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Umno Kena Denda? Mahathir Punya Angkara! By MSuri 20/2/2001 12:50 am Tue |
Mahathir atau Umno kena denda? Begitulah apa yang dapat dibaca
dari dua lapuran berita dibawah ini. PAS menambah beberapa isu untuk
dibincangkan dalam pertemuan kerana Mahathir telah membocorkan
beberapa aspek pertemuan mendahului jawatankuasa.
Sepatutnya Mahathir tidak memberi sebarang komen yang menyakitkan
hati PAS. Sekarang Umno terpaksa berdepan dengan lebih banyak
isu tambahan dari PAS sebagai 'denda'.
Dr Mahathir mengatakan perbincangan itu sepatutnya memberi fokus kepada
penyatuan kaum Melayu. Delegasi PAS bebas untuk mengemukakan sebarang topik
tetapi beliau (Mahathir) tidak akan menyetujui sebarang agenda.
Kenyataan Mahathir inilah yang menyebabkan haru-biru semua.
Sepatutnya ahli Umno menyuruh Mahathir berundur terus dari
takhta, kerana asyik menimbulkan masalah sahaja.
-MSuri- Rencana Rujukkan:
17 Feb 2001 Preliminary talks between Umno, PAS go ahead
PRELIMINARY talks between Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's party
and a powerful opposition group went ahead yesterday after earlier being
called off by officials on the government side.
Officials from Dr Mahathir's United Malays National Organisation (Umno) and
the fundamentalist Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS) met for almost two
hours yesterday afternoon to discuss details of a planned leaders' meeting
on ways to heal political rifts among the country's predominant Muslim
community. Earlier yesterday, an Umno official said the meeting would not go ahead.
Officials leaving yesterday's talks did not explain the turnaround or give
details of what was discussed. "The talks went OK," PAS secretary-general Nasharudin Mat Isa told
reporters as he left the meeting. Dr Mahathir earlier this week announced that he and an Umno delegation
would meet PAS leaders on Monday. PAS on Thursday accused Dr Mahathir of pre-empting an announcement on the
talks and threatened to pull out unless he agreed to put sensitive
political topics such as alleged violation of democracy and the jailing of
former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim on the agenda.
PAS officials said after yesterday's meeting that Umno officials wrote to
the opposition group apologising for announcing leaders' talks before
officials on both sides were ready.
Dr Mahathir has said the talks should focus on unity among ethnic Malay
Muslims. PAS delegates would be free to raise any topic they wished at the talks, Dr
Mahathir said, but he did not agree to any agenda. PAS leaders on Thursday
accused Dr Mahathir of ignoring their demands. Dr Mahathir has been cautiously courting PAS since it made inroads into
Umno's powerbase among Muslim Malays at 1999 elections. PAS tripled its
seats in Parliament at the elections and made gains in several other Malay
Muslim provinces. Support for Dr Mahathir has been waning since he fired Anwar in 1998. Anwar
was later convicted of corruption and s###my and is serving jail terms
totalling 15 years. -- AP From The Singapore Straits Times Mahathir silent so PAS talks will proceed
The Prime Minister is deliberately not responding to PAS provocation
because he wants to ensure that the Malay unity summit goes ahead
By Brendan Pereira KUALA LUMPUR - How much importance does Umno place on the Malay unity
summit with rival PAS? Here is an indicator: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad
has decided to bite his tongue and not respond to any provocation
until he sits down and meets his counterpart from the opposition Parti
Islam Se- Malaysia tomorrow. 'When we meet, we can say anything,' said the Premier.
During the past two days, PAS has tested his resolve to go ahead with
the historic talks. First, it wanted the scope of the talks widened. Instead of just
examining the divide in the Malay community and its consequences, the
opposition wanted two other matters to be discussed - the non-payment
of oil royalties to the PAS-led Terengganu state government and the
trial of former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim.
A day later, the list grew slightly longer. As a 'punishment' for Dr
Mahathir 'breaking the embargo' and announcing the date of the
proposed talks, PAS wanted several other issues put on the table.
These included the alleged misuse of pension funds and the role of
Islam in Malaysia. Packaged together with the list of demands was a
take-it-or-leave-it attitude - an attitude that upset a ruling party
not used to being dictated to by the opposition.
So when reporters spoke to Dr Mahathir yesterday, they expected him to
criticise PAS. He declined comment. Umno insiders said that during the last supreme council meeting, Dr
Mahathir had made it clear that the meeting with PAS was important.
The party's management committee also instructed party publications to
stop attacking PAS and its leaders in the run-up to the talks.
It is understood that the party leadership believes that some sort of
agreement must be struck with PAS leaders to ensure that despite
differences in politics, one fact about Malaysia must remain: the
primacy of the Malays. They believe that if any non-Malay group senses a difference in
resolve among Malay groups to defend their special position and tries
to take advantage of it, there could be chaos.
The ruling party also hopes that a meeting with PAS leaders will bring
some spin-offs - a more civil political landscape and a lowering of
tension in rural areas. But Umno is aware that not everyone in PAS wants the unity talks to
materialise. Dr Mahathir's decision to keep silent is a response to
this constituency. PAS president Datuk Fadzil Noor and his supporters believe that it
would be ungracious to turn down an invitation to sit down and talk to
Dr Mahathir and Umno leaders. He also believes he can extract a quid pro quo from the Premier - a
promise to turn on the tap and allow RM1 billion (S$447 million) in
oil royalties to flow to Terengganu annually.
But some of the younger leaders and the religious scholars feel that
the PAS president is walking into a trap. They have made it clear that
he must not be involved in a four-eyes meeting with Dr Mahathir -
concerned that their leader will be no match for the Umno president.
They insist that if the summit is to take place, it must be between a
six-man delegation from PAS and a six-man Umno delegation.