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TJ MK AP: Bedah AI: KataPutus Dilanjutkan By Man Kubur 29/4/2001 10:15 pm Sun |
Kerajaan masih tidak membenarkan Anwar dirawat di luar negara
sedangkan kesakitan Anwar antara lain berpunca daripada pukulan
luarbiasa oleh pegawai keselamatan tertinggi kerajaan dengan
dahsyatnya. Ia cuma memberi lanjutan tempoh untuk Anwar memikirkan
samada ingin dibedah di dalam negara setelah tamat tempoh itu pada
Selasa lepas. Tetapi tidak diberitahu pula sampai bila.
Keadaan Anwar kini sudah semakin teruk kerana kerajaan sengaja
menyusahkan pemberian rawatan yang sebaiknya sehingga sudah
semakin kritikal jadinya. Kerajaan Umno terlalu takut Anwar
yang sihat akan menyakitkan lagi Umno walaupun Anwar masih
dan tetap berada di dalam penjara selagi Mahathir berkuasa.
Sudah 5 bulan (Nov 25-April 29) Anwar tersiksa dan dilengahkan
dari mendapat rawatan yang terbaik untuknya kerana politik
telah menjadi doktor yang lebih berkuasa. Kesihatan politik
Umno lebih dipentingkan dari kesihatan seorang manusia yang
pernah memacu Umno kemercu kegemilangannya.
Bayangkan betapa lembabnya kerajaan yang bercogankata
'masyarakat penyayang' menangani kes sakit akibat dera pegawai
kerajaan sendiri kepada seorang bekas pemimpin Umno yang pernah
berjasa kepada negara. Kerajaan asyik bermain 'sorong papan tarik
papan' sehingga penyakit itu kini sudah menjadi semakin kritikal.
Jika Anwar tidak dibedah segera dia akan menghadapi risiko lumpuh
selama-lamanya. Walaupun kerajaan mengatakan mempunyai cukup kepakaran - itu cuma
pembedahan biasa sahaja sedangkan Anwar kini memerlukan pembedahan
mikro di mana teknik membius pun perlu secara mikro juga kerana
di tulang belakang inilah terletak deria yang sensitif pada manusia.
Kepakaran sebegitu tidak ada di dalam negara kerana peralatannya
terlalu canggih dan sensitif kerana memerlukan ketepatan yang tidak
terhingga. Memunggahnya kesini adalah kerja gila yang lagi membahayakan
pesakit. Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, perbicaraan untuk pertuduhan
tambahan ke atas Anwar ditangguhkan sehingga Mei 12 kerana
keadaan kesihatan Anwar yang membimbangkan. Jika kes ini
didengar terlalu hampir dengan perhimpunan Agung Umno kita
menjangkakan pemimpin Umno akan sakit dan merana juga terkena
tempiasnya. -Terjemahan/Ulasan Ringkas Man Kubur-
Malaysia Extends Deadline For Anwar's Decision On Surgery
KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--The government has agreed to give jailed politician Anwar
Ibrahim more time to decide whether to accept surgery locally for a back
injury, Malaysia's No. 2 leader said Saturday.
Authorities ordered Anwar earlier this week to decide by Tuesday whether he
was willing to undergo the operation at a state-run Malaysian hospital. They
warned the former deputy premier that he would be returned to prison soon if
he refused to let local doctors perform the surgery.
Anwar has been hospitalized since Nov. 25 for a slipped disc which he claims
was caused in part by a police beating he received in 1998. He wants to have
surgery performed on him by Dutch specialist Dr. Thomas Hoogland, who examined
Anwar earlier this year and recommended a minimally invasive procedure best
performed at his clinic in Munich.
But government officials say Anwar can't travel overseas because he's serving
prison sentences totaling 15 years for corruption and s###my.
On Saturday, Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Anwar would be
given more time to make his decision. He didn't specify how long the
government would wait. "We are not forcing Anwar to make his decision, as the choice of treatment
depends on him," Abdullah was quoted as saying by the national news agency,
Bernama. Local doctors insist they have enough experience to operate on Anwar using a
conventional method of surgery with a high success rate. They have warned that
Anwar risks permanent disability if he postpones the operation for much
longer. Anwar has said he needs time to consult his lawyers and relatives before
making a decision. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad fired Anwar in 1998 amid differences over how
to handle the 1997-98 Asian economic crisis. Anwar claims Mahathir wanted him
out of the government to short-circuit a political challenge. Mahathir has
denied it. (END) Dow Jones Newswires 28-04-01
Crt Hearing For Charges Against Malaysia Anwar Postponed
KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--A hearing to determine whether jailed Malaysian politician
Anwar Ibrahim will face trial on outstanding charges has been postponed
because he is too sick to attend, his lawyer said Friday.
Sankara Nair said officials at the hospital where Anwar is being held under
guard with a back injury told government lawyers he couldn't make it to the
hearing, scheduled for Saturday, and that it had been called off.
"The hospital informed the attorney-general that Anwar is not fit to attend
Saturday's hearing," Sankara told The Associated Press.
The court had rescheduled the hearing for May 12, he said.
Government officials Wednesday confirmed Anwar's case would return to court,
where prosecutors are expected to announce whether they will pursue four
counts of s###my and one of corruption against the former deputy prime
minister. Alternatively, prosecutors could drop the charges.
Each count of s###my carries a maximum 15-year prison term; the heaviest
sentence for corruption is 14 years. The charges date back to 1998, when Anwar was arrested shortly after being
fired from Cabinet by his former mentor Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and
charged with multiple counts of corruption and s###my. But he was tried for
only four counts of corruption and one count of s###my.
Anwar is now serving sentences totaling 15 years as a result of the
convictions. He claims the charges were concocted to crush his challenge to
Mahathir. Government lawyers previously said they would decide whether to pursue the
remaining charges against Anwar after his appeals against the earlier
convictions are completed. The Federal Court, Malaysia's highest court, is expected to hear his appeal
against that corruption verdict later this year. No appeal has been heard as
yet for Anwar's s###my conviction. Opposition leaders have urged the government not to proceed with the
outstanding charges, saying it would be tantamount to persecuting Anwar.
Anwar has been hospitalized since November for a spinal injury which he claims
was the result of a police beating on the night of his arrest. Doctors say
Anwar must undergo surgery soon to avoid being permanently disabled.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires 27-04-01 |