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TJ MT MGG: Pemburu Yang Kini Diburu By M.G.G. Pillai 16/3/2001 9:46 am Fri |
MGG 6301 [Umno sukar bertapak di universiti dan ia mengharapkan GPMS
untuk mendekati siswa dan siswi. Tetapi GPMS begitu tersasul pergi
kerana itu bukan bidang dan kemampuanya kerana Umno sendiri tidak
mengizinkan mereka aktif sewaktu di bangku universiti (agar tidak
melibatkan diri dalam politik). Pendeknya - Umno mengejar ekornya
sendiri dan sudah mati aqal untuk mendekati pelajar universiti.
- Editor (sila baca juga komen Pak MT di bawah)]
Pemburu Yang Kini Diburu (MGG: The Hunter Is Now The Hunted) Barisan Nasional, terutama sekali UMNO, kini sedang sibuk menggagau
bayang-bayangnya. Ia sudah tidak lagi mampu menabur pengaruhnya. Apa pun yang
dilakukannya, rakyat marhaen tidak mahu mendengarnya lagi. Ia pernah mengarahkan
sebuah persatuan bekas pelajar, GPMS, untuk menganjurkan satu himpunan rakyat
di seluruh negara untuk mencari perpaduan Melayu. Tetapi, asas kewujudan GPMS
ialah untuk mendapatkan kontrak dan peluang niaga untuk ahlinya dan tidak pun
arif dalam hal ini sedangkan orang Melayu sudah tidak lagi mempercayai
kepimpinan UMNO. Walaupun sudah berada di puncak persada keangkuhan seperti UMNO,
ia masih tidak tahu memukul rebana UMNO - kerana pemukul rebana itu mungkin
sibuk menagih kontrak di Ougadougou.
Rabu Mac 14, 2001. Bidalan 'Dog in the manger' boleh disamakan dengan 'anjing yang tertambat.'
Memang dasar anjing apabila ia tertambat di pondok kecilnya dia akan menyalak
kepada anjing lain yang lalu di kawasannya seolah-olah iri hati kepada anjing
yang berseronok menggunakan apa sahaja yang tidak dapat di nikmati kerana
keadaannya yang tertambat dan tidak bebas lagi. Diharapkan penggunaan bidalan
membabitkan anjing oleh MGG Pillai itu tidak disalah-ertikan seperti ada orang
tertentu yang menyalahkan Hishamuddin Rais yang menggunakan pepatah 'memikul
biawak hidup' dan mengaitkannya kepada Mahathir. Oleh kerana tidak arif dalam
bidalan lama itu ada pembodek UMNO yang marah kerana menyamakan Mahathir dengan
biawak pula. Takkan boleh sama kaitan anjing dan biawak kepada seorang 'Firaun
Yang Baik'. -MT- Rencana Asal: The Hunter Is Now The Hunted The National Front, especially UMNO, chases its tail these
days. It cannot make itself heard or understood these days.
When it does, no one listens to it. It ordered one body of
ex-Malaysian students, GPMS, to organise rallies throughout
the country to call for Malay unity. But the GPMS' raison
d'etre is to obtain contracts and business deals for its
members, and did not know how to go about it amidst Malay
distrust of UMNO's intentions. It cannot, from its high
heights which reflect UMNO arrogance, beat UMNO's drum --
for the drummer would be busy lobbying for contracts in
Ougadougou. The Prime Minister's famous call for Malay Unity gave
it the excuse to take it out of its political misery. But
it is caught UMNO in another trap: the talks are tied in
knots, with PAS insisting upon conditions UMNO cannot meet.
The National Front and UMNO can do little except mischief
these days, and reduced to second guessing the opposition.
So, GPMS takes issue (The Sun, 13 March 01) with the
Trengganu mentri besar, Haji Hadi Awang, who claimed the
political support of Malaysian undergraduates for the
opposition. In the recent student representative council
elections, those returned to power were not from UMNO or the
National Front, but from PAS and the opposition. The Malay
community is split politically and culturally, And so it is
in the campuses. That cannot be true, GPMS asserts, for not
all of them do. GPMS is not in a position to assess this:
it would not be allowed into the campus to do a survey, its
support imagined than real. Haji Hadi's view is truer than GPMS's. The government
had forced Malaysian undergraduates in the country to not
involve itself in politics, which encouraging those overseas
to even set up UMNO clubs. They were ignored as more
official chains were put around them. The government did
not realise the ferment within, and when that erupted after
the then deputy prime minister, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim,
was dismissed, it realised it had lost the loyalty of
Malaysian undergraduates. Today, no cabinet minister or National Front politician
can step into the campuses to talk to them. The education
minister can threaten them with hellfire and brimstone, but
the undergraduates ignore him. The deputy prime minister,
Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, was forced to talk to the
undergraduates after a function at the University of Malaya
campus, No cabinet minister would on his own free will turn
up at a campus to give a speech. The National Front has
lost the support of the undergraduates by default -- as they
have of those in foreign countries by neglect.
If what GPMS says is true, there would have been by now
evidence of that. The mainstream newspapers and media would
not have missed this is in their daily reports. And the
government would have empowered them to go into the tensed
corner of Petaling Jaya to neutralise the obvious strength
the opposition has. It would have if it could. It cannot.
So, GPMS is sad the opposition drags the undergraduates into
politics. No one can drag the undergraduate into politics
or wherever if he or she does not want to.
The slate of students in the student representative
council elections voted for one of two slates: one UMNO and
the other PAS. The students knew whom they wanted. It was
not UMNO. So, in GPMS's view, it was wrong of the PAS
leader to claim the student representatives back the
opposition. It is this dog-in-the-manger worldview of UMNO
that emerges, not its concern for undergraduates -- or any
one else. But UMNO is reduced these days to chasing its own
tail. The hunter is now the hunted. M.G.G. Pillai 14/03/2001