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FEER: Mutual Funds: Not Much Fun By S. Jayasankaran 23/2/2001 12:09 pm Fri |
["Bermain di pasaran saham Malaysia tidak menyeronokkan", begitulah
satu kesimpulan yang dapat dibaca dari rencana ini. Ini adalah kerana
ada banyak tangan besar yang bermain secara kasar di sini. Kerajaan
Mahathir mahu menjadikan Malaysia pusat kewangan serantau (hub) tetapi
suasana yang tidak telus dan lemahnya susun-atur (corporate governance)
tidak menyakinkan pelabur. BSKL dikuasai oleh dana awam yang bertindak
mengikut arahan kerana mereka semuanya adalah orang pilihan.
- Editor] Source: The Far Eastern Economic Review
Issue cover-dated 1st March 2001 MUTUAL FUNDS: MALAYSIA Not Much Fun Fund managers are hoping the government's new incentives will free up
a highly restricted industry By S. Jayasankaran/KUALA LUMPUR KUALA LUMPUR'S ambition of becoming a regional financial centre was
all but written off by foreign analysts after the government imposed
capital controls in September 1998. But that ambition has remained
intact and may be articulated in detail on February 22 when Finance
Minister Daim Zainuddin unveils his capital-markets master plan. It
will lay out long-term policies covering banking, insurance,
stockbroking, the bond market and fund management. "I expect
significant liberalization and deregulation of the financial sector
although I think the approach will be gradual," says the head of a
foreign brokerage in Kuala Lumpur. In the wake of the Asian financial meltdown, there was a crisis of
confidence in Malaysian institutions: Fearing that local banks might
collapse, depositors moved their savings to foreign banks in Malaysia
or out of the country altogether. The master plan aims to prevent
future crises of confidence and to shore up local financial
institutions. The government has already mandated the consolidation of the banking,
insurance and broking industries--but more is expected from Daim.
Executives close to the Securities Commission, which supervises the
capital markets, expect the minister to announce new incentives to
boost the bond market. They also expect the fund-management business
to be liberalized, with foreign brokers given direct access to the
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange by January 2003. (Currently they have to
serve clients via local brokers.) In July 1995, former Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim attempted the
first package of incentives to entice international fund managers and
regional finance companies based in Hong Kong to move to Kuala Lumpur
ahead of the British colony's handover to China. There were few takers
then, with the majority preferring Singapore.
REVIVING FOREIGN INTEREST Daim's effort may have less to do with attracting foreigners than with
making Malaysian capital markets stronger and more efficient. Still,
to revive foreign interest, which has been almost absent from the KLSE
since mid-2000, analysts are hoping he will place greater emphasis on
transparency and corporate governance backed up by enforcement
measures. Local fund managers will welcome any help Daim can give. Malaysia has
34 fund-management companies managing about 52 billion ringgit ($13.7
billion), which accounts for less than 8% of the KLSE's
capitalization, far below the 20%-40% norms in Singapore, Japan and
the United States. State-backed unit trusts set up for Malays account
for almost 80% of funds managed, leaving the private sector in the
shade. Moreover, local funds can invest only within Malaysia. Plans to allow
local funds to invest globally were put on ice after capital controls
were imposed. "We've always been way, way behind when it comes to
offering freedom of choice," says a local banker. "As globalization
takes root, these issues will become increasingly important."
The lack of choice has ironically helped local mutual funds--they, at
least, offer returns ranging from 8% to 35%, compared with 3%-4%
returns on bank deposits. "Between the returns on bank deposits and
mutual funds, there isn't much competition," says Edmund Cheah, who
heads the Kuala Lumpur Mutual Fund, the country's largest private
manager with 2 billion ringgit. "But if you lifted controls you would
probably see a large outflow, given the differential between U.S.
rates and ours." Freeing up funds from the state-controlled Employees Provident Fund
would boost the fund-management business too. The EPF is the country's
biggest pension plan with more than 150 billion ringgit in assets, but
its investment policies are strictly circumscribed--for instance, only
20% of its funds can be put into equities. So some analysts are
betting that Daim will boost the business by allowing the EPF to
subcontract more work to external fund managers and to invest more of
its money in the stockmarket. Ultimately, however, Malaysia's ambition to be a regional financial
hub will likely to go nowhere without the complete lifting of capital
controls. "If you don't give Malaysians the choice of investing
anywhere, why would anyone want to come here to set up shop?" asks the
foreign broker. |