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TJ MT MGG: Menteri Kesihatan Dan Pesakitnya By M.G.G. Pillai 2/4/2001 10:49 pm Mon |
MGG 7601 [Chua sendiri tidak yaqin kepada hospital negara tetapi
membatalkan hasratnya kerana isu Anwar menjerutnya. Jika
pembedahan dilakukan di dalam negara, banyak peralatan
pinjam akan terlibat dari dalam dan luar negara. Sudah tentu
ini membahayakan nyawa pesakit dan nyawa politik Chua sendiri
dan seorang doktor yang melantik Chua juga.
Yang pastinya kesihatan politik doktor tua kini dalam bahaya.
Krisis Fauzi terlalu menghampiri perhimpunan agung Umno.
Jika Khalil dibedah, Mahathir dan Sultan Pahang akan terkena.
Dimana mereka mahu menaruh muka nanti agaknya? Nampaknya
Khalil mungkin terbunuh sebelum dibedah kerana tiada doktor
berani melakukannya walaupun dia berlagak pandai merawat sakit
di seantero dunia. (The Health Minister And The Prisoner)
Menteri Kesihatan, Dato' Chua Jui Meng naik berang kerana kemelut
pembedahan mantan perdana menteri Anwar Ibrahim telah mempersoalkan
kecanggihan kemudahan perubatan Malaysia yang 'bertaraf dunia'. Dia
memang tidak ragu akan keunggulan kemudahan yang ada. Cuma, ketika
dia perlu menjalani pembedahan 'cardiac-bypass', dia telah membuat
pilihan utama untuk dibedah di sebuah hospital terkemuka 10,000 batu
jauhnya. Tetapi, apabila kontroversi melibatkan kesihatan Anwar Ibrahim
menjadi hangat dia telah diarahkan membatalkan hasratnya itu dan
merelakan dirinya dibedah di Institiut Jantung Negara. Kalaulah dia
begitu yakin dengan kualiti khidmat perubatan dan kesihatan Malaysia
ini kenapakah Chua membuat pilihan pertama untuk mendapatkan
rawatan peribadi di luar negara? Apakah menjadi satu keajaiban
apabila insan yang mahu dihapuskan oleh kerajaan mempunyai keraguan
mengenai pembedahan yang akan dialaminya? Tambah pula apabila
pembedahan yang begitu berbahaya kepada keselamatan nyawa itu belum
pun lagi terdapat di negara ini dan mesti dilaksanakan dalam keadaan
yang tergesa-gesa? Dato Sri Anwar sedang menguasai keadaan sebenarnya. Dia menguasai keadaan
itu secara remot daripada bilik penjara. Musuh ketatnya Dr. Mahathir
Mohamed, sedang terpenjara disebabkan Anwar Ibrahim, dan bukan
sebaliknya. Sebenarnya Mahathir yang terpaksa meneliti setiap
langkahnya. Dia tidak mampu bergerak bebas kerana takut terserempak
dengan kumpulan Anwaristas. Dia amat gerun berucap di khalayak ramai
kerana takut diejek dan diaibkan. Kini dia tidak punya pilihan lain
dalam menjalankan tugas menjelajah negara untuk memengapkan pengaruh
Anwar di peringkat cawangan dan bahagian UMNO yang sibuk bersidang.
Bayangan Anwar Ibrahim sentiasa sahaja menghantuinya. Kerana itu dia
terpaksa mengupah agar orang datang mengerumuni majlis yang
dihadirinya. Kini dia menjadi gelabah lagi apabila Dato Fauzi Abdul
Rahman, di Pahang menerima hanya sembilan pencalonan dan bukannya 20
untuk membolehkannya layak bertanding bagi jawatan ketua bahagian
Kuantan. Perdana menteri mengarahkan dilaksana satu siasatan kerana dia
terpaksa bertindak begitu walaupun perkara itu akan menjerut dia
lagi. Inilah satu hayunan maut pihak Anwaristas. Seorang
apparacik (petugas totok) telah memberitahu saya semalam untuk
bersedia menerima banyak lagi kejutan seperti itu apabila pemilihan
jawatankuasa di peringkat bahagian selesai sebelum April berakhir nanti.
Rencana Asal: The Health Minister And The Prisoner
The health minister, Dato' Chua Jui Meng, is incensed that
in this stalemate over the jailed former deputy prime
minister, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim's surgery, Malaysia's
"world class" medical facilities is in question. He has no
doubt about how good it is. Which no doubt is why, when he
had had to have cardiac bypass surgery, his first choice was
a well-known hospital 10,000 miles away. But, amidst the
controversy over Dato' Seri Anwar's health, he was ordered
not to, and had it instead at the Institiut Jantung Negara.
