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BPost: Exit tax removed, but currency peg to stay By S. H. Chong 9/5/2001 10:47 am Wed |
Bangkok Post Exit tax removed, but currency peg to stay
During the Asian economic crisis, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad
openly railed against foreign speculators for bringing down the value
of the ringgit. The ringgit/dollar peg was meant to curb such
activities. How then, can Mr Mahathir possibly remove the peg and
still maintain political credibility?
S. H. Chong, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok Post
Slightly more than two years after Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad
imposed stringent capital controls on the economy, the government has
finally removed a levy on portfolio funds which has dampened foreign
investor interest in the country. Malaysia's ministry of finance announced on May 2 that it was
removing, with immediate effect, the 10% exit tax on portfolio funds
repatriated within a year. However, one key remaining aspect of the controls-the pegging of the
ringgit to the US dollar-is still firmly in place.
Everyone welcomes the latest move and the stock market's main index
jumped to 6,111 points, up 4.61%, the biggest daily gain in 20 months.
But, this is still a far cry from its high of 1,009 points in February
last year. It will probably be some time before we ever see the index
rising to that level again. It's a classic case of too little, too late.
Foreigners have already given up on Malaysia. All the stock market
analysts and economists this writer interviewed say the same thing:
The 10% exit tax was never the main concern although it was both a
nuisance and a burden. Foreign investors were more worried about the
country's political risk as well as its poor reputation with regards
to corporate governance and protecting minority shareholder interests.
The Mahathir-led United Malays National Organisation is facing a tough
time winning back the confidence and support of the Malay grassroots,
who are still very divided over the Anwar Ibrahim issue.
A recent government crackdown on Anwar supporters has added to the
climate of political uncertainty. So far, 10 activists have been
arrested under the draconian Internal Security Act, which allows for
detention without trial. Meanwhile, Mr Anwar is serving a 15-year sentence on corruption and
s###my. He claims to be a victim of a political conspiracy.
Foreign investors do not like countries with a high political risk.
But what they do not like even more is poor corporate governance.
Unlike many countries in the region which are trying to institute
structural reforms to their economies, Malaysia's is still very much a
political economy. Critics often cite two recent cases as proof that Malaysia still has
not learnt its lesson: the bail-outs of the debt-laden Malaysian
Airline System and a troubled telecommunications unit of the Renong
Group conglomerate. Both companies are politically well-connected and
both were bailed out using public funds. Foreign investors have been steadily pulling their money out of the
country. It has been estimated that some US$18 billion in capital has
left the country between 1998 and 2000.
Capital flight has serious consequences. According to the central
bank, Malaysia's foreign reserves at the end of March had fallen 4% to
US$27.81 billion from US$28.99 billion at the end of February.
Malaysia's reserves peaked at US$34.50 billion in June, last year.
To make matters worse, Malaysia's trade surplus narrowed 40% in March
from a year ago due to lower demand for electronic goods. A shrinking
trade surplus weakens the foreign reserves and this puts pressure on
the ringgit peg. The fact that other Asian currencies have weakened also puts added
strain on the peg. Lately, there has been intense market speculation that the government
is considering devaluing the ringgit. Private economists generally say
the ringgit would be fairly valued at 4.20 to the US dollar. Indeed,
some business groups have been calling for a devaluation as this would
make Malaysian exports more competitive in the international market.
While devaluation would make sense from a trade point of view, there
is strong doubt the government would tinker with the peg, which is the
cornerstone of Mr Mahathir's capital controls policy.
The controls are not just an economic issue. Like all things
Malaysian, it has a political element to it as well. During the Asian
economic crisis, a very vocal Mr Mahathir had openly railed against
foreign speculators for bringing down the value of the ringgit. The
peg was meant to curb such activities.
How can Mr Mahathir possibly remove the peg-the last bastion of his
controls policy-and still maintain political credibility? Besides, a
devalued ringgit would have a negative impact on the country's biggest
corporations, many of which have foreign currency-denominated
borrowings. A devaluation would see their repayments on these loans
increase. It would also cause consumer prices to rise because much of Malaysia's
food and consumer products are imported. The political cost would
simply be too high and the government cannot afford any more
controversies at this juncture. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, governor of the central bank, has said that
devaluing the ringgit would only serve to create uncertainty and would
not encourage domestic industries to be more productive.
And, she has not drawn any lines in the sand on what would cause the
central bank to adjust the peg. "We don't go by lines," she said. "Life is not so straight forward. It
is very complex."How so very true-especially when you're talking about