Soalnya sampai bila Umno akan dapat bertahan atau ia akan
memanggil polis untuk menahan serangan? Tetapi polis pun orang
juga yang mahu mencari makan. Kalau sudah tiada ada makanan,
mereka sendiri tidak mampu mengikut arahan. Lagipun kenaikan harga
ubat dan bil air akan semakin menekan. Sudah tentu anjing yang
tidak cukup makan ubat dan minum air akan meragam....
- Editor]
17th February 2001 DIRE STRAITS Challenges to Umno gain momentum
By Anil Netto Political activity in Malaysia has quickened with developments brewing
on several fronts. Looming large behind the scenes is the man who last
year was locked away for a total of 15 years: ousted deputy premier
Anwar Ibrahim. In a dramatic episode on Wednesday night in northern
Kedah state, police fired water cannon and tear gas into a large
opposition rally in Kubang Pasu, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's
constituency. The rally was organized to mark the defections of a clutch of members
of Mahathir's United Malays National Organization (Umno) to the
opposition party Keadilan (National Justice Party), headed by Anwar's
wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. Police had earlier twice ordered the
10,000-strong crowd, who were listening to Keadilan youth head Ezam
Mohamad Noor and other speakers, to disperse. Ezam said the crowd
pelted police with stones after the tear gas was fired. He added one
person was taken to hospital while the local Keadilan chief was
arrested. Reports said the police gave the crowd ample warnings to
disperse but they failed to do so and the speeches continued.
The use of tear gas on rural Malays (the traditional support base of
Umno) in Mahathir's seat is bound to further alienate the grass roots,
already upset with the treatment of Anwar. Kubang Pasu lies close to
Lunas, where the ruling coalition suffered a shock by-election loss
last November in a seat it had held since independence. Ezam has vowed
to intensify pressure in Kubang Pasu and Kepala Batas, deputy premier
Abdullah Badawi's constituency, which lies in neighboring Penang
state. The drama in Kubang Pasu took place on the same day that Suhakam (the
Human Rights Commission of Malaysia) commissioners were grilling key
police personnel during an inquiry into human rights complaints
following tough police action against an opposition rally on the Kesas
highway near Kuala Lumpur on November 5. Tens of thousands of
"reformasi" supporters trying to head for a cordoned off rally site
that day created a massive traffic jam that led to an impromptu rally
on the highway. Police moved in to disperse the crowd and detained
scores of people, sparking condemnation from human rights groups for
their allegedly heavy-handed action. The rally in Kubang Pasu on Wednesday night also came just days before
Umno is due to hold talks with another opposition party, PAS (Pan
Malaysian Islamic Party). Umno had wanted to confine the talks to
"Malay unity" but PAS wants the agenda widened to include major issues
affecting "national unity": the Anwar saga; federal relations with the
PAS-controlled east coast states of Terengganu and Kelantan; the
misuse of public funds to bail out selected companies; and Umno's call
for the word "Islam" to be dropped from PAS' name.
In the run-up to these talks, the popular Internet newspaper
Malaysiakini has come under fire from ruling coalition politicians and
from the mainstream media for alleged bias in favor of the opposition
and for a recent brouhaha over its sources of funding. Malaysiakini,
run by a group of independent journalists in Kuala Lumpur since
November 1999, has been a runaway success with daily visitors
exceeding 100,000. Malaysians, long accustomed to the pro-government reports dished out
in the mainstream media, have turned to the Internet in droves. Unlike
the anonymous reformasi websites, Malaysiakini, which carries bylines
for all its reports, has added credibility. Some analysts fear that
the tough talk against Malaysiakini in the pro-establishment media
signals an impending crackdown on the site, which has won two
international press freedom awards. It is not surprising that the
authorities are jittery over Malaysiakini's overwhelming success
despite only some 10 percent of Malaysians having access to the
Internet. In the general election in 1999, the ruling coalition squeezed through
in many constituencies with razor-thin majorities on the back of
strong support from the mainstream media. At that point, Malaysiakini
was only just starting operations. Given the ever-increasing Internet
penetration, Malaysiakini will be reaching more and more Malaysians,
providing them with stories that would never see the light of day in
the mainstream media. Ironically, for all Mahathir's efforts in promoting the Multimedia
Super Corridor, it is the opposition and reformasi supporters who have
crowded into cyberspace like bees to flowers. Indeed, the Internet,
through a host of websites, has played a key role in sustaining and
inspiring the reformasi movement since Anwar's ouster in September
1998. Meanwhile, Laman Reformasi (Reformasi website), a key site, has called
on Malaysians to gather in the city on Saturday evening. Opposition
supporters are scheduled to gather in the heart of the capital before
making a complaint to the police about the conduct of former
attorney-general Mohtar Abdullah. Mohtar, who oversaw the prosecutions
of Anwar for abuse of power and s###my, has been appointed a federal
court judge after retiring as attorney-general - a move that was
heavily criticized by rights groups. These recent events come hot on the heels of rumblings of disquiet
within Umno against Mahathir's leadership that spilled out in an open
forum organized by an ad hoc Malay group criticizing the party
leadership. It all spells more pressure for the ruling coalition and a
few analysts are already privately wondering how long it will be
before the authorities resort to more desperate measures to shore up
their dwindling support. (Special to Asia Times Online)