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AP: Anwar surgery problems ignored, says Dutch doctor By SCMP 11/4/2001 7:55 pm Wed |
[Dr Hoogland tidak mahu mengadakan pembedahan di Malaysia kerana
aspek kesihatan pesakit dan unsur kemanusiaan telah dipinggirkan oleh
aspek politik yang tiada belas kasihan. Kerajaan tidak bersungguh mahu
Anwar dirawat walaupun dia disakitkan sendiri oleh kerajaan (melalui
Rahim Nor dan rakan-rakan). The South China Morning Post, HK Anwar surgery problems ignored, says Dutch doctor
ASSOCIATED PRESS in Kuala Lumpur A Dutch spinal specialist has said he will not operate on jailed
former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim in Malaysia, and accused
the Government of ignoring his findings that local facilities were
unsuitable. In a statement released yesterday by Anwar's lawyers, Dr Thomas
Hoogland said Malaysian officials had made no effort to address
"essential deficits" in equipment and staff skills at Kuala Lumpur's
main hospital, where the Government wants the surgery to take place.
"The attitude of the Malaysian Government . . . forces me to withdraw
my option of performing the endoscopic surgery of Mr Anwar in the
hospital of Kuala Lumpur," Dr Hoogland said in the statement.
The decision appears to end immediate hopes that Dr Hoogland would
operate on Anwar for a slipped disc, which has kept him in hospital
since November and which he claims was caused in part by a beating he
received from police while in custody.
The Government has refused to allow Anwar to go abroad for treatment,
as Dr Hoogland had recommended. At Anwar's request, the Government allowed Dr Hoogland to examine the
former deputy premier and tour the Kuala Lumpur Hospital in March.
Dr Hoogland said afterwards that Anwar needed an operation within
weeks and that the safest option was for minimally invasive endoscopic
surgery performed at his Alpha Klinik in Munich.
In a report, he said specialist equipment needed for the surgery was
not available in Malaysia, that operating tables were unsuitable, and
that anaesthetic staff were untrained in necessary procedures.
He said equipment and staff would have to be brought in if the
operation was performed in Malaysia. The Government said Dr Hoogland would be allowed to operate on Anwar,
but only in Malaysia, where "all facilities" were already available.
Once considered Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's successor, Anwar was
sacked by his former mentor in September 1998 amid disagreements over
how Malaysia should handle the Asian financial crisis.
Anwar was later charged with s###my and corruption and sentenced to a
total of 15 years in prison. Anwar claims the charges were part of a
conspiracy to stop him challenging Dr Mahathir for power.
Anwar's ouster galvanised Malaysia's fragmented opposition, which
organised large anti-government protests and joined forces in a
four-party coalition in an unsuccessful bid to unseat Dr Mahathir in
elections in 1999. By then, the economy had partly recovered and Dr Mahathir's ruling
coalition succeeded in retaining power, although the opposition made
inroads. Dr Mahathir said last month his former deputy would not return if he
were allowed to leave Malaysia. In his statement, Dr Hoogland said "many political aspects" were
complicating Anwar's situation but that his first consideration was
"the health and the humanitarian aspects of my patient".
Anwar's lawyer Sankara Nair said he had forwarded Dr Hoogland's
statement to prison officials and that the next move in the case was
theirs. It was not known when they would reply, he said.
KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 (AFP) - A Dutch doctor has refused a Malaysian
government order to perform a back operation on jailed former deputy prime minister
Anwar Ibrahim in Kuala Lumpur, a statement said Monday.
Inadequate facilities at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital and the negative attitude of the
Malaysian government "forces me to withdraw my option" of operating at the hospital,
specialist Thomas Hoogland said in a statement.
Hoogland added that it would be difficult for him to operate anywhere in Malaysia
because of "negative views" expressed about him in the media by some hospital
medical staff and the health minister.
He repeated that Anwar, who has been in hospital since November 25 with acute back
pain due to a slipped disc, should be operated on at his clinic in Germany.
The government has rejected this option and insisted that Anwar is operated on at the
Kuala Lumpur Hospital, with specialists and equipment flown in if necessary.
Hoogland has said the operating table, X-ray equipment and image intensifier at the
hospital are inadequate for endoscopic surgery and that anaesthetists lack necessary
experience for such an operation. In his statement Monday, he added that "many political aspects" were complicating the
situation and he accused hospital chiefs of waging a media campaign against him.
Hospital chiefs had assured him they could provide all the necessary facilities and
equipment even before he had given them his requirements, he added.
Hoogland has said Anwar should have surgery by the end of the month. Without an
operation, his pain would continue, he would be unable to walk properly and there was a
slight risk of paralysis. Last week Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused Anwar, his former deputy, of
politicising his back injury as part of efforts to topple him.
Mahathir also said he was unhappy with the "special treatment" given to Anwar and
described his spinal injury as a "backache."
Anwar is serving a 15-year jail term for abuse of power and s###my. He says he is a
political prisoner and was framed on Mahathir's orders.
He claims his back injury was partly caused by an assault by then-police chief Rahim
Noor on the night of his arrest in September 1998.
Anwar's lawyer Sankara Nair said he has sent Hoogland's statement to the prisons
department chief, asking him to "give weight" to it and to the application for overseas
treatment. Anwar, guarded by armed warders, last week attended his mother's funeral in a