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TJ MK BTS: EPF menjadi Danaharta? By Eddie Toh 16/3/2001 8:56 pm Fri |
Semasa berita ini ditulis belum diketahui lagi samada EPF membeli 3.2%
saham time dotCom melalui tukaran hutang. Danaharta memiliki 3.5% time
dotCom kerana ia menukar hutang RM300 juta menjadi ekuiti. EPF begitu
degil untuk memberi penjelasan. Tetapi jangan lupa Time Engineering (bapak time dotCom) berhutang EPF
sebanyak RM502 juta. Jika ini ditukar menjadi ekuiti dotCom ini, EPF akan
memegang 6% lagi.... bermakna EPF paling BANYAK [selepas KWAP 10.8% - Editor]
memegang beli satu perniagaan yang amat berisiko tinggi dan sudah tiga
tahun rugi. Malah ia sudahpun rugi berjuta-juta di atas kertas dalam beberapa
hari sahaja kebelakangan ini kerana saham time dotCom menjunam tidak laku.
Jadi kalau diikut cakap orang kampung, EPF sudah bertukar peranan.
Ia sudah menjadi 'Danaharta' yang bermuka tabung orang tua sedangkan
ia menabung untuk kroni diktator dan haman tua.
Pelabur yang cerdik tidak akan menggali kubur sendiri malangnya EPF
belum cerdik-cerdik lagi. Mungkin ramai yang akan 'mati' sebelum mencecah
tua nanti..... -TJr Man Kubur- Rencana Rujukkan: The Business Times, Singapore Danaharta emerges as 3.5% owner of Time dotCom
Substantial stake from debt-to-equity conversion, no cash outlay:
official By Eddie Toh in Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA'S bad debt recovery agency Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional has
emerged as a substantial shareholder of Time dotCom following the
dismal initial public offering (IPO) that has sparked a controversy
over the suspected involvement of state-owned funds in the exercise.
A Danaharta official confirmed yesterday the agency was one of the
sub-underwriters in the IPO that was undersubscribed by 75 per cent
when it closed last month. She said Danaharta merely converted part of its debt exposure to Time
Engineering -- the parent of Time dotCom -- into equity by taking up
the Time dotCom shares. "Danaharta swapped the debt into equity. We did not put in any cash,"
she told BT. Time Engineering is estimated to have owed Danaharta more than RM300
million (S$139 million). Through the debt-to-equity conversion, Danaharta now owns more than
3.5 per cent of Time dotCom, above the 2 per cent threshold which
makes the agency a substantial shareholder.
Danaharta's role is to restructure non-performing loans (NPL) in the
banking system. To date, it has restructured three-quarters of the
RM47 billion worth of NPLs in Malaysia.
While Danaharta's stake in Time dotCom is not expected to raise
eyebrows, analysts and opposition politicians will be watching out for
the involvement of two state-owned funds.
The market has been abuzz with talk the Employees Provident Fund (EPF)
and Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen have mopped up the bulk of the
unwanted shares from the underwriters.
It will not come as a surprise if the EPF emerges as a substantial
shareholder of Time dotCom, the telco arm of the Renong Bhd. This is
because EPF was owed RM502 million by Time Engineering. If the debt is
swapped into equity as with Danaharta, EPF will own about 6 per cent
of Time dotCom. But it is not known if EPF had pumped in fresh funds to take up more
Time dotCom shares at the IPO price, which has collapsed to RM2.27
from its IPO price of RM3.30 apiece. A cash injection by EPF will cause an uproar among opposition
politicians. DAP chief Lim Kit Siang had blasted the EPF for allegedly buying Time
dotCom shares following the declaration of its worst dividend payout
in 25 years. "It was clearly not in the public interest for
government-linked funds and agencies to be tapped to mount another
bail-out operation to buy up the undersubscribed IPO portion at RM3.30
per share," he charged. |