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Kg Medan: Open Letter to Samy Vellu By Kotravan Paari 23/3/2001 1:22 am Fri |
[Nah... baca satu surat terbuka khas buat Samy Vellu yang
cuma mampu menangis itu bila tragedi seperti ini berlaku.
Samy Vellu seharusnya berundur segera kerana asyik menutur
kata yang sedap dibibir sahaja sedangkan faktanya tiada.
Sebaliknya kaum India terus terpinggir dan makin terhilang dari
dunia. Yang muncul gerombolan gang penjenayah sehingga mencecah
ribuan banyaknya dan ahli MIC sendiri tidak terkecuali turut
terlibat sama. Sepatutnya Samy Vellu berundur segera - barulah
tangisan itu lebih bermakna dan kaum India tidak mati sia-sia
di Kg Medan yang sememangnya diwakili Umno (baru(a)) - rakan
Dear Datuk Seri, I remember June 1992 well. I was in college then. It was the time
when the Telecom share scandal came to light. You have allegedly
redirected 9 million of the shares to 3 crony-controlled companies,
it was reported. You broke down and cried.
Nearly 8 years have passed since; yet again I see you crying, this
time in front of the whole nation. What now Datuk Seri, our fate, instinctively I tend to ask?
The reality we now face is stark. We are an alien community in the
very place of our birth. Our ancestors may have played a role in
freeing this nation from the grips of the British, the colonial
"masters" of yesteryears; we may even have played a role in
developing this country; but aiyo, we are now but a fringe community
in our very motherland! For ages, indicators have been showing that Indian Malaysians are
lagging; that our corporate share is showing no sign of edging past
that perennial mark of 1 percent, while the Malay community that
began at about the same level, was already scratching their 30
percent target. Whatever happened Datuk Seri, why have we lagged behind, forever and
ever? All is not lost; we are leaders at least in something, you may
proudly say. Leaders ... What would that be, sir, may I venture to
ask? Ah, Indian Malaysians incidentally happen to be big -- that
too real big -- in crime, in gangsterism, in suicide rate and in
samsu business. Oh that, Datuk Seri, I am very well aware. Wasn't it sometime in
September 1995 when the Home Ministry expressed concern and went on
to report that there were well over 1000 gangs nation-wide? I also
happen to remember another story that broke the following month
about 700 samsu sellers, some of whom were members of your esteemed
party! Datuk Seri, those aren't figures that make us proud; those are sad
figures -- figures that indicate what a failed leader you have been.
Yes, while the problems we face are big, the solutions suggested are
small, nay peace-meal, pathetic, pitiful!
Every now and then you rant and rave about the dismal living
conditions of Indian Malaysians; but then, in the very next occasion
you contradict yourself by saying how much Indian Malaysians have
progressed. Datuk Seri, which Samy Vellu, you want us to believe?
Every year, without fail, you gather your members in the MIC General
Assembly to pass resolutions; for the past 20 years there has
literally been little, or no, change in the document produced. Why
Datuk Seri? Is that an indication that the leader is full of empty
air? All that 20 years ... Indian Malaysians might as well been
rudderless! Steer, you seldom did; as a shoal, you frequently
stood: a good role model, you never were; so, small wonder that
our youth absorbed everything bad!
Whatever! 21 years: years of shattered dreams. Kg. Medan is now hovering above
us, made by the stuff that makes nightmares.
The horror! The horror! The present is uncertain; the future appears bleak. In the
aftermath, there are those who try to find permanent solutions;
there are those lay confused, paralysed -- mentally or physically;
there are those who go on the prowl seeking scapegoats, persons or
groups to accuse: there are those who see the structural nature of
the trouble; there are those whose minds cannot transcend that
welfare paradigm. I know your predilections, Datuk Seri. And it doesn't augur well for
our future. It is a truly sad moment for all Malaysians. But a
positive difference can be made, if you wish. Yes, sir, it is in
your hands. Our nation needs decisive leaders, not deceitful ones: one who
respects and follows the rule of law, not one breaks it with
impunity; one who is a person of the people, not one who lords over
them; one who takes pride in being of service to others, not one
wallows in power accumulated; one who delivers results, not one who
cries. Datuk Seri, please leave; at least we'll know for sure that those 6
lives weren't lost in vain! Kotravan Paari. 17/03/01 |