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TJ MT MGG: Sakit Belakang Sebabkan Orang Depan Celupar By M.G.G. Pillai 21/4/2001 1:50 am Sat |
MGG 8801 [Chua akhirnya menyerlahkan tembelang kerajaan bila diasak oleh
soalan pembangkang di parlimen sehingga tercemar imej kerajaan dan
Mahathir. Pembangkang harus terus mengemukakan soalan yang pintar
yang menjerut dan mencalar muka kerajaan sendiri - agar mereka
terduduk dan termalu sendiri. Hanya melalui cara inilah muslihat
dan sikap sebenar kerajaan akan terpapar.
Sekarang imej kerajaan sudah tercemar. MP BN memang mempunyai penyakit
dan kelemahan. Gunakanlah kelemahan ini untuk menusuk rahsia agar
terkeluar. Barulah pembangkang benar-benar pendekar yang pintar.
- Editor] Sakit Belakang Sebabkan Orang Depan Celupar
(Back problem sees frontbencher in top form)
MGG Pillai Ada sesuatu yang ganjil berlaku di Parlimen dua hari dulu. Seorang menteri
kabinet telah membuat kenyataan penuh mengenai isu panas dan menjawab 30
soalan untuk memuaskan yang bertanya. Selalunya kerja-kerja itu
diserahkan kepada timbalan menteri dan setiausaha parlimen dan kalau
ada pun soalan susulan ia dibenarkan untuk memuja-muja atau dikira
tidak relevan sahaja. Sudah tentu Chua tidak menyelidik di laman internet dan membuka
klinik pakar di Munich . Di situ dia boleh mendapatkan maklumat yang
diperlukannya, termasuk segala kertas kajian yang dierbitkan: satu muka
penuh maklumat itu semuanya. Chua telah mengenepikan segala maklumat
itu sambil memperlekehkan Dr. Thomas Hoogland. Perkara semacam ini
memang dijangkakan daripada Chua dan juga kerajaannya. Yang paling
memeningkan sekarang ialah masalah kesihatan Anwar.
Selama ini Parlimen dianggap sebagai tukang cop pengesahan (rubber stamp)
sahaja. Ahli parlimen (MPs) selalu sangat diberikan Rang undang-undang,
termasuk pindaan perlembagaan, untuk dikaji sebelum didebatkan. Terlalu
kerap sangat pengedaran itu dilakukan hanya beberapa jam sebelum
perdebatan dan diluluskan tergesa-gesa kerana kesuntukan masa.
Pembangkang tidak mempunyai suara ramai untuk menarik perhatian kepada
pandangan mereka, membuatkan kerajaan mudah mengkotak-katikkan kewujudan
mereka semua. Kerana itu Mahathir berani mengumumkan pekej kewangan
bernilai RM 3 bilion di satu sidang akhbar sedangkan Dewan Rakyat itu
sedang bersidang, dan enggan pula mendebatkan perkara itu dalam dewan.
Penyakit belakang Anwar sudah merobah keadaan dan mendesak berlakunya
perubahan itu. Belum pun lama Mahathir menyebut akan keengganan kerajaan
melayan masalah kesakitan Anwar itu, Chua sudah pun mengeluarkan kenyataan
yang menyeluruh. Tentu ada sebab kenapa berlakunya perubahan ini.
Secara tidak langsung, Anwar sudah menjadi satu batu hambatan yang
menyekat kerajaan bernafas lega. Ura-ura perundingan perpaduan Melayu
sedang terbantut kerana UMNO menyisihkan dia dan partinya, Keadilan
daripada ikut serta, dan UMNO berura-ura merapatkan hubungan dengan
PAS. Tetapi yang menjadi tumpuan fikiran orang Melayu sekarang ialah
bukannya masalah politik tetapi perpaduan budaya.
