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BSKL: Malaysia Paling Teruk Terjejas. By Kapal Berita 5/4/2001 7:08 pm Thu |
AFP melapurkan kenyataan kementerian bahawa 15,000 pekerja di Malaysia
telah kehilangan kerja sejak enam bulan lepas bila kemelesetan ekonoomi
A.S. mula menggigit. 8% dari mereka terlibat dalam sektor eketronik dan
perkilangan. Kira-kira 21% ekspot Malaysia menuju ke Amerika - dan
pergantungan yang begitu besar ini menyebabkan Malaysia mudah tergugat.
NST pula melapurkan 7,000 dijangka hilang kerja di P. Pinang sahaja
dalam beberapa bulan yang akan datang. Ketua menterinya memberi jaminan
akan melaksanakan program untuk menanganinya - tetapi tidak diterangkan pula
dengan terperinci bagaimana. Menteri Sumber Manusia, Fong Chan Onn memperakui kemelesetan ekonomi
A.S. memberi IMPAK MAJORITI kepada industri elektronik dan semi konduktor.
Beliau memberi jaminan ada 32,000 lagi kekosongan dan peluang di tempat
lain dalam 3 bulan ini. Tetapi perhatikan akhbar perdana apakah ada atau
tidak sebenarnya. Hari ini BSKL merudum sakam memecah rekod yang agak membimbangkan.
Indeks ditutup pada di bawah paras terendah 2 tahun sudah, iaitu 594.26.
Menurut Reuters, pelabur menjual saham blue-chips TMT (Telekom, Maybank,
dan Tenaga) kerana merasa nilai sebenarnya terlalu mahal dan tidak sepadan.
Banyak saham syarikat yang lebih kurang dengan mereka merosot, jadi amat
pelik mengapa ia begitu tinggi. Menurut seorang analis - 'Tiada tempat
untuk bersembunyi dalam ekuiti pada saat ini'. Memang benar - saat-saat
begini hanya yang kuat sahaja dapat bertahan. Itupun kalau sudah ribut
yang mendatang buat apa simpan-simpan - bikin bunuh diri sahaja. Lebih
baik dijual sekarang kalau tidak nanti jatuh berdepap sehingga tidak
mampu bangun lagi. Jangan lupa Mahathir pernah berkata indeks BSKL bukan gambaran sebenar
keadaan ekonomi negara - tetapi mengapa kerajaan asyik menggelabah bila
meragam angka-angkanya? Malah pakej rangsangan baru-baru ini turut
mengambil kira faktor saham dengan menaikkan had pinjaman. Malah Mahathir
juga berkeras akan mengekalkan kawalan matawang. Kini pelabur semakin
sangsi apakah ringgit dapat bertahan kerana Malaysia amat memerlukan
ekspot kembali gemilang tetapi nilai ringgit menyebabkan barangan kita
lebih mahal dan tidak kompetetif serta kalah saingan.
Menurut Edgedaily, kejatuhan BSKL adalah yang PALING TERUK berbanding
bursa lain dirantau ini. Maknanya kita sebenarnya yang PALING LEMAH
bila musibah terjadi kerana bursa sebenarnya disokong oleh sesuatu
yang tidak berdasarkan realiti serta lebih kepada memperjudi.
Mahathir mengatakan beliau tidak faham mengapa keadaan pasaran Amerika
menyebabkan pasaran Malaysia turut bermuram. Kalaulah sedar tidak faham,
mengapa tidak meletak sahaja jawatan dan biar orang lain yang lebih pakar
dan lebih faham menguruskan negara? Malaysia mempunyai penduduk yang
cuma 22 juta sahaja dan bilangan ini tidak mampu berbelanja sakan
untuk membantu semua kilang yang dikatakan amat canggih belaka tetapi
lupa permintaan pasaran terbesar (A.S.) boleh naik dan turun mengikut
keadaan. Lagipun kuasa beli domestik oleh rakyat teramat terhad kerana
kos hidup yang asyik mencanak. Sejak memenangi pilihanraya lepas BN bukan sahaja telah menaikkan kos
petrol, malah tarif air juga. Tidak lama lagi kita akan menjangkakan
kos tambang LRT dan MAS akan turut dinaikkan juga dan rakyat juga nanti
yang akan membayarnya kerana hutang dan rugi sudah mencecah berbilion
angkanya setelah terbabas dipandu urus oleh kroni semua.
Mahathir sepatutnya faham sejak Tajuddin Ali 'dibuang', pelabur sudah
bosan dan tidak yakin lagi negara mampu dipulihkan. Banyak syarikat
Fortune 500 menggugurkan pekerja dan pengurus yang lembab tetapi Malaysia
bukan sahaja membuang pengurus yang menyerlah tetapi menambah pula dengan
yang bermasaalah. Patutlah sedikit kejutan di A.S. menyebabkan habis semua
gundah dan randah...
