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Massacre at Tripod By Amy Standen 21/3/2001 5:57 am Wed |
[Pada masa berita ini ditulis beberapa laman telah pulih kembali.
Tentunya pihak Tripod cukup takut imejnya tercemar. Laman
sudah menyiarkan peristiwa ini - patutlah tripod bingkas membetulkan
keadaan. Jangan lupa laman mempunyai JUTAAN PEMBACA seluruh
dunia. Massacre at Tripod The Web hosting company over the weekend axes hundreds of fan-created
pages, as well as anti-Malaysian government protest sites.
March 20, 2001 | Saturday was a bad day for fan fiction and opponents of
the Malaysian government. United -- perhaps for the first time in history -- by Tripod, a free
site-hosting service owned by Lycos, hundreds of sites, including as many
as 11 anti-Malaysian government groups and scores of pro-"Buffy the
Vampire Slayer" fan sites, were shut down without notice.
"Darcy's Phillip Seymour Hoffman" page was axed,
as was "You can't do that on Star Trek!" The
Malaysian opposition site Mahafiraun is no longer
working, nor is Minda Rakyat, another Malaysian
protest site. Some of the deletions were accidental but others were not, says Dori Allman,
a Lycos spokesperson. "We were in the process of removing sites that were in clear violation of
our terms of service and, inadvertently, there were other sites which were
also removed and should not have been." Allman wouldn't be specific about
why Lycos had shuttered the sites, saying only that "the sites that were
removed on purpose were in some way in violation of our terms of service."
Aggrieved Tripod community members say, however, that the real problem
isn't Tripod's technical glitch -- it's Tripod's terms of service. As one fan
site manager who calls herself Nestra says, "The problem is that the terms
of service agreements are intentionally worded very broadly to allow
Tripod/Lycos to delete anything they feel like." Add to that the site's policy
of giving no advance notice to managers of violating sites, and the result is
not quite the egalitarian community that companies like Lycos and
Geocities boast of. Writers of fan fiction -- the practice of penning unofficial scripts and
stories based on commercially copyrighted characters -- have had to deal
with accusations of intellectual property violations before. One fan site
manager, Bridget O'Donohue, says that the deletion of fan sites is a huge
problem. "The Web is where a lot of us get together to display and share
our love for particular fandoms. When [the sites] are unceremoniously
destroyed, well, it leads to large amounts of resentment and makes it
difficult to share our mutual admiration for a fandom."
Copyright violations are probably the explanation for some of the fan site
deletions. But what to make of the sudden demise of the Malaysian
opposition sites? While Allman did say that Tripod has had no direct
communication with the Malaysian government on the issue, she refused
comment on whether the political sites were shut down intentionally.
Malaysian site readers have been lobbying Lycos executive chairman
Joachim Agut for an explanation since Saturday, and still don't know
what's going on. "It is believed that the government will be communicating
with many more Web site operators or hosts in an attempt to close down
all the anti-government Web sites," read one letter from an opposition
group to Agut. "We write this letter to appeal to you not to buckle under the
Malaysian government's pressure."
One Malaysian protest site frequenter, Anoop Krishnan, says that the
Malaysian government has long been critical of these sites. "The
government had made it clear in the official government-owned
newspapers that these Web sites -- which were the only source of real
news -- were the work of 'subversive' elements and had to be shut down."
But at Lycos, mum continues to be the word. All Allman would say is that
the managers of sites that were deleted as a result of the company's
"technical difficulty" will get a personal e-mail from the company by the
end of the week, and their sites will be reinstated soon.
Amy Standen is an associate editor at Salon. Link Reference : Tripod Massacre.... |