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TJ KB: M'sia Menggempur Penentangan (The Age) By Mark Baker 15/3/2001 8:05 pm Thu |
Ezam dianggap sebagai pelopor gerakan reformasi yang
amat efektif sekali khususnya dikalangan golongan muda
untuk menumbangkan kezaliman Mahathir dan Umno. Usia beliau
baru 34 tahun tetapi pidatonya boleh membuat ramai tergamam
mendengarnya. Bayangan Anwar jelas terasa.
Kebangkitan rakyat Kedah adalah salah satu sentuhan Ezam
yang menakutkan Mahathir - sehingga Kubang Pasu turut
bergelora. Tindakkan polis menggempur rakyat menggambarkan
betapa takutnya pemimpin Umno yang ada. Umno memang semakin
lemah dan tidak bermaya. Yang menariknya ikat jamin dicadangkan oleh pendakwa sebanyak
RM50,000 tingginya (10 x lebih dari denda maksimum RM5,000
akta hasutan dan 3 tahun penjara). Majistret bagaimanapun
menetapkan cuma RM5,000 sahaja. Ini menggambarkan betapa
marahnya kerajaan Mahathir yang begitu tergugat sekarang ini.
Mahathir sedang menggelepar. Akhbar dan laman web sudah diserang
samada tempatan (malaysiakini, FAC) mahupun luar (FEER, Asiaweek).
PC Raja Petra FAC diberkas dan masih belum keluar. Setiap hari
akhbar perdana mengutuk perjuangan reformasi yang hidup di mana-mana
tetapi tidak pula membicarakan masalah penyalahgunaan kuasa dan dana.
Inilah tindakbalas satu mahluk yang sudah kepanasan. Jika dia
dipihak yang benar tidak perlu dia keresahan dan mengirim polis
kerana tiada ceramah Ezam yang mencetus pergaduhan. Polis
sendirilah punca segala kemusnahan. Mereka sanggup mendera rakyat
sebegitu zalim di dalam tahanan, tidak mungkin mereka berlaku baik
dan adil jika berada di dalam sebarang perhimpunan sebaik sahaja
tiba beberapa arahan. Menurut Ezam, "Isu sekarang bukan lagi demonstrasi - tetapi
kredibiliti". Semakin hari semakin ramai rakyat meninggalkan Umno. Tindakkan
kepada Ezam tidak akan menyelamatkan Umno - sebaliknya ia akan
semakin memadamkan Umno juga. Mahathir dan Umno harus faham
rakyat mempunyai banyak telinga...... dan mendapat semangat yang
tidak dapat dikesan datangnya dari mana. Malah ia turut berada
dan membiak sendiri di dalam Umno untuk mengnyahkan Mahathir dan
semua juak-juaknya. Mahathir dan Umno seharusnya membuka lembaran sejarah dan membaca
lukiran Pak MT ini sejuta kali: "Sejarah tamaddun dunia menunjukkan, apabila seorang pemimpin
negara yang popular sanggup memusuhi rakyatnya semata-mata
untuk terus berkuasa, maka itulah titik permulaan akan
kejatuhannya. (MT - 12/9/00) " -TJr Kapal Berita- Rencana Rujukan:
Malaysia strikes out at dissenters
ASIA EDITOR KUALA LUMPUR Thursday 15 March 2001 A leading opposition activist has been charged with sedition as
the embattled Malaysian Government steps up a wideranging
crackdown on political dissent and media criticism.
Ezam Mohamad Noor was charged and released on bail late on
Tuesday after being detained for eight days over his
involvement in a nationwide campaign of antigovernment street
protests that has seen dozens of other activists held without
charge. Mr Ezam was political secretary to the jailed former deputy
prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, and heads the youth wing of
Keadalin, the party founded after Mr Anwar's arrest and headed
by his wife, Dr Wan Azizah. The 34-year-old Mr Ezam is widely regarded as one of the
most effective of a group of young opposition leaders emerging
in defiance of the 20-year rule of Dr Mahathir Mohamed and
his United Malays National Organisation. He could be jailed for
a maximum of three years and fined 5000 ringgit ($A2500) if
convicted of sedition when the case goes to trial in August.
His arrest and the recent laying of 12 other charges against him
comes amid signs of growing unease and internal division in
UMNO, which suffered a sharp drop in support in general
elections in 1999 and was dealt a humiliating defeat in a
byelection in Dr Mahathir's home state of Kedah in November.
Several peaceful protests across the country in recent weeks
have been violently dispersed by police using tear gas and
water cannon. The government-controlled media have been
issuing repeated warnings about the dangers of civil unrest and
the consequences for those who organise rallies without
permits. Authorities have also retaliated against foreign media and
domestic news websites in response to their reporting of
Malaysia's political troubles. Officials have delayed distribution of several recent issues of
the main regional news magazines the Far Eastern Economic
Review and Asiaweek both of which have been chronicling the
political unrest. Despite Dr Mahathir's repeated pledges not to censor the
Internet, a pro-Anwar website was forced to move offshore last
week after police seized a computer from the home of its editor.
The independent news website Malaysiakini has also been the
target of a campaign of official harassment, including unfounded
allegations that it took funding from financier George Soros,
long demonised by Dr Mahathir. Malaysiakini's editors were
summoned to a cautionary meeting with Information Ministry
officials earlier this week, but authorities have not attempted to
interfere with site's operations. The case against Mr Ezam who denies allegations he called for
the overthrow of the government in a interview with a Malay
magazine appears to have been spurred by government alarm
at his recent success in galvanising the often disparate
opposition ranks in public protest.
During Tuesday's hearing, the courtroom was crowded with
senior police officers and government lawyers who attempted to
have bail set at 50,000 ringgit 10 times the maximum fine for
sedition. In the end, the magistrate set bail at 5000 ringgit.
Outside the court, thronged by hundreds of cheering
supporters, Mr Ezam vowed to continue the campaign of rallies
and protest marches in the lead up to April 14 the third
anniversary of Mr Anwar's arrest on sex and corruption
charges - charges discredited as politically motivated by the
United States and other Western governments.
"What happened in the past week shows another episode of the
Mahathir regime using all sorts of dirty tricks to smear the image
of opposition leaders to create unrest in society," he said. "The
issue now is not about demonstrations, the issue now is the
credibility of this government. Our campaign will resume
immediately." Meanwhile, police have made further arrests in the aftermath of
weekend ethnic riots in Kuala Lumpur that left at least six
people dead and dozens injured. Two Malays were arrested for
"spreading rumors" about further unrest. About 200 other
Malays, Indians and Indonesian migrants have also been
detained. |