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Bila Mahathir Melawat Kg Medan? By Lim Kit Siang 2/4/2001 8:48 pm Mon |
[Mahathir akhirnya 'melawat' Kg Medan tetapi ia dilakukan secara
'mengejut' selepas 3 minggu memijak kaki ditempat lain yang lebih mulia.
Inilah layanan seorang pemimpin yang sering digembar-gembur sebagai
'berjiwa rakyat' oleh media perdana. Malangnya Mahathir 'melawat' ke situ untuk menyerang pembangkang pula
sedangkan Umno lah yang berkuasa di situ sejak dulu. Malah beliau
sendiri yang asyik menabur isu perkauman selama ini. Lebih-lebih
lagi beliau menyeru orang melayu 'Fight As One' sebelum tragedi itu.
Dan serpihan dalam partinya juga melancarkan kempen 'takkan melayu
hilang di dunia' juga sebelum itu. Sebenarnya Mahathir tidak melawat Kg Medan. Dia cuma 'melawat' sahaja -
jika tidak dia akan dimalukan oleh penduduk di kampung itu. Mahathir
memang melawat di Kg Sg Mulia Gombak kerana dia sakan berbelanja untuk
itu sehingga tiga kali gong dipalu dan pasukan paracut turut terjun
ke situ. Dia tidak akan memukul gong di Kg Medan kerana mungkin nanti
banyak telur tembelang akan berterbangan.
Kini kita tertanya-tanya apakah Mahathir akan ke Beserah pula? Jangan
lupa bomoh di Pahang hebat-hebat juga - termasuk seorang yang kini
masih di penjara lantaran memenggal kepala...... Mungkin Mahathir
perlu ke Batu Talam semula untuk mencari baki sakti yang ada.
- Editor] Mahathir should ask for Khalil's resignation as Information Minister and
UMNO Secretary-General until he is cleared of any abuse of power as Pahang
Mentri Besar as a result of Fauzi's police report
= The press cannot be more right to describe the visit of the Prime Minister,
Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad to Kampung Medan yesterday as a "surprise visit" -
not only because it was unannounced but that it took place three weeks after
the eruption of the worst clashes in the country in the past 32 years in the
squatter settlements at Jalan Klang Lama.
Mahathir's visit to Kampung Medan is the latest in a growing list of the
Barisan Nasional government's "too little, too late" response to the teeming
and acute national woes in the country which does not augur well for Malaysia.
I find it very sad that the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk
Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi only visited the troubled settlements at Jalan
Klang Lama after I had issued a statement on March 10, 2001 urging him to
"urgently visit, preferably by tonight, the still very volatile and
explosive clash scenes off Jalan Klang Lama in Petaling Jaya to restore
calm, peace and security for everyone". Abdullah made his first visit the
following evening. I had told Abdullah "to go personally to the clash scenes to end the ongoing
clashes in the troubled housing settlements despite the heavy police
presence in the area" and "to lead a Cabinet task force to Kampung
Lindungan, Taman Lindungan Jaya, Kampong Gandhi, Kampung Datuk Harun and the
other troubled housing settlements to end the incidents and clashes, set up
goodwill committees and actively restore inter-racial peace and
understanding - which cannot be achieved by mere police presence".
A team of Cabinet Ministers made a highly-publicised visit to the troubled
areas several days later but which had not been followed up by more visits
of teams of Cabinet Ministers! My greatest disappointment with the Prime Minister is that he had not
visited the troubled settlements at the first available opportunity, taking
three long weeks to make his first visit - despite the fact that on March
11, 2001, I issued two statements on the same day urging him to personally
visit Taman Medan and the surrounding squatter colonies to show the highest
government concern over the worst ethnic clashes in the country for the past
32 years. In the last three weeks, I had repeatedly urged the Prime Minister to visit
Jalan Klang Lama squatter areas, the last statement a week ago on March 22,
2001 calling on Mahathir to make his visit to "spur urgent high-powered
government action to adopt a holistic approach to restore communal peace,
harmony and goodwill" after renewed incidents of sporadic attacks.
There were three other disgraceful episodes in connection with the government's handling of the worst clashes in the country in 32 years:
Another reason why Mahathir's "most-belated" visit to Kampung Medan was a "surprise visit" was his use of the occasion to continue his partisan, truculent and divisive attacks on the Opposition. Can Mahathir explain why he visited the scene of the worst ethnic clashes in
32 years to warn that "some groups believed that by staging riots daily, the
country would be destabilised and subsequently the government of the day
could be toppled" and that "once a government is toppled through riots, the
one replacing it will also suffer the same fate'' when the government had
openly admitted that the clashes were not political or "sparked by racial
sentiments but due to social factors"?
Or was his real agenda in visiting Kampung Medan to use a very sensitive
occasion to talk about how the governments of two of Malaysia's neighbours
were "toppled through riots" and that "certain groups in the country thought
they could do the same in Malaysia" ? The focus and thrust of Mahathir's belated visit to Kampung Medan should
have been to see for himself the depressed socio-economic conditions in the
areas concerned and to assure the troubled settlements of a RM1 billion
Masterplan in the Eighth Malaysia Plan to transform not only the squatter
colonies in Jalan Klang Lama but similar urban ghettos in other parts of the
country into modern urban townships with the most basic modern amenities and
facilities rather playing partisan politics.
It is very sad that in calling on the people not to be influenced by the
Opposition's "malicious, slanderous and destructive campaigns", Mahathir was
himself indulging in these very campaigns.
It is no wonder that the foreign media - which Mahathir has elevated to
"primary enemy status" - are asking why Mahathir is acting as if under siege
when he has a two-thirds parliamentary majority, dismisses the Opposition
as ineffective and that DAP is "finished", and his UMNO presidency is secure
and unchallenged? The anwer is quite simple. Mahathir faces not a people's uprising,
threatening violence and chaos to overthrow the elected government but a
political crisis of the first magnitude because he has become the country's
most unpopular Prime Minister in the nation's history and UMNO's most
unpopular party President in UMNO history.
In the circumstances, the reported resignation of the UMNO State Assemblyman
for Beserah in Pahang, Datuk Fauzi Abdul Rahman after lodging a police
report against Tan Sri Khalil Yaakob has not really come as a surprise - as
the people have expected the rot in UMNO and Barisan Nasional to continue.
Malaysiakini yesterday reported that Fauzi's police report accused Khalil of
abuse of power during his tenure as Pahang Mentri Besar by giving out
logging concessions without following regulations as laid out by the
National Forestry Policy. Khalil had agreed when he was Mentri Besar that
Pahang could, according to a yearly quota, only log approximately 28,000
acres of land but he flouted this quota.
Is Mahathir prepared to ask Khalil to resign as Information Minister and
UMNO Secretary-General while full investigations into the police report
against him are carried out and until he is cleared of any abuse of power
as Pahang Mentri Besar? Nobody expects Mahathir to require Khalil to submit his resignations, which
can only plunge his ranking as the most unpopular Prime Minister and UMNO
President down a few more notches, placing him under a greater siege and
forcing him to make even more irrational and destructive attacks against
Opposition leaders - when in fact he has become his own biggest enemy!