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TJ MT MGG: Senarai Hitam di Internet By M.G.G. Pillai 28/2/2001 6:58 pm Wed |
MGG 5201a [Tinjauan editor mendapati terdapat mesej berikut
Dalam dunia pengaturcaraan (programming) perlu ada
percubaan dan ujian selari (testing dan parallel running).
Kita sedikit sangsi apakah hubungan komputer JPJ dan PDrM
memang onlain atau melalui sistem manual (batch) sahaja?
Mampukan 'web interface JPJ' mengemaskinikan semuanya serentak
hanya dengan menekan satu butang sahaja?
Malaysia hampir tiada pakar yang berupaya menyatukan dua sistem
berlainan dan dua pengkalan data (database) melainkan ia memerlukan
belanja yang besar adanya atau cakap besar-besar sahaja.
- Editor] (Blacklist On The Net) Demikianlah caranya setiap kali kerajaan cuba memperketatkan khidmat sesuatu agensi
kerajaan itu. Inilah hakikatnya apa yang sedang berlegar dalam Darulboleh. Seperti
juga cara kerajaan menonjolkan 'Multimedia Super Corridor'. Dalam hal ini JPJ
beranggapan bahawa setiap rakyat marhaen yang memandu kereta mempunyai sebuah
komputer peribadi dan juga akaun internet. Kalau anda seorang pemandu yang tidak
mempunyai komputer bererti anada terpaksa mengharungi segala masalah sengaja
dicetuskan oleh JPJ dan polis berkaitan dengan saman yang tidak berbayar.
Seandainya anda mempunyai sebuah komputer dan mempunyai sebab kenapa saman yang
dikenakan itu adalah sesuatu yang tidak betul, anda masih tidak bernasib baik juga.
Anda perlu bayar saman yang ditentukan itu dulu yang selalunya bernilai maksimum RM300
ataupun anda akan disekat untuk memperbarui lesen pemandu (ataupun cukai jalan
kereta) anda. Sedangkan mahkamah telah mengisytiharkan bahawa saman lalulintas
yang tertunggak tidak boleh menjadi penghalang kepada usaha pemandu untuk
memperbarui lesen kenderaan mereka. Kalau anda mempunyai lebih daripada satu
kereta, semuanya itu pun boleh disenarai-hitamkan. Sehingga dekad yang lalu, saman
lalulintas yang tertunggak tidak menghalang sesiapa untuk memperbarui lesen
kenderaaan (cukai jalan) mereka, sambil kes itu terus diproses oleh mahkamah.
Apakah skim yang baru dirancang itu berjaya dilaksanakan seperi janji-janji yang
dihamburkan? Masih ingatkah anda lagi akan fiasko lampu brek kereta nombor tiga dulu?
Menteri pengangkutan jalan pernah berkata bahawa tarikh penguatkuasaan pemasangan
brek ketiga itu tidak akan dilanjutkan. Tetapi, ia dilanjutkan juga. Kini, bas ekspress
dan bas pelancongan dimestikan memasang meter pengesan kelajuan sebelum bulan
September. Setiap pengesan itu berharga RM1,000 dan dikatakan untuk kebaikan dan
keselamatan para penumpang. Mungkin juga ada kroni yang akan meraih keuntungan besar
dalam perkara itu. Seperti juga tarikh tamat senarai hitam yang dijadualkan pada Jun
ini. Sudah pasti ia akan dilanjutkan lagi. Inilah bahananya apabila sesuatu rancangan itu
tidak difikirkan masak-masak dan dan diuji dulu sama ada boleh dilaksanakan. Ketua
Pengarah JPJ sengaja mahu namanya tersohor dengan pengumuman rancangan itu sehingga
naik ghairah mengumumkannya. Walaupun ia mampu muncul onlain seperti yang dijanjikannya
pada Jun nanti, ia masih merupakan satu sistem yang banyak cacat celanya.
-MGG Pillai- Ahad 25 Feb. 2001. Rencana Asal: The Road Transport Department, ever insistent that motorists
must be given the runaround whenever possible, promises it
would have a system in place by June by which motorists
could check if they have outstanding summons against them
and pay, would you believe it, pay be credit card "via
e-Pay" service. What is e-Pay? RTD does not explain but
infers it is good, it infers. Once you see your name on the
RTD blacklist, which you can access at the ministry's
website at, just get on your personal computer
and pay. Not, mind you, if you have a valid challenge to
the summons against you or want a discount, then you would
have to appear in person at the police station. The RTD
director-general, Dato' Mohd Sharar Sidek, urges the public
to make full use of this new scheme to rid them their
headaches and cash. As government promises of speedy service go, the hype
surrounding this announcement is as one expects. After all,
the premise of this hype is as of the other hypes that
surround Bolehland. The government is committed to the
Multimedia Super Corridor, so every Malaysian, and in the
belief of the RTD, every motorist not only owns a computer
but also an Internet account. If you are a motorist and do
not own a computer, then you deserve all the hassles that
the RTD and the police would give you over your unpaid
summonses. If you do have a computer and a good explanation why
the summons issued was wrong, hard luck! Pay the compounded
fines demanded, always the maximum of RM300, or not renew your
licences. Never mind, the courts have decreed that traffic
summonses should not prevent a motorist from renewing his
vehicle licence. Nor that if you have more than one car,
all the cars be blacklisted as well. Until the last decade,
outstanding traffic summonses did not mean you could not
renew your motor licences while the cases went its
interminable way through the courts. Not any more. You do not settle your summons at the
police station, you do not get your licence renewed. If the
police issue you a traffic summons, you are guilty as
charged, and the right to drive your car is suspended until
the courts hear it a couple of years later. If you succeed
in having your view accepted, backed by a court judgement,
you would be allowed to renew it this time, but not the
next. Until then, you are guilty as charged.
But would this brilliant new scheme work as promised
and scheduled? It would not. Remember the third brake
lights fiasco. The road minister only had to say there
would be no extensions beyond the date when every car had to
have a third brake light, when it was. Express and tour
buses must install speed monitors before September. Each
cost RM1,000, and is allegedly for the safety of passengers.
Not that some crony can have a bit of cash at the public's
expense. Like the June deadline for the RTD blacklist, this
would be expended. This is not properly thought out. The
system is not tested. The RTD director-general wants the
credit for this system that he announces it prematurely.
Even if it is on online as he promises in June, it would be
a flawed system. It would work well for a year or two, inertia would
then set in, the updating inclemental, the policemen who do
not have the means to be computer literate care not a white,
no one cares and the system rests in a corner, a failed
monument to a leap into the modern world. The underlying
resistance in the civil service to speed matters which makes
people's life less hassle-free is ignored. If people can
pay their summons on line as Dato' Shahrar promises, it cuts
off the baksheesh that often gets out of a predicament.
When you negotiate for a lower sum to be paid, implicit in
it is a little bit extra for whoever does you the favour.
Bolehland insists upon the maximum fines for without that,
this extra bit would not be possible. The RTD is
notoriously ineffecient. It had to go on a campaign to root
out false driving licences. Now it promises a cutting-edge
system of finding out if you have a summons to pay. But
this involves constant and regular co-ordination between the
police and the RTD. That is as wasy as President George
Bush telephoning President Kim Jong Il for a friendly chat
about nothing. M.G.G. Pillai |