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AWSJ: Support Base For UMNO Shifts In Malaysia By AWSJ 25/4/2001 1:32 am Wed |
The Asian Wall Street Journal Editorial: Support Base For UMNO Shifts In Malaysia
(Editor's Note: This is an editorial from Tuesday's Asian Wall Street
Journal.) The tectonic plates of Malaysian politics are shifting perceptibly,
and the resulting minor tremors are signaling that bigger quakes could
lie ahead. The United Malays National Organization, the predominantly
Malay party that dominates the ruling coalition, has been losing
support and is now looking nervously toward elections in 2004. UMNO
still has time to turn the trend line around, but it will have to
accommodate increasing demands from an increasingly sophisticate
electorate for more transparent and accountable government.
The party continues to be saddled with the ill-feeling generated by
the arrest and conviction of former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar
Ibrahim on corruption and s###my charges two years ago. But more
relevant to the future, as Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has now
acknowledged, is a problem of corruption and vote-buying that has
infected UMNO and undermined its appeal. Mr. Mahathir vowed Saturday
to bar "abundantly rich" members of UMNO from vying for certain party
posts in an effort to keep officials from using their positions to
obtain lucrative government contracts. Government policies that favor
a politically connected elite are also resented by poor Malays, as
recent events also show. It's an established principle of political science that when a
population reaches a level of economic development at which a
well-educated and economically secure middle class begins to develop
its own institutions of civil society, demands for increased democracy
will not be far behind. That Malaysia is fast approaching such a
juncture was reinforced by the government's own Human Rights
Commission, which issued an important report last week. It stated:
"For increasingly larger segments of Malaysian society, a full stomach
is no longer enough." The commission, which was created by Parliament and appointed by the
prime minister last year, has been hearing evidence of police
brutality and other abuses. In its report, it criticized laws like the
Internal Security Act that allow for indefinite detention without
trial, saying they "restrict or infringe the basic human rights of
[Malaysia's] citizens." The ISA was used two weeks ago to arrest seven
opposition leaders and activists who were planning an antigovernment
rally. The commission has urged that they be released and that
restrictions on such rallies be eased. The day after the commission
issued its report, the government arrested another opposition leader
under the Internal Security Act. Similar arrests in past decades
discouraged opposition activity, but today they may be having the
opposite effect, increasing dissatisfaction with the government.
Meanwhile, the Malaysian Trade Union Congress, formerly a stronghold
of UMNO support, has called for pickets to protest government
policies. One of its chief complaints is that the national pension
fund bought into the initial public offering of Time dotCom, a venture
by the UMNO-linked Renong conglomerate. The IPO was not well received
by other investors and the pension fund has reported a loss of $25
million on its investment. That has poor Malays crying foul, accusing
the government of bailing out cronies at their expense.
The pension fund's investment board is appointed by and accountable to
Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin. Mr. Daim, who himself is one of
Malaysia's wealthiest men, is already under fire for a deal in which
the government bought back a controlling stake in the national airline
from politically well-connected entrepreneur Tajudin Ramli for well
above the market price. Last week Mr. Mahathir announced that Mr. Daim
was taking a two-month leave from office. When asked if this meant one
of his most trusted associates and the UMNO treasurer would be leaving
his post, Mr. Mahathir said: "That you've got to ask him. If you ask
me and I answer, he might get angry." Mr. Mahathir has felt pressure from attacks within the party for
corruption getting out of hand. When senior UMNO official Fauzi Abdul
Rahman alleged recently that he had been cheated out of a top job
because of vote buying, the prime minister's initial response was to
shoot the messenger, calling for Mr. Fauzi to leave the party. Now he
has backed an investigation into the charges.
One of UMNO's greatest strengths has always been its ability to
provide continuity, stability and an experienced hand at the tiller.
It now faces the difficult task of appealing to an electorate that
wants a greater say in government, more civil liberties and less of
the machine politics of the past. Mr. Mahathir's instinctive response
to the challenge has been on display in recent weeks: arrests of
opposition leaders, calls for tighter restrictions on the press and
appeals to Malay unity. The struggle over UMNO's direction in the
months ahead should give us some valuable clues about Malaysia's