Malaysia Stocks- Tumble on growth, currency fears
Malaysian stocks tumbled, sending the benchmark index to a two-year
low, on fears of a worsening global economic slowdown and devaluation
of ringgit currency. The Composite Index <.KLSE> fell 6.15 percent, its biggest percentage
drop in nearly one year, to 594.26 points.
Malaysia's three largest stocks -- Tenaga , Telekom and Maybank -- bore
the brunt of the sell-off as investors deemed them expensive compared
to their regional peers and given the gloomy economic outlook.
Exporters such as chipmakers MPI also slumped on concern they will be
among the worst-hit by a global economic downturn.
Dewina , a food company controlled by a brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, rose after it unveiled plans to buy a toll road
operator from MTD Capital, which will emerge as Dewina's new controlling
shareholder. By Joycelyn Lee, 8.32pm The KLSE Composite Index, which broke past the 600-point
psychological barrier today to close at a new two-year low,
is expected to dip further amidst fears of the ringgit being
re-pegged and expectations of a global recession.
Although the KLCI is usually cushioned from sharp falls and
generally experiences a last-minute lift in trading, it was
the hardest hit in the region today following sharp falls in
Wall Street. It lost 6.15 per cent, ahead of Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index,
which slid 520.51 points or 4.14 per cent to 12,062.71, and
Singapore's Strait Times Index, which lost 22.12 points to
1,621.99. Analysts anticipate the KLCI, which nosedived 38.91 points to
594.26 today, to test the 550-point level soon, as regional
markets continue to slide and fears of a possible US
recession increase. 'There is nowhere to hide in equities at the moment,' said an
institutional dealer with a local brokerage, adding that he
expects the KLCI to find some buying support at 550.
The three counters - which collectively make up about 35 per
cent of KLCI's market capitalisation - hit new three month
lows today as foreign funds continued to dump blue chips in
anticipation of an economic slump in the US.
'In times like these, cash is king,' said an analyst with a
foreign research house. He also said although the market may
slide further due to a possibility of the ringgit being
re-pegged, a re-pegging may work out for the better over the
long term. 'In reality, there may be a very real pressure to re-peg the
ringgit if regional currencies fall further, especially the
yen. If Malaysia does not do it, we may end up less
competitive compared with the rest of the region,' he said.
However, the government only last week gave its assurance it
would maintain the current peg.
The analyst also noted that despite the peg, Malaysia
remained very vulnerable as most of its exports go to the US
or Japan - the first of which may be heading towards a
recession while the second is already in an economic
quagmire. 'Looking at market behaviour, it may be soon,' he said, when
asked when the ringgit may be re-pegged.
However, another analyst pointed out that there could be a
silver lining in the dark economic cloud, as the KLCI is
realigning itself to more 'realistic' levels.
'The good news is the index is realigning itself to proper
levels after being supported. If prices fall and shares
become undervalued, the market would become attractive
fundamentally and this would attract bargain hunters,' he
b>421 counters hit new lows By Joycelyn Lee, 10.16pm Four hundred and twenty one counters hit new lows for this
year after the KLSE Composite Index nose-dived to a new
two-year low of 594.26 points today. The 421 counters include the KLCI's top three heavyweights
Tenaga, Maybank and Telekom, which collectively make up a
third of the index's market capitalisation.
The country's leading bank Maybank crashed to a 22-month low
while national utility Tenaga dived to an 18-month low today.
Maybank closed at RM10.80, below its previous low in June
1999. Tenaga closed at RM9.90 with its previous low in
October 1999, while Telekom ended at RM9.85 with its previous
low last September. Although most counters affected were middle capitalisation
companies and second liners, several index-linked counters
also took a massive beating as foreign investors dumped blue
chips today. Semiconductor manufacturer MPI, a favourite of analysts and
foreign investors during the run-up of the technology stocks
early last year, took a beating today to close at RM10.10.
National car distributor EON was not spared as well. The
counter closed at RM6.45 today. AMMB Holdings Bhd hit its low
at RM2.71 for this year April 04 , 2001 23:13PM KUALA LUMPUR, 4 April (Bernama) -- Harga-harga saham di Bursa Saham Kuala
Lumpur (BSKL) jatuh menjunam hari ini kerana pelabur-pelabur berinstitusi bertukar
kepada wang tunai daripada pelaburan ekuiti, kata seorang peniaga.
Katanya pertukaran itu bukan sahaja di pasaran tempatan tetapi juga di rantau ini dan ini
boleh dikaitkan dengan kebimbangan bahawa pasaran yang lemah akan menghakis
selanjutnya pelaburan modal mereka. Pertukaran kepada instrumen tunai seperti bon menghakis saham-saham mewah,
termasuk Tenaga Nasional, Maybank dan Telekom.