If he is so convinced about the quality of Malaysian health
and medical care, why did he even contemplate going overseas
for it? Is it any wonder then that a man the government
would rather see disappear into thin air is worried about
his surgery? Especially when the life-threatening surgery
is not available here and must be done in make-shift
conditions. The Dutch endoscopic surgeon, Dr Thomas Hoogland, who
practices in Germany, came here to examine Dato' Seri Anwar,
but after a messy political scrap between the government and
Dato' Seri Anwar. He examines Dato' Seri Anwar, and
recommends surgery that could only be done overseas. The
Hospital Kuala Lumpur agrees, but says one can be set up by
cannibalising specialised equipment from other Malaysian
hospitals, and Dr Hoogland bring the missing pieces. In
otherwords, an improvised operating theatre. Dato' Chua is
incensed when Dr Hoogland said the anaesthetists here does
not have experience in this microscopic procedures.
Without it, the patient is put at risk. Dato' Seri Anwar
holds his ground. Would those who insist this is a
brilliant innovative procedure for which Malaysia is well
known for allow themselves to be operated upon in such
conditions. The stalemate continues. It replays the animosity between Prime Minister and
Prisoner, which began one fateful night in September 1998
when Dato' Seri Mahathir Mohamed had Dato' Seri Anwar
Ibrahim dismissed from UMNO and as deputy prime minister.
He is accused of s###my and corruption, and jailed, in
highly controversial trials, for 15 years. The government
releases, quietly and without fanfare, a videocasette
allegedly of Dato' Seri Anwar in a homosexual encounter with
unknown people. So unprofessional it was that when the
Prime Minister showed it to senior Malaysian military
officers and diplomats, few believed it. But the tape was
released into the public domain surrepticiously. The
Anwaristas retaliated, with VCDs of their own, with one
particularly damning Australian Broadcasting Corporation
report on the Anwar Ibrahim trials selling at least 500,000
copies. The central issue now is his deteriorating health, and
how his life-threatening back pain can be treated. Dato'
Seri Anwar holds his ground, and the government's response
is both pathetic and vindictive. It then changes tack.
Dato' Seri Anwar gets special treatment no other prisoner
gets. That is true. He is treated with kid gloves. The
cabinet meets to decide almost every one of his requests.
The health minister is brought in to question his
nationalism. The deputy prime minister's aides discuss with
the Sungei Buloh prison authorities about his living
arrangements. The New Sunday Times today (01 April 01) says
an RTM television crew visited his hospital room and found
he has "luxury treatment ... unprecedented for a prisoner in
this country. If this is to show how well he is treated,
the government should explain why it breaks its own rules
and regulations to give this run-of-the-mill prisoner all
these privileges. (And if this NST report is a sick April
Fool Joke, it backfires with even more excreta on the
government's collective face.) Dato' Seri Anwar holds the trump card. He controls
events from his prison cell. His nemesis, Dato' Seri
Mahathir Mohamed, is now prisoner of Dato' Seri Anwar, not
the other way around. It is he who has to watch his step.
He cannot move about for fear of meeting Anwaristas, he
fears addressing gatherings for fear he would be insulted.
When he has no option but to travel around the country, as
now, to contain the Anwarista influence on the UMNO branch
and division elections, Dato' Seri Anwar dogs him at his
heels. He has to pay for crowds to hear him speak, and now
thrown out of kilter when Dato' Fauzi Abdul Rahman, in
Pahang, received only nine nominations, instead of 20 to
make the cut to be elected Kuantan division chief.
What felled him, Dato' Fauzi says, is a plot to unseat
him, who would not distance himself from Dato' Seri Anwar
when others deserted him in droves, and accuses the former
state mentri besar and now federal information minister and
UMNO secretary-general, Tan Sri Khalil Yaakob, of abuse and
power. He also resigns as state assembly man to force a
byelection when the government is in mortal fear of one.
The Prime Minister orders an inquiry, as he had to, but it
afflicts him even more. The Anwaristas dealt a mortal blow.
An UMNO apparatchik told me yesterday to expect more such
surprises when divisional elections are completed by the
end of April. It does not matter. UMNO is caught over the
beyelection: it does not matter if it accepts Dato' Fauzi's
resignation; either way, UMNO is in a pickle, and could
well force Dato' Seri Mahathir to retire earlier than he
wants to. Tan Sri Khalil has become an albatross around his
neck. The Prime Minister today is in Gua Musang, the lair
of the wily Kelantan fox, one Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, to
make known, willy nilly, whom he wants, if truth be told, to
succeed him. He could not persuade his UMNO supreme council
to have Tengku Razaleigh succeed Dato' Seri Anwar as deputy
prime minister; it wanted one of the vice presidents
instead. Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi it then was, and
reluctantly accepted. Even the New Sunday Times suggests
his presence in Gua Musang is more than coincidental. The
more Dato' Chua Jui Meng and his ministry harasses Dato'
Seri Anwar, the more it redounds on the Prime Minister. And
both are in intense pain, one politically and the other
physically. M.G.G. Pillai |