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Malaysia Monetary Dilemma By Morgan Stanley 20/3/2001 11:56 pm Tue |
[Rencana ini agak teknikal tetapi amat penting. Ia membayangkan
betapa kita akan dihenyak krisis yang amat parah yang bakal mencederakan
ekonomi jika dibiarkan berterusan. Kawalan modal dan matawang hanyalah
pagar sementara untuk membaiki kelemahan tetapi kerajaan semakin alpa
dan masih berdegil untuk mereformasikan pengurusan yang pincang. Kita
mungkin terluka - dan kali ini ia mungkin teramat dalam.....
- Editor]
Daniel Lian (Singapore) Sluggish Monetary Aggregates Render Fiscal Pump-priming and Low
Interest Rates Impotent The option of pump-priming the Malaysian economy to cushion the sharp
deceleration in external demand has become less viable. The reason
for this is a monetary dilemma characterized by an inability to expand
the money supply to accommodate growth in domestic demand.
The FY2001 budget presented last October targeted fairly small fiscal
expansion. However, as export deceleration has become more pronounced
in recent months, the Malaysian government has shifted its stance,
favoring stronger fiscal pump-priming in 2001. The NEAC (National
Economic Action Committee) has announced in the past week its
recommendation for stronger fiscal expansion. The government has
revived several infrastructure projects.
We are concerned that the involuntary restrictive monetary environment
that has prevailed since late-1999 cannot accommodate such fiscal
expansion. In other words, the impact of government spending on
private consumption and investment is likely to be fairly limited as
money in circulation remains scarce. This scarcity of money reflects
Malaysia's desire to maintain its currency peg. At the same time,
Malaysia is experiencing a decline in foreign exchange reserves that
might have fueled an increase in the money base and broad money. In
short, Malaysia is caught in a monetary dilemma.
Two Ways to Boost Growth in the Money Supply
In our view, given the nature of its exchange rate and capital control
regimes, there are two ways in which Malaysia could raise the money
base and expand the money supply.
- Abandon the peg and pursue a floating exchange rate. This would
enable the central bank, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), to target the
money base instead of the exchange rate.
- If BNM chooses to keep the peg, it would have to raise the money
base to induce more rapid monetary expansion. However, foreign
reserves constitute a significant share of the high-powered money base
for a small and open economy like Malaysia's. To expand the money
supply effectively, Malaysia would need to attract capital inflows or
force repatriation of export earnings hoarded overseas (see "Tracking
Capital Flows", February 2, 2001, by Anita Chung and Daniel Lian). We do not believe that floating the ringgit is an appropriate policy
response for Malaysia (see "Devaluation: Factors, Fallacies, Risks and
Options", February 2, 2001). However, the second option is not an
easy one to implement due to the monetary dilemma currently confronted
by Malaysia. Understanding the High Powered Money Base and Changing Broad Money
Supply in an Open Economy High-powered money is the key determinant of monetary aggregates in a
country. As long as the money supply multiplier is positive,
expansion in the high-powered money base causes multiple expansion in
monetary aggregates. High-powered money essentially consists of currency in circulation and
commercial banks' deposits with the central bank. However, in an open
economy, buying and selling of foreign currency reserves by the
central bank affect high-powered money. When a central bank
intervenes in the foreign exchange market, the stock of high-powered
money is directly affected. For example, when the central bank sells
its own currency and buys foreign currency from exporters (presumably
to ensure that a surplus in the capital account will not cause its
pegged currency to appreciate), exporters deposit the central bank
check at a commercial bank. The central bank credits that commercial
bank with newly created reserves. High-powered money increases,
causing multiple expansion in the money supply.
Understanding How Malaysia's Open Economy Affects its Fixed Exchange
Rate and Domestic Monetary Aggregates
A country that operates both capital control and fixed exchange rate
regimes should, in theory, have a greater degree of control over its
domestic money supply than a country that operates a fixed exchange
rate regime but imposes no restriction on cross-border capital
movements. A country with effective capital controls is in a better
position to avoid a large balance of payments deficit. It is thus
able to use its current account surplus to expand the money supply.
At first glance, Malaysia appears to fit the bill - it has both a
pegged currency and capital controls. With the capital account
balance at zero, BNM faces persistent current account surpluses: it
would therefore want to prevent the ringgit from appreciating to below
the RM3.8:US$1 peg by selling ringgit and buying US dollars. This
would have the effect of increasing the high-powered monetary base and
expanding the money supply. Given that Malaysia generated consecutive current account surpluses in
1998-2000, it should have seen sizeable expansion in its foreign
exchange reserves and a domestic monetary boom. However, this was not
the case. Current account surpluses totaled US$32.4 billion, or 37.2%
of nominal GDP in 2000. Assuming Malaysia's net capital flows
balanced over this period, foreign exchange reserves should have grown
to US$48.1 billion by the end of 2000. In reality, reserves were only
US$29.9 billion. The close correlation between foreign reserves, base money and broad
monetary aggregates demonstrates that while growth in Malaysia's
foreign reserves started to taper off from August 1999, growth in its
monetary aggregates began to falter with a lag at the end of 1999.
Paying the Price for Policy Errors Since September 1998
We believe growth in Malaysia's monetary aggregates would have been
much stronger since September 1998 if:
- the right policy to secure at least a neutral capital account had
been implemented, i.e., if foreign investment inflows had matched the
liquidation of foreign investment trapped before the installation of
the capital control and fixed exchange rate regimes;
- hoarding of export earnings by exporters linked to the government
had been prevented; and - speculation by Malaysians (domestic capital flight) had been prevented.
Had these conditions been met, we think the prospect of domestic
demand drivers underpinning growth would have been much brighter in 2001.
Monetary Dilemma is Real in 2001
Malaysia's monetary dilemma is very real - the country needs faster
monetary growth but because of its currency peg is finding it
increasingly hard to expand the money supply to accommodate its
anti-cyclical pump-priming. We believe the full negative impact will be felt in 2001 as export
income begins to falter. If hoarding of export earnings and domestic
speculation against the ringgit continue in 2001 at the same level
that it occurred in the second half of 2000, Malaysia will face a
severe monetary dilemma. If the declining current account surplus,
already visible given recent deceleration in export growth, translates
into sharp loss of foreign exchange reserves (if hoarding of export
earnings and domestic capital flight significantly outweigh the
current account surplus), Malaysia may even have to contract its money
supply to maintain its peg. This would render any attempt at fiscal
pump-priming impotent. Preventing Capital Flight and Forcing Repatriation of Hoarded Export
Receipts Is the Only Viable Policy Option
Freeing up the fixed exchange rate and capital control regimes,
targeting monetary aggregates and allowing the ringgit to find its own
value is a credible option but, in our view, one that is unlikely to
be pursued by the present political regime. Hence, we believe that
bringing a halt to domestic capital flight and forcing the
repatriation of export receipts hoarded overseas, or even recalling
flight capital from overseas, is the most feasible and immediately
available policy option. Bottom Line Malaysia needs more resilient domestic demand growth to cushion the prospect of external demand weakness in 2001. The appropriate anti-cyclical policy response is to make monetary policy more accommodative to fiscal expansion. However, falling export income, coupled with massive hoarding of export earnings and domestic capital flight, has rendered monetary expansion difficult because of the constraints imposed by the currency peg. Forced repatriation of hoarded export earnings coupled with stopping and recalling domestic flight capital is, in our view, the best policy option. |