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Ribut Melanda Ekonomi Negara By Kapal Berita 10/4/2001 2:10 pm Tue |
Jika Malaysia memang kuat asasnya ia tidak akan terjejas teruk
akibat kemelesetan ekonomi di Amerika. Bulan ini tiada berita
gembira buat pelabur di pasaran saham walaupun Mahathir cuba
beberapa kali dengan pelbagai rancangan untuk mengembalikan
keyakinan. Banyak rancangan yang pelik-pelik diumumkan tapi
tidak berkesan. Masterplan sudah, Pakej Merangsang pun sudah
dan kini OPP3 pula. Tapi pelabur masih tidak menjelma - sebaliknya
mereka melarikan diri pula. Banyak yang menjual dari yang membeli
sehingga teruk indeks komposit BSKL dibuatnya.
Saham menjunam lagi mencecah hari ke 5 - di dahului oleh TNB.
Kesangsian terhadap penilaian semula ringgit menjadi faktor
utama. Rencana Reuters menyebut TNB meminjam dari luar - inilah
puncanya. Pelabur asing menjual kerana amat bimbang ringgit dinilai semula
Situasi sudah menjadi ribut dan tidak ketentuan. Ringgit yang lemah
akan mengurangkan nilai dolar pelaburan mereka di Malaysia. Ini
menyebabkan pelabur luar memindahkan wang mereka ke pasaran lain.
Indeks Komposit BSKL jatuh 24.10 atau 4.2% kepada 553.24.
Ia telah menjunam 20% sejak bulan lepas, sekaligus memecahkan rekod
untuk menjadi indeks kedua terteruk berprestasi di dunia
pada musim ini. Patutlah pelabur lari.
Perhatikan saham bank terjejas teruk kerana nilai saham yang
menjadi kolateral mencekik keuntungan bank. Terdapat kebimbangan
peminjam mungkin tidak mampu membayar hutang serta meningkatnya
NPL (hutang lapuk). Ekspot yang menurun telah mencederakan sektor perkilangan yang
menyumbang 1/3 (33%) dari ekonomi. Pengeluaran bertambah (4.3%)
tapi pada kadar yang paling rendah sejak 22 bulan lepas. Kebanyakan matawang
serantau semakin lemah berikutan yen yang terus merosot (sehingga
Mori berhasrat untuk meletak jawatan Jumaat lepas). Ini menjadikan
ringgit amat tidak kompetetif sehingga ekspot berkurang. Ini juga
menyebabkan pelabur keluar kerana saham Malaysia menjadi lebih mahal.
Seperti biasa Mahathir menuduh orang lain sahaja untuk memindahkan
malunya. Beliau menyalahkan Wall St kerana saham yang meragam dan
membebel, "En Dow dan En Jones tidak mahu berkira".
MP Hasan Md Ali menyindir dengan soalan jika Mahathir berundur
mungkinkah saham akan mendaki semula sebagaimana yang berlaku
di Filipina. Dua faktor (matawang dan kemelsetan A.S.) kini menghenyak Malaysia
ke dalam kancah krisis ekonomi yang mungkin teruk kali ini kerana
tidak cukup bersedia dari awal lagi. Mahathir membantu kroni dahulu
selepas menang pilihanraya dan hanya kini baru tercungap untuk
mengumumkan pakej rangsangan dan rancangan jangkapanjang OPP3.
Ini bermakna belanjawan lepas memang tidak memadai dan hanya
mampu membuat kita tersadai. Dasar kawalan matawang Mahathir kini menghadapi detik yang amat
getir lagi mencabar. Nampak jelas sektor perkilangan sudah terjejas
dan pelabur semakin gundah. Saham terus menjunam sehingga sektor
perbankan semakin tergugat. Di Jepun, Mori sudahpun angkat tangan
mahu meletak jawatan. Mahathir nampaknya masih berdegil dan
menuding jari kepada mamat Dow dan mamat Jones di Wall St pula.
Padahal bukan salah peniaga kerana semua peniaga ingin untung belaka.
Mahathir yang degil untuk berkira
Masalah A.S. adalah perkara biasa akibat peralihan kuasa presiden.
Selepas kempen Bush-Al Gore, peniaga skeptik tidak tahu kemana Bush mahu
memacu negara. Kebetulan pasaran IT sudah tepu sehingga tergugat banyak
syarikat teknologi yang menyumbang ekonomi negara.
Sudah lumrah peniaga mahu meletak wang dimana Bush akan menjulangnya -
bukannya masalah Dow dan Jones tidak boleh berkira. Tetapi saham menjunam
di Malaysia antara lain adalah kerana Mahathir memang payah dibawa berkira.