Rencana Asal: 19 April 01 MGG Pillai It is proof, if proof be needed, that when an active
opposition exists, as now, the government is kept on its
toes, and forced to reveal more than it wants to. It does
not if the health minister, Chua Jui Meng, said less than
the truth, it does not matter if what he said of former
deputy prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim's medical problems was
contentious. More important is that he did.
Self-interest runs through it. Anwar Ibrahim's spinal
problem is now political, not surgical nor medical. It is a
test of wills between him and the government on where
surgery to ease his excruciating back pain is done. The
government wants it done here, Anwar in Munich. But it
spoiled its case so that public perception is that it is
unnecessarily vindictive, petty, callous.
That is why Chua went into so much detail and said more
than he or anyone else on the front bench informed
Malaysians of Anwar's medical condition. He lied about the
man Anwar would like to operate upon him, that he is not the
expert he is portrayed as, nor has he justified his claims
with research papers in learned medical journals.
In flux But he did not, obviously, go to the website of the
surgeon's clinic in Munich -- http;// --
where he could have got all the information he needed,
including the papers he had published: it fills a page. He
ignored all that to lay calumny on Dr Thomas Hoogland.
Somehow one expected all this from Chua. His, and the
government's biggest headache now is Anwar's medical
problems. Be that as it may, it opens another vista of
parliamentary scrutiny. The last time the Dewan Rakyat saw
such openness was in the 1960s, when with an active
opposition from the Socialist Front, even if its MPs were,
on occasion, detained under the Internal Security Act.
The man who led the opposition onslaught then was the
late lamented Tan Chee Khoon, whose uncanny ability to wean
answers out of a reluctant cabinet earned him respect on
both sides of the House. When he opened his hospital in the
1970s, it was the then prime minister, Abdul Razak, who
declared it open. There is as active an opposition now in the House as
then. Then, a Malay prime minister confronted a Chinese
leader of the opposition; now a Malay prime minister a
Malay leader of the opposition. The Prime Minister,
Mahathir Mohamed, faces an Opposition leader, Fadhil Nor,
who could be, if circumstances change, could exchange roles.
The Malay world is in flux. What caused it is how
Mahathir humiliated Anwar. Chua could not but make the full
statement he did on Tuesday (Ed: 16 August 01). That he did
so contentiously is only to be expected. The rules of
parliamentary procedure is alien to the National Front
government as it is not to the opposition.
The opposition should let him be, not raise hackles
about whether he lied or not. The die is cast. What Chua
did puts his cabinet colleagues on notice that they should
emulate him when a full statement is expected. They should
also expect to answer fully questions raised by MPs, even if
the Speaker says they need not, or face the wrath outside.
Rubber stamp Parliament is used, all this while, as a rubber stamp.
MPs are not often given bills, even of constitutional
amendments, to study them before debate; often they are
given it a few hours before debate and passed on
certificates of urgency. The opposition did not have the
numbers to make its views heard, and the government rode
rough shod over them. So much so, Mahathir had the gall to
announce a RM3 billion financial package at a press
conference when the House was sitting, and refused to debate
it inside. Anwar's medical condition forced this subtle change. It
took but a few days from Mahathir's refusal to Chua's full
statement. There is reason for this. Anwar is, willy
nilly, the stumbling block to the government's well-being.
Malay unity talks is stalled because it is to keep him and
his party, Keadilan, out, and forge a political unity pact
with PAS. But what concerns the Malay is not political but
cultural unity. Once UMNO, which dominates the National Front
government, controlled the political and cultural destiny of
the Malays. Now, even its political hold is under attack.
The Malay deserts it for the humiliation its leader
afflicted on Anwar, a cardinal sin in his eyes of a leader
humiliating his chief. Mahathir can hold on to the Malay political leadership
by force and control, but it cannot sustain him if the
cultural ground deserts. When Chua spoke at length about
Anwar's medical problem, it was a feather in Fadhil's, not
Mahathir's, cap. It is the most important cultural
confrontation between the two men, and Mahathir it is who
blinked. M.G.G. Pillai |