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TJ KB NST: Putra Minta RM400 juta lagi By Eirmalasare Bani 21/2/2001 11:57 pm Wed |
Kita menyimpan rencana NST ini di laman KM2 kerana ada beberapa
maklumat penting. 1. Banyaknya Hutang dan 2. Siapa yang menyokong kroni agar sentiasa riang.
3. Pertolongan segera kerajaan Terjemahan Ringkas: Renong Minta Bantuan Lagi buat Putra
Renong meminta bantuan kerajaan berjumlah RM400 juta untuk membeli
beberapa unit keretapi tambahan untuk sistem Putra LRT miliknya.
Ia kini mempunyai 35 lokomotif dan 70 gerabak. Bilamngan itu mahu
ditambah kerana menjangka penumpang akan mencecah 300,000 sehari
menjelang hujung tahun nanti. Kadar kini adalah 140,000 sehari dan
ia menaik sekitar 5% sebulan. LRT Putra berharga RM4.35 bilion dan bermula operasi pada Sep. 98,
ketika sukan Komanwel. Baru 2 tahun operasi, ia sudah bukan sesak penumpang, tetapi sesak
nafas. Mana tidaknya, kos operasi melebihi pulangan. Kerajaan BN memang
baik hati pada kroni, maka RM6 bilion bon diumumkan pada Disember lepas
untuk membeli semua aset Putra dan Star LRT.
Kedua-dua syarikat LRT tersebut mempunyai hutang terkumpul RM5 bilion.
55% Star dimilikki oleh EPF, Tabung Haji, Tabung Angkatan Tentera,
Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen, STLR Sdn Bhd, Shell Malaysia dan Dana Pencen
Sabah. Selebihnya oleh Anglo-German Consortium KTG Assets Sdn Bhd,
American International Assurance Co Ltd, dan Apfin Investments Pte Ltd,
satu unit pelaburan kerajaan Singapura.
Putra menanggung bunga dari hutang tertunggak sebanyak RM227.5 juta
pada 30/10/2000 kerana hutang RM2 bilionnya.
Bank Negara turut bermurah hati buat bank (RHB dan CIMB) yang menyokong
kroni. Ia memberi anjakan NPL sehingga April. Maka kerajaan kini
sibuk bersiap-siap untuk membereskan kroni manja ini sebelum 30/4/2001.
Ambooooi!!!! Baiknya hati kalau buat buah hati sang kroni.
Kalau rakyat lantaklah apa nak jadi, kerajaan apa perduli.
Bil air sudah pun berura untuk dinaikkan lagi setelah
harga ubat-ubatan diluluskan untuk naik agar si pesakit
lebih cepat tercekik dan pergi. (Hmmmmm.... siapa pengedarnya yang tentunya tidak rugi?)
Tukang gunting rambut dah banyak dah gulung tikar, tapi
kerajaan buat-buat tidak sedar. Bagaimana pula nasib
peneroka Felda dan Felcra? Harga minyak kelapa sawit
yang merudum teruk menyebabkan ramai tidak berselera
makan, apatah lagi untuk berhari raya. Kerajaan sepatutnya
membantu mereka kerana smerekalha selama ini yang banyak
menyumbang kemenangan buat Umno. Inikah bersyukur namanya?
Bagi rakyat, terbitan bon untuk Putra dan Star akan mengurangkan
lagi kecairan dana. Itulah simpanan hari tua kita untuk menyara
hidup, malangnya ia sedang dicukur untuk menolong kroni manja.
Nampaknya makin lambatlah untuk mendapat peluang pergi haji
dan mungkin kita sudah terlalu uzur bila mendapat paspot untuk
pergi. Kalau wang EPF semakin tiada, bagaimana kita mahu membayar
bil perubatan yang semakin tinggi? Nampaknya orang yang sakit
akan bertambah sakit lagi..... Kesian!!
-Kapal Berita- Rencana Asal: Source: New Straits Times, Malaysia 21st February 2001 Renong seeks RM400m from Govt to boost Putra service
By EIRMALASARE BANI RENONG Bhd has approached the Government for financial assistance
totalling RM400 million to acquire additional train sets to beef up
the light rail transit (LRT) operations of its Projek Usahasama
Transit Ringan Automatik (Putra). Renong submitted a proposal to expand Putra services at a Transport
Ministry post-Cabinet meeting early this year, citing improved
passenger traffic for its plan, sources said.
Putra is wholly-owned by Renong. In the proposal, the number of LRT users is forecast to hit 300,000
daily by the end of the year, hence the need for more trains.
"That is the forecast. . . . and then there is the move to integrate
all transportation services in the city, which should further boost
ridership" the sources added. Putra-LRT currently operates a fleet of 35 locomotives and 70 coaches
which are supplied by the Bombardier Consortium.
The RM4.35 billion mass transport system was started up on September 1
1998, in time for the 16th Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur.
Last December, the Government said it would issue RM6 billion in bonds
to buy out the assets of the city's two LRT operators, namely Putra
and Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan (Star).
They have a combined debt of about RM5 billion. Star is 55 per cent owned by the Employees Provident Fund, Tabung
Haji, Tabung Angkatan Tentera, Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen, STLR Sdn
Bhd, Shell Malaysia and the Sabah Retirement fund.
The rest of the equity is held by Anglo-German Consortium KTG Assets
Sdn Bhd, American International Assurance Co Ltd, and Apfin
Investments Pte Ltd, an investment arm of the Singapore Government.
The takeover of the operations is part of the Government's plan to
restructure and consolidate Kuala Lumpur's transportation system, an
exercise which is expected to be completed in two or three years.
Putra had last year defaulted on interest obligations, totalling
RM227.5 million as at October 30 2000, in relation to its RM2 billion
commercial financing facilities.
Putra-LRT corporate communications manager Zinlili Abdul Latif
declined to comment on Renong's proposal but confirmed that ridership
has indeed increased in recent months.
The average number of passengers has been increasing by 5 per cent a
month, she said when contacted. "In mid-1999, the figure was only 50,000 passengers.
Today, it is 140,000. "Meanwhile, Bloomberg News reported that Bank Negara Malaysia has
given lenders, such as Commmerce International Merchant Bankers and
RHB Bank Bhd, with exposure to transport companies to defer
classifying these loans as non-performing until April.
This also means the Government has until then to raise funds to take
over the LRT operators' assets from its main shareholders.
The Government will finance the acquisition through a series of five
to 15-year bonds that will carry coupon rates of 5.8 to 7.2 per cent.
The current concession agreements will be terminated to make way for
new deals. Putra is expected to sign a new concession agreement with the
Government, either in April or June. |