Dia hanya akur bila tersedak dan terdesak sahaja. Semua pelabur sudah
tahu perangainya - sebab itulah mereka risau tidak terkira sehingga
menjual saham yang ada. Mahathir kini sedang terjerat oleh arus ekonomi dunia. Perhimpunan
agung Umno semakin menghampirinya tetapi iklim niaga meragam pula.
Jangan lupa ahli Umno banyak yang berniaga dan bermain saham serta
berhutang dengan bank-bank sehingga mencecah ratusan juta. Mereka
tentunya tidak senang bila kerugian berjuta-juta di pasaran saham
akibat ketidak-stabilan ekonomi negara. Mereka akan memberontak
jika tidak pulih ketika persidangan Umno nanti. Jika itu berlaku
Mahathir mungkin terpaksa berada di dalam penjara sampai mati....
-TJr Kapal Berita- Malaysian Stocks Tumble; Tenaga Leads on Currency Peg Concern
By T.H. Chan Kuala Lumpur, April 9 (Bloomberg) -- Malaysian stocks fell
for a fifth day, led by Tenaga Nasional Bhd. as a slowing economy
fueled investor concern the government will allow the local
currency to fall to make exports more competitive.
The concern comes even after Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin
said Saturday the nation will keep its currency peg. The ringgit
has been pegged at 3.80 to the U.S. dollar since late 1998.
A weaker ringgit erodes the dollar value of foreigners'
investments in Malaysian stocks, encouraging them to shift their
money to other markets. ``Foreigners seem to be selling as they're scared of
devaluation. It does make the situation very uncertain,'' said
David Watt, who helps manage 50 million ringgit ($13.2 million)
at AIMS Asset Management Sdn. The Kuala Lumpur Composite Index fell 24.10, or 4.2 percent,
to 553.34. It has fallen 20 percent in the past month, making it
the world's second worst performing benchmark index in that
period. The broader KL Emas Index dropped 4.76, or 3.5 percent,
to 131.1. Falling stocks outpaced rising ones 587 to 78 while 136
were unchanged. Trade fell 11 percent to 106.2 million shares
from yesterday. The volume is lower than its six-month daily
average of 116.5 million shares. The following shares are active on the Kuala Lumpur Stock
Exchange: Malaysia's biggest exporters extended their declines.
Industrial production expanded at its slowest pace in two years
in February, gaining 4.3 percent from a year earlier. The gain is
the smallest since April 1999, when the country emerged from its
worst recession. Malaysian Pacific Industries Bhd. (MPI MK
Banks fell on concern a stock market slump will hurt wealth
and borrowers' ability to repay their loans. That may heighten
the risk of bad loans on the books of lenders. Commerce Asset-
Holding Bhd. (CAHB MK D'Nonce Technology Bhd. (DNON MK DRB-Hicom Bhd. (DRB MK Palmco Holdings Bhd. (PAL MK Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Bhd. (TV3 MK
Monday April 9, 6:48 PM Malaysian stocks tumble on economic, ringgit fears
By Benjamin Low KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 (Reuters) - Fears of a worsening economic
outlook and speculation of a currency devaluation kept their
stranglehold on Malaysian shares on Monday, sending the key stock
index tumbling to its lowest close in two years.
The 100-stock Composite Index <.KLSE> dropped 24.10 points, or
4.17 percent, to 553.34, its fifth consecutive day of decline.
Malaysia's market was one of the biggest losers on a day that saw
markets across Asia succumb to renewed worries of a U.S. economic
recession. Slumping demand for Malaysian exports is already hurting Malaysia's
manufacturing sector, which accounts for over one-third of the
economy. Industrial output grew at its slowest rate in 22 months in February and
imports of intermediate and capital goods have dropped rapidly as
manufacturers slash production amid cooling demand.
With the U.S. threatening to fall into a recession, Malaysia's economic
outlook may get worse and with it, the stock market's performance,
analysts said. "The economic outlook in the U.S. and Malaysia is not improving,"
said Chie K. Ngu, head of research at TA Securities.
"The whole situation is still deteriorating. So, it's too early to say that
stocks have bottomed." Chipmaker Malaysian Pacific Industries , which sells chips to U.S
companies like Motorola Inc, fell seven percent to 9.30 ringgit,
leading other exporters lower. Talk of a devaluation in the ringgit is also depressing Malaysian
shares. 13 PCT DROP IN FOUR DAYS The Composite Index has shed 12.6 percent in the last four days as
investors cashed out from the Malaysian market to prevent a loss in
the value of their capital investments.
A yen-inspired slump in regional currencies like the Thai baht has
raised concerns Malaysia may adjust the ringgit's fixed exchange rate
of 3.8 per U.S. dollar to ensure its vital export sector remains
competitive. Though Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin repeated on Sunday there
were no plans to alter the peg, the market was unconvinced.
