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FEER: Prevention Is Better Than Cure By Lorien Holland 6/4/2001 7:11 pm Fri |
[Kerajaan memang lembab dan amat terlambat bertindak. Dua ekspot
penting negara kini tergugat - elektronik dan minyak kelapa sawit. Ini
juga menyebabkan hidup dua kategori rakyat miskin semakin melarat -
golongan pekerja kilang dan kaum petani. Mereka ini merupakan pengundi
yang penting kerana kebanyakkan mereka mendiami kawasan BN selama ini.
Ada 800,000 pekebun kecil sahaja... pekerja kilang tentu banyak juga.
Hanya baru sekarang kerajaan mahu merawat sakit yang sudah parah.
Sebagai doktor Mahathir sepatutnya telah lama merawatnya - malangnya
dia merawat orang lain yang lebih berguna untuknya. Kini dia bakal tahu
siapa yang lebih berguna kerana bilangan yang sengsara ini akan
mengajarnya nanti bila tiba waktunya.... siapa yang sebenarnya lebih
berguna untuk dibela. Prevention Is Better Than Cure With its two key economic drivers, electronics and palm oil, hit by
falling U.S. demand and weak global commodity prices, the government's
fiscal-stimulus package is a timely move to stave off recession
By Lorien Holland/KUALA LUMPUR CRUNCH TIME IS COMING again to Asia. Just as crisis-hit economies are
getting back on their feet, fresh winds of recession are blowing
through the region. Malaysia's central banker says the nation is ready
for the onslaught. And it needs to be: Two key industries--crude palm
oil, or CPO, and electronics--that were riding high during the Asian
financial crisis and helped Malaysia make its recovery are now in the
doldrums. Along with corporate restructuring and boosting domestic
consumption, these two industries must be revived if Malaysia is to
pull through the obstacles ahead.
The good news is that Malaysia has the capacity to address these
problems. On one side the government has already started to address
oversupply in the CPO market and is looking at plans to restructure
landholding in rural areas. In electronics, the Penang Development
Corporation is promoting new-generation photonics technology (see
article on page 46). The bad news is that politics and market
sentiment may get in the way of efforts to fend off recession.
Malaysia went into the last economic crisis with a strong and
unchallenged government. This time economic uncertainty could fan the
fires of dissent within the United Malays National Organization, the
leading party in the ruling coalition, at the grassroots level. The
race is on to see whether good policies and nimble entrepreneurs can
beat the onset of recession and deprive the squabbling politicians of
a focus of discontent. In 1998, when most urban Malaysians were reeling from the effects of
the Asian financial crisis, Khairol Hashim was bringing home an
unparalleled 2,000 ringgit ($526) a month from his small oil-palm
plantation to the north of Kuala Lumpur. "I put an extension on the
house, I bought a small car, almost anything I wanted I could afford,"
says the 38-year-old. But since world CPO prices came crashing down
from their historic highs, Hashim and his four small children have to
make do with 400 ringgit a month. And because he didn't save when he
could, there is little to cushion his fall. "We've had to tighten our
belts, we only spend on the very basics now," he says with a wry
smile. Malaysia has around 800,000 smallholders similarly dependent on export
markets, making up around one-tenth of the workforce. High global
commodity prices in 1998 and 1999 ensured that palm-oil and rubber
exports made a small but significant contribution to the country's
balance sheets, and a large contribution to social stability. At the
other end of the economic scale, Malaysia's electronics industry also
experienced a boom, largely led by United States demand for hi-tech
components. Last year exports made up one-fifth of GDP growth, which
was a healthy 8.5%. Now, local analysts joke that last year's "V" shaped recovery is
becoming a "W" as growth estimates are slashed. And the
belt-tightening is not just confined to Malaysia. Across the region,
signs of economic malaise are setting in, as a result of weakness in
the U.S. and Japanese economies. In mid-March, the Asian Development
Bank warned that average forecast growth for the five countries worst
affected by the Asian Crisis--South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia,
Malaysia and the Philippines--would fall to around 4% this year,
compared with 7.1% last year and 6.9% in 1999. "External risks have
heightened because of the faster-than-expected slowdown in the U.S.
and global economies, accompanied by a rapid fall-off in the growth of
electronics," it warned. But as in the 1997 crisis, Malaysia's government is not sitting idle.
