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Time: Policing the Police By Simon Elegant 12/4/2001 2:02 am Thu |
[Pada 2/10/1998, polis telah menembak mati (tepat pada dahi) seorang
wanita yang sedang mengandung 8 bulan dalam satu operasi siasatan
penculikkan anak seorang pemimpin politik tempatan. Testimoni Saraswathy
serta bukti forensik yang ngeri keadaan mangsa telah mengelarkan lagi imej
polis yang sudah jijik sejak berkonspirasi dengan pemimpin atasan negara
untuk melebam dan memusnahkan Anwar. Inilah spesis polis yang sama yang
masih tidak mesra-mesra sehingga menelanjangkan Nora.
Kerajaan BN asyik mempertahankan polis di mana Mahathir sendiri memberi
amaran kerajaan akan bertindak ofensif dan lebih memeranjatkan untuk
'menjaga keamanan'. Dollah Badawi sekadar mengaku polis mempunyai masalah
PR (hubungan awam) sahaja. SUHAKAM akan membentangkan lapuran mengenai keganasan polis pada penghujung
April ini tetapi rakyat begitu sangsi itu dapat melakukan apa-apa
perubahan yang diharapkan. Bagi kita polis cuma menjaga keamanan pemimpin Umno sahaja bukannya keamanan
rakyat semua. Jika polis betul-betul adil, berhemah dan professional banyak
masalah telah selesai dan polis dapat 'goyang kaki' sahaja. Keadilan di dalam
negara kini makin sukar lagi kerana pengarah BPR yang baru pun seorang bekas
anggota polis juga. Time Magazine Malaysia's controversial cops face criticism and potential censure for
repeated brutalities BY SIMON ELEGANT Kuala Lumpur Pic: Police officers clash with a supporter of ex-Deputy Premier Anwar
Ibrahim. It was chilling testimony. One minute, Saraswathy Govindasamy was
chatting outside her front door with her eight-month pregnant niece
and neighbor, Selvamalar Nadarajah. The next, her niece and four
others had been shot dead by a police SWAT team.
"I rushed out when I heard the gunshots," Saraswathy, a 44-year-old
housewife told a Kuala Lumpur court in early March. She claims she
tried to alert police that a pregnant woman was inside the house they
had surrounded. "Do you want to die? Go back inside," a policeman
shouted, according to Saraswathy. "About two hours later a police
truck arrived. They brought out five bodies from the house and into
the waiting truck." One of the bodies was Selvamalar's.
The dead woman's two children, Alameloo Mangai, 11, and her sister
Keerthana, 8, are suing the government and police for their mother's
death. Police officers responsible for the Oct. 2, 1998, raid, which
was part of an investigation into the kidnapping of a prominent
politician's son, have told the court they had reason to believe the
boy was in the house and acted in self-defense after shots were fired
from inside. During the earlier inquiry into the deaths, police
claimed they had found two guns in the house.
The graphic testimony given so far in the ongoing trial - including
detailed forensic descriptions of how Selvamalar was shot in the head
and the condition of her unborn child - comes at an unwelcome time for
Malaysia's troubled police force. The case revives longstanding
complaints by human rights advocates that the nation's law enforcement
officers are trigger happy, practicing what human rights group Hakam
and others describe as an "unofficial shoot-to-kill policy."
(Malaysia's inspector general of police wasn't available to be
interviewed for this story.) The country's fledgling Human Rights Commission has just concluded a
public inquiry into allegations of police misconduct last November at
an anti-government demonstration. During the inquiry, commissioners
heard lengthy reports of misconduct - unprovoked violence, unnecessarily
long detention of arrested protestors and deliberate humiliation of
prisoners. One woman gave evidence that she was forced to strip naked
and subjected to a body cavity search.
The commission is also considering launching an inquiry into
allegations that police failed to intervene in recent ethnic clashes
between Malay and Indian squatters that left six dead and 48 severely
wounded. Human Rights Commissioner Anuar Zainal Abidin is studying a
108-page report submitted by an ad hoc group - the Police Watch and
Human Rights Committee - that lodges a formal complaint against
high-ranking officers alleging no protection was given to ethnic
Indians during the riots. The "general public perception of the police has been very severely
dented," says Sulaiman Abdullah, a prominent lawyer. The current
controversies are particularly troubling for many Malaysians, Sulaiman
adds, in the wake of former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's
imprisonment and conviction on charges of corruption and s###my. After
Anwar was severely beaten on the night of his arrest in September
1998, an internal police inquiry failed to identify the culprit. It
took a Royal Commission of Inquiry to determine that then-police chief
Rahim Noor had administered the beating. (In a subsequent trial, Rahim
was found guilty of the charge and he is appealing a two-month prison
sentence.) Anwar argued that his convictions were the result of a
conspiracy orchestrated by the police at the behest of senior
government figures. The string of controversies are bound to "affect the perception of the
people about the police force," says Saravanan Murugan, a Senator in
Malaysia's appointed upper house and a senior member of the Malaysian
Indian Congress, the Indian component of the country's ruling
coalition. "The people have a right to be concerned."
The government has staunchly defended police conduct, although Deputy
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi - who is also Home Minister and
responsible for supervising the force - has acknowledged that the police
have a p.r. problem. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has gone on the
offensive. In parliament last week, he warned that his government was
willing to break with "so-called international norms" to preserve
peace. The Human Rights Commission is due to present its official report for
2000 to parliament by the end of April. Its recommendations - and the
government's response - are a litmus test for human rights in Malaysia,
activists say. Anuar is cautious when addressing the charge by
opposition politicians that police are often a willing tool to further
the government's political ends. "I don't know about that. We'll
tackle the simpler issues first," he says. "When we have found out
where we can act, then we'll tackle the more difficult ones." Even for
someone claiming to be "very optimistic" about the role the commission
can play in ensuring police accountability, that could be a lot more
than just difficult. With reporting by Mageswary Ramakrishnan/Kuala Lumpur