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AFP: Malaysia To Swap Palmoil For Railways By AFP 4/5/2001 8:18 pm Fri |
[Kerajaan berhasrat untuk melakukan perniagaan 'tukar benda' atau
'barter trade' dengan negara China dan India. Minyak kelapa sawit menjadi
tukaran dengan kontrek jalan atau rel keretapi. Ini adalah antara langkah
untuk menghidupkan ekspot yang penting ini yang sudah tergugat.
India membeli RM 1.2 bilion minyak kelapa sawit tahun lepas manakala China
kurang dari RM 1 bilion. Malaysia adalah negara pengeluar minyak kelapa sawit
terbesar dunia tetapi ekspot itu tergugat bila harganya menjunam dari RM2,377
se-tan pada 1998 kepada RM800 sekarang.
Selalunya negara yang menghadapi masalah kewangan sahaja merencanakan sistem
barter trade ini. Melalui rancangan ini nampak jelas kita sudah tidak berduit
lagi. Satu lagi cara untuk mengatasi masalah stokpail minyak kelapa sawit yang
berlebihan adalah dengan mendesak stesen janakuasa letrik tempatan menggunakan
minyak kelapa sawit sebagai bahan api. Tetapi lapuran BT mendedahkan rancangan
itu tidak munasabah kerana lebih 80% janakuasa dalam negara di pacu oleh kuasa
gas - bukan minyak. Hanya janakuasa lama yang masih menggunakan minyak.
Nampak benar kedunguan Lim Keng Yaik....
- Editor]
swap_palmoil_for_railways.html Wednesday, May 2 2:46 PM SGT Malaysia nears deal with China, India to swap palmoil for railways
KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 (AFP) - Malaysia is near agreement with India and China on a multi-billion-dollar
deal to swap palmoil for railway contracts, a minister was Wednesday
quoted as saying. Primary Industries Minister Lim Keng Yaik, quoted by Business Times, said
he expects the deal with India to be finalised during Indian Prime Minister
Atal Behari Vajpayee's visit here from May 13.
Lim, who visited the two countries last week, also said letters of intent to
swap an initial 200,000 tonnes of palmoil for 20 locomotives have been
submitted to China. Lim said each deal could be worth three billion ringgit (789.5 million
dollars) or four billion or more. "China is certainly in a position to take up the offer," he was quoted as
saying. "Talks are in the final stages between the government and a Chinese
company with regards to specifications and prices for the supply of 20
diesel locomotives." The newspaper quoted sources as saying that each proposed barter deal
was worth six billion ringgit, with Malaysia to pay in palmoil over a period
of more than five years. The sources said China would build a double-track railway between the
southern states of Negri Sembilan and Johor, which would form part of a
trans-Asia rail network linking Singapore to Kunming.
The Indian Railway International (Ircon) is expected to handle the rail
network linking peninsular Malaysia's east and west coasts, sources said.
India bought 1.2 billion ringgit worth of palmoil last year and China less
than one billion. Malaysia, the world's largest palmoil producer, has watched with dismay
as the price plunged from a high of 2,377 ringgit a tonne in 1998 to around
800 ringgit now. It has initiated other measures to prop up prices.
This includes urging power stations to burn crude palmoil as fuel to cut
stockpiles and allocating 350 million ringgit for replanting to temporarily cut
production. The Business Times said Wednesday that plans to use crude oil as fuel
have hit a snag as nearly 80 percent of the country's generators are
powered by gas. Only older plants which burn medium fuel oil can be mixed with palmoil.
But Lim was quoted as saying that this was only a "minor setback" and the
project would continue. Sources said the government is targetting older generators in the Sabah and Sarawak states on Borneo island to kickstart the project. |