Last week it unveiled a 3 billion ringgit ($789.5 million)
pump-priming package to spur domestic demand and counter the global
downturn by creating an additional 1.1 percentage points of growth.
And it left the door open for additional measures should the global
economy deteriorate further. "It wouldn't be prudent to allow negative
expectations to gather momentum and become self-fulfilling," says Zeti
Akhtar Aziz, governor of Bank Negara, the central bank.
Both foreign and local analysts welcomed the measures as a sign that
the government is preparing Malaysia for hard times ahead. But Kuala
Lumpur-based iCapital, an independent investment adviser, warned that
the measures would only be effective if monetary growth is sufficient
to accommodate growth in domestic demand. "We need to urgently attract
more foreign direct investment and to ensure that more export earnings
are being repatriated and not hoarded abroad," it said in a recent
report. Under the new fiscal-stimulus package, the government will start
building more schools and staff quarters for the armed forces to try
to sustain the economy's momentum. Spending will also be encouraged,
with an 8% loans-growth target, and looser purse strings for the
consumer at large, including a cut in mandatory contributions to the
Employees Provident Fund to 9% from 11%.
However, the stockmarket, which has been making a steady descent
through the mid-600 range, did not react positively to the news, with
many analysts fearing that the package was too little, too late. The
cut in EPF contributions, for example, will only add an extra 40
ringgit to the average monthly pay package, leading to concerns that
the government's forecast of a 12.3% hike in domestic consumption
(compared with 1.7% last year) is too high. "We feel this is
short-term gain for long-term pain; the feel-good factor will wear off
after a while," says Nicholas Tan of Merrill Lynch Securities in Kuala
Lumpur. But the package includes a 600 million ringgit injection of funds to
reduce oil-palm-planted areas and plans to burn oil for electricity to
reduce stockpiles. In the long run this management of CPO prices could
prove more significant to Malaysia's economic health than school
building or consumer-spending incentives, as it affects such a wide
swathe of the rural population. And as Malaysia is the world's largest
CPO producer, it should be possible. "I have to be realistic, prices
can only be pushed up to a par with soya-bean oil," says Lim Keng
Yaik, minister of primary industries. Big increases in soya-bean-oil
production in the U.S. are part of the reason why CPO is now trading
close to historic lows, way off the 1998 high of 2,400 ringgit a
tonne. "But no other [cash] crop is as remunerative for us as palm
oil, especially now that we have a method of managing our stock," says
Lim. The government put its stock-management plans into operation after CPO
prices fell to a low of 650 ringgit per tonne in February, below the
average 800 ringgit per tonne production cost for smallholders. With
grants of 1,000 ringgit per acre to replant old trees and shave off
current production levels, prices have recovered to 850 ringgit, but
question marks remain over the second part of the management plan,
which involves burning CPO along with medium fuel oil to generate
electricity. Lim says tests have proved successful, and the current
high prices of petroleum and low prices of CPO make it economically
viable. For all Lim's confidence, the plans leave analysts appalled. While the
price difference between CPO and petroleum has fallen, there is still
a 100 ringgit per tonne premium on CPO, which adds up if Tenaga
Nasional, the nation's state-owned utility, is to buy 500,000 tonnes
this year. The government will likely provide a subsidy for this, but
going forward, it isn't clear how much Tenaga will have to pay to
refurbish its plants after prolonged burning of less-efficient
vegetable oils. One estimate, from ABN-Amro in Singapore, puts it at
200 million-300 million ringgit, a considerable cost for an already
loss-making company. Even without CPO, Teh Chi-Cheng, a utility
analyst at SG Securities in Kuala Lumpur, estimates that Tenaga will
be "at least 2 billion ringgit negative for the next three years,"
because of infrastructure and fuel costs. The rescue of the palm-oil
industry, say others, would be better served if the government
directly handed its subsidies to the smallholders.
Still, burning CPO looks likely to go ahead. The government hopes
farmers like Hashim can earn enough, not only to keep afloat but also
to spend, and take Malaysia a step closer to fending off recession. If
not, there could be big repercussions ahead, especially as the ruling
coalition's lead in many smallholder constituencies has already been
reduced, and support for the opposition is growing. "Part of our
political problem is that rural Malays don't feel the government has
done enough to lift them out of poverty," says Lim. |