Ketiga-tiga kaunter mewah itu menyumbang lebih separuh daripada kerugian Indeks
Komposit hari ini. Tanda aras Indeks Komposit (CI) jatuh sebanyak 38.91 mata kepada 594.26 manakala
Indeks Emas seluruh saham ditutup lebih rendah kepada 139.56, turun sebanyak 7.08
mata. Sentimen pasaran semasa sebahagiannya disebabkan tinjauan masa depan ekonomi yang
suram disebabkan kelembapan ekonomi AS, kata seorang peniaga.
Langkah-langkah yang diperkenalkan oleh kerjaan baru-baru ini dilihat sebagai fokus
jangka panjang dan kekurangan inisiatif jangka pendek.
Di bawah RRJP3, permintaan dalam negeri, terutamanya pelaburan swasta akan
diperkukuhkan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, sepanjang 10 tahun akan
datang. Kejatuhan hari ini melepasi paras sokongan 615 mata tetapi pasaran berjaya
mengekalkan paras 600 mata seketika. Bagaimanapun, penjualan besar-besaran ke atas beberapa kaunter saham mewah
termasuk Maybank, Tenaga Nasional dan Telekom meruntun CI kepada 599.31, iaitu
kejatuhan 33.96 mata atau 5.363 peratus pada pukul 3.38 petang.
Pasaran berjaya mengekalkan pada 603.86 pa pukul 4.03 petang tetapi merosot semula,
untuk berlegar sekitar 601 mata dan 600 mata sebelum akhirnya ditutup pada 594.26.
CI mencatatkan paras tertingginya pada 627.05 pada loceng pembukaan sebelum
merosot terus menjelang waktu rihat tengah hari.
Peniaga itu, bagaimanapun, berkata bahawa CI tidak mungkin turun ke bawah paras
580. -- BERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR, April 4 (AFP) - About 15,000 workers in Malaysia have lost their
jobs in the past six months as the US economic slowdown starts biting, a minister said
Wednesday. Eighty percent of those laid off worked in the electronic and manufacturing sectors,
Human Resources Minister Fong Chan Onn said.
Fong, quoted by Bernama news agency, said the US slowdown had a major impact on
electronic and semiconductor firms. He said a task force would formulate a strategy to deal with the situation. "We want to
be pro-active and don't want to be caught unawares."
Fong said redundant workers could find jobs in other sectors since there were more
than 32,000 job vacancies in the first three months. Alternatively, they could apply for
financial aid to study new job skills.
Last week, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed unveiled a three-billion-ringgit (789
million dollar) supplementary budget to shore up the local economy.
Almost 21 percent of Malaysia's exports go to the United States, making it highly
vulnerable to the economic slowdown there.
PENANG Alt jobs for 7,000 soon-to-be retrenched workers
by Ismail Hashim (
The State Government will find alternative jobs for an estimated 7,000
factory workers in the State who are expected to be retrenched over the
next few months. "We are very concerned with their welfare and that of their families," Chief
Minister Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said today.
Speaking at the monthly gathering of civil servants at the Komtar Dome
here, Koh said: "We will help them. We are working on this with the Federal
Government." He did not give any details, but it had been reported that the State
Economic Recovery Task Force has outlined a plan of action in bracing for
a slowdown in the manufacturing sector in the light of the US economic
slowdown. On Monday, State Economic Planning, Human Resource Development and
Education Committee chairman Datuk Dr Toh Kin Woon said the strategies
to reduce the hardships of the workers, included re-deploying laid-off
workers in the services sector such as in the hospitality industry.
Another option was to help the retrenched workers set up small businesses.
Koh stressed that multi-nationals as well as local manufacturers should
make good the "current situation" to re-train or send their workers for
further training on the various skills.
Also, he said, civil servants should remain resilient in facing the
challenges brought about by the economic slowdown.
"Civil servants are duty bound to remain committed to their work," he said.
Koh reiterated that the current economic situation was more serious than
the economic crisis during 1997-98 because it involved the manufacturing
sector. The regional economic crisis then, he said, affected the various stock
markets in the region, but did not affect the manufacturing sector or other
sectors of the economy. "The problem now is affecting the manufacturing sector worldwide and it
has a direct effect on the workers," he said, adding that Malaysia, which
practices an open economy, was prone to any "hiccup" in the world
economic activities as well as the regional stock markets.
Commenting on the Third Outline Perspective Plan (OPP3), Koh said the
10-year social-economic plan, was timely.
OPP3 is further proof of the Government's commitment to ensure continued
socio-economic prosperity for the people.
"It will help us to achieve Vision 2020 where our nation can reach greater
heights in all aspects of life including science, technology and spiritual
growth," he said. Also present at the gathering was State Secretary Datuk Khalid Ramli. |