"The current sell down is because of the fear of depegging of the
ringgit. If the ringgit is depegged, investors will lose out," said Ang
Kok Heng, who helps manage 150 million ringgit ($39.5 million) at
TA Asset Management. Some of Malaysia's largest and best-known companies such as
power firm Tenaga Nasional have led the charge lower.
Tenaga fell 85 cents, or 8.95 percent, to 8.65 ringgit, its lowest since
December 1999. The leading Malaysian power company is one of many firms that
have borrowed money abroad, exposing it to costlier loan repayments
if the ringgit is devalued. "Every 10 cents increase in the U.S. dollar against the ringgit, will
work out to 155 million ringgit in foreign exchange losses for Tenaga,"
said Teh Chi-Chang, an analyst at SG Research. Among other large-capitalised firms, phone company Telekom fell
40 cents, or 4.4 percent to 8.70 ringgit while Maybank lost 35
cents, or 3.5 percent, to 9.65 ringgit.
As other Asian markets drop, Malaysian stocks have become
relatively more expensive, prompting investors to move elsewhere.
"Generally Malaysia is fair but because blue chips have been well
supported, they are higher than the region. So, they are doing a
catch-up now," said TA Asset's Ang. Malaysia's top bank Maybank, for example, is trading at 16 times
estimated earnings for 2001 compared with Singapore's DBS Holdings,
which is at 12 times.
Stocks Kuala Lumpur Shares Close Sharply Lower April 9, 2001
KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 Asia Pulse - Share prices on on the Kuala
Lumpur Stock Exchange closed sharply lower amid concerns on the
outlook of the US economy and the possibility that ringgit could be
re-pegged due to the weakening of regional currencies.
At 5.00 pm, the benchmark Composite Index fell 24.10 points or 4.17
percent to 553.34. It opened at 575.17, but from then onwards it took
a downward path, hitting a low of 552.90 in the afternoon.
The all Main Board Emas Index lost 4.76 points to 131.10, while the
Industrial Index lost 33.95 points to 1,068.72.
The Second Board Index shed 2.18 points to 98.32.
Losers outnumbered gainers by 588 to 78 while 136 counters were
unchanged and 231 untraded. Total turnover increased to 106.245 million shares worth RM286.535
million from 119.170 million valued at RM315.212 million.
business/afp/article.html?s=asia/headlines/ 010409/business/afp/
Monday, April 9 2:31 PM SGT Mahathir blames Wall Street for weak Malaysian bourse
KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 (AFP) - Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on Monday blamed Wall Street for
last week's plunge of almost 11 percent on the Malaysian stock
market, saying "Mr. Dow and Mr. Jones are not cooperating."
The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange composite index tumbled another
3.5 percent at the end of morning trade Monday, losing 20.28 points
to close at 557.16. "The only thing we can do is to give incentives to the New York
Stock Exchange because every time that one comes down, everbody
comes down, not only us," Mahathir told reporters.
"If you look around the region, everybody is performing very badly,
all because Mr. Dow and Mr. Jones are not cooperating."
The premier was asked why the stock market had fallen significantly
despite recent economic stimulus measures and a 10-year
development plan announced by the government.
Dealers said selling of key blue chips continued Monday amid
persistent speculation that the Malaysian ringgit peg may be revised
amid weaker regional currencies. Repeated insistences by Mahathir and Finance Minister Daim
Zainuddin that Malaysia would not alter or abolish its currency peg
has little influence on the market, they said.
Investors, especially foreigners, were continuing to shift to bonds or
to cheaper regional markets given weaker regional currencies, they
added. Some analysts have said the weakening of the Japanese yen
increases the chances that the ringgit peg, fixed at 3.80 to the dollar
since September 1998, will be loosened to make Malaysian exports
more competitive. But Daim on Sunday said the peg would remain and urged
Malaysians to instead raise productivity and efficiency to boost
exports. Pankaj Kumar, research head at OSK Research, said the latest
industrial output figures reflected the current slowdown in the
manufacturing sector which accounts for 33 percent of gross domestic
product. Pankaj said the downward trend began in October last year and was
expected to slow further, dampening the economic outlook.
The Statistics Department said Friday that February industrial output
rose 4.3 percent year-on-year but fell 2.5 percent from January.
Opposition parliamentarian Hassan Mohamad Ali qestioned Monday
whether share prices would rally if Mahathir stepped down, as they
did in the Philippines when President Joseph Estrada quit.
Finance ministry parliamentary secretary Hashim Ismail, replying to
the question in the legislature, said the "individual factor
determine the vagaries of the stock market."