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TJ AWISE KB: Tindakkan Drakonian Pada Ezam By Kapal Berita 9/3/2001 10:46 pm Fri |
Sebaliknya, jika Akta Hasutan digugurkan, kerajaan akan membaling
telur busuk ke muka sendiri. Isu ini mungkin mahu menakut-nakutkan
pembangkang - tetapi ia akan semakin menguatkan penentangan. Itulah
yang terjadi bila Anwar diaibkan serta dihukum di mahkmaha yang sudah
tidak dipercayai oleh rakyat kebanyakkan. Ini semua hanya akan
mempercepatkan Umno semakin tenggelam.
Kalaulah Ezam dibicarakan dan disabit kesalahan, ia mungkin tampak
menguatkan Mahathir. Dia mungkin berkata:
"Tengok! Saya telah memberitahu kami kuasa luar sedang memerangi kita"
Inilah taktik yang sudah lama diguna pakai bertahun-tahun oleh beliau.
Tetapi ia hanya laku pada warga tua dan orang lama sahaja. Golongan
muda yang tentunya lebih ramai akan mengundi pada pilihanraya yang
bakal tiba sudah semakin menjauhi partinya. (Mahathir mungkin boleh
gembira beberapa ketika tetapi tidak lama kerana dia sendiri sudah
menjadi liabiliti kepada Umno. Kebangkitan rakyat Kedah sudah mengguris
parut ke mukanya dan gambar Asiaweek semakin mencederakan imejnya.
Bila rakyat dan pelabur sudah menggeleng kepala - itu tanda hayat
kuku besi kuasanya untuk tamat sudah tiba....
-TJ Kapal Berita-
Malaysia The arrest of Ezam Mohamad Noor, the leader of the youth wing of the National Justice
Party (Keadilan), suggests that Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is willing to play
ever-harder ball against those who openly protest the imprisonment of former Deputy
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. It will be interesting to see what comes of the case against Ezam. The government has put
itself in a "put up" or "shut up" position with such serious charges. If it manages to win a
sedition case (and it probably will, since Malaysia courts are famously pro-Mahathir), that
will also suggests to markets that maybe the government is in great danger of being
toppled. That does not suggest that Malaysia is a great place to put your money. If the
sedition charges are dropped, the government will end up with egg on its face. The aim
seems to be to scare the opposition since being charged with sedition is no light matter.
Instead the case may galvanize the opposition. Still, that was supposed to happen when
Anwar was imprisoned and there he still sits with only incremental victories by Keadilan and
the Islamist PAS ever since. But the reflexive resort to the courts by the
Mahathir-dominated United Malay National Organization-dominated Barisan Nasional (BN)
doesn't bode well for reasoned discussion. Mahathir and his current heir apparent Deputy
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi battle it out with Keadilan for the allegiance of the
Malay majority while much of the Chinese population is casting its lot with the BN because
they are scared of the pro-Islamic hue of the pro-Anwar forces.
But if Ezam is tried and convicted and outside human rights groups protest, that may only strengthen Mahathir. He could say, "See! I told you that outside forces are against us!" This tactic has served him well for years, but may be slowly wearing thin for more worldly, young Malaysians Link Reference : Draconian measures |