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Kedah: BA Semakin Mara Tapi Umno Terus Teralpa By Man Kubur 11/3/2001 10:12 pm Sun |
Saya menulis sebagai satu kemasan kepada rencana oleh sdr (sdri?)
Kapal Berita yang bertajuk "Kedah Bergegar Mahathir Tercabar".
Sekali sekala kita mengutip berita NST untuk meninjau betapa
Umno sudah tidak lagi mampu bergembira di negeri Kedah yang
dipijaknya begitu lama. Kehadiran beberapa pemimpin terkemuka
PAS seperti Mahfuz, Mat Sabu dan Ustaz Fadhil sendiri sudah
meresahkan mereka. Kini dengan kemunculan Saifuddin dari keADILan
yang memang mempunyai banyak pengalaman sebagai 'orang dalam'
bakal meretakkan lagi cengkaman Umno di sana. Ezam sudah ditangkap
kerana kesan penampilan beliau di sini begitu terasa dan amat mengancam
sehingga beribu-ribu sanggup datang untuk melihat aksinya.
Rencana ini menyebut Umno tidak bersungguh berkerja sedangkan
PAS sedang mara dengan pelbagai program yang cukup berbahaya
kepada Umno. Sebaliknya Umno asyik bertelagah sesama sendiri -
seolah-olah jawatan itulah segala-galanya. Ia gagal menawan hati
golongan muda yang semakin cerdik dan menjauhi Umno.
Orang muda selalunya berdamping dengan orang tua keluarga mereka.
Jika fikrah itu dikongsi - alamatnya Umno akan berkubur di Kedahlah
jawabnya.... Kubang Pasu, Kulim dan Jitra sudah pun bergegar. Sudah tentu tempat
lain akan bergetar sama kerana jauhnya tidak seberapa. Lagipun
pemimpin PAS dan KeADILan asyik mengembara....
-Man Kubur- Rencana Rujukkan:
News Analysis Umno needs to buck up all round to meet resurgent Pas in Kedah
By Zubaidah Abu Bakar WHEN Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad returned to
his home State of Kedah to celebrate Aidil Adha, he brought several
important messages to party members. One was that Umno and the Malays must be united if the party hopes
to continue championing the interests of the Malays in the country.
This, in fact encompasses all his message on Umno, the Malays and
their future. Certainly, the upcoming divisional elections are his points of reference
in stressing the need for a united and strong Umno saying that their
actions should not further widen existing rifts.
The Prime Minister spoke about this within the perspective of the next
general election in 2004. He issued reminders at closed-door meetings with State and grassroot
leaders and in his speeches. At a closed-door meeting with State leaders at Bangunan Tunku on
the eve of Aidil Adha, Dr Mahathir stressed there should only be
contests where necessary. At the joint opening of Kubang Pasu Umno branches annual general
meetings at Dewan Jitra, he reminded members that Umno had been
able to unite the Malays when the race was weak to fight against the
Malayan Union. A Kubang Pasu division committee member said Dr Mahathir did not
say that there should be no contest at all but he did gave a classic
example of a compromise reached to avert a contest, citing the case of
Datuk Dr Yusof Noor giving way to Datuk Idris Jusoh to head the Besut
division in Terengganu. It is not as if Umno does not have leaders like Yusof in Kedah. Datuk
Zakaria Said, the Kuala Kedah division chief of 14 years, has no
regrets about giving up his post if this, in his words, can rejuvenate the
weakening division. "There is nothing to feel proud of if the division you are leading is
weak. Although political observers describe campaigning for divisional
elections 'lebih hebat dari pilihanraya umum' (more intense than the
general election), it is still too early to say that the incumbents in
Kedah's other 14 divisions will not emulate Zakaria and make way for
new leaders. A leader from the Sungai Petani division said Dr Mahathir's reminder to
avoid a power struggle and fights for positions should be given serious
thought by both the incumbents and aspirants.
He said although contesting for posts was a democratic right, it would
be meaningless if contests weakened the party.
After its poor performance in the last general election in Kedah, Umno
is faced with a big task in restoring the people's confidence.
One of Umno's weaknesses now is getting the support and confidence
of young people, many of whom seem to be leaning towards the
Opposition. They simply cannot identify themselves with Umno.
Consider how Kedah Umno Youth led by Wahab Din is receiving little
support from Umno Youth chief Datuk Hishamuddin Hussein in contrast
to Pas Youth chief Mahfuz Omar, who is based in Kedah, pushing
very hard for the party's youth wing under the leadership of Aris
Awang to continue organising activities like soccer and fishing
competitions as well as leadership courses to attract young supporters.
Wanita Umno too has to buck up as its counterpart in Pas is courting
young Malay women. Kedah Pas' Dewan Muslimat has started
organising activities to fill its coffers to finance activities which are
specially tailored for women constituents.
Wanita Umno chief Rosnah Majid and her Wanita Umno executive
councillors should sit up and be proactive now that Pas is training
penceramah (speakers) and vote wooers to concentrate on women.
Another threat to Kedah Umno is the State Pas' bulletin Fitrah, whose
circulation is expected to reach 20,000 before the next general
election. The irony, and perhaps tragedy, is that some senior Umno leaders in
the State are not even aware of the existence of this bulletin although it
has already gone into its fourth edition.
State Pas commissioner Azizan Abdul Razak recently announced the
setting up of Chinese-speaking teams to woo Chinese support to
complement efforts of its Inter-Racial Communication Bureau headed
by Kuala Kedah MP Mohd Sabu. Perhaps Syed Razak should consider a suggestion from a veteran
party member that specific people be appointed to monitor Pas'
activities in the State closely. After all, it makes sense to know not only
your enemies' weaknesses but strengths as well.
But many Umno leaders in the State agree that it is internal bickerings
that is weakening the party and not Pas' increasing strength.
As it is, there are now people contesting for posts associating
themselves with certain groups. They claim to be the "MB's men, Pak Lah's men (deputy Umno
president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) and Sanusi's (former
Menteri Besar Tan Sri Sanusi Junid) men".
It is time for both incumbents to wise up and realise the risks they are exposing Umno in their selfish quest for positions and power. |