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Sg Merab: Satu Ceramah Yang Berbeda Tapi Penuh Makna By Anonymous 13/5/2001 11:58 pm Sun |
[Lapuran ini dipetik dari FGR. Apa yang menarik di sini adalah
kehadiran isteri Ezam. Asia telah melahirkan ramai tokoh seperti di Filipina (Corazon Aquino),
Pakistan (Benazir), India (Indira Ghandi), Sri Lanka (Bandaranaike),
Indonesia (Megawati), Burma (Aung San Yi) dll lagi. Malah Mahathir
sendiri mempamirkan Zetti, Ainum, Azalina, dsbnya untuk memerangi
bahang ini. Pihak BA harus memantau perkembangan ini kerana wanita
sudah tidak seperti dulu lagi. Malah ramai yang tidak tahu adanya
penulis siber wanita yang menulis disebalik nama seorang lelaki....
Rencana FGR ini mendedahkan Mahathir dan Dollah tidak berani
bertemu dengan isteri-isteri tahanan ISA. Apakah bomoh Mahathir
meramalkan dia akan tumbang kepada seorang perempuan di abad ini?
Rajiv Ghandi misalnya dibunuh oleh seorang wanita yang melekat bom
pada badannya (suicide bomber). Asia menggegarkan dunia bila Bandaranaike menjadi PM wanita yang
pertama di dunia. Apakah Malaysia akan mengejutkan dunia dengan
sesuatu yang sedikit lainnya?. The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rocks the world...
atau tangan yang menghayunkan buai itu mungkin tangan yang sama yang
yang akan menggegarkan dunia..... - Editor]
Kehadiran : Anggaran 3,000 orang (berdasarkan jumlah wang
kutipan sebanyak RM2,900). Intisari ucapan mereka :
Rencana Tambahan:
HONG KONG: From Indira Gandhi to Madame Mao, Benazir
Bhutto to Corazon Aquino, Asia has produced some of the
world's most formidable women leaders.
Four more singular leaders are now waiting in the wings vice
presidents Megawati Sukarnoputri in Indonesia, Gloria Arroyo in
the Philippines, Annette Lu in Taiwan and Tung Chee-Hwa's
deputy Anson Chan in Hong Kong. But while women leaders have always been something of an
anachronism in a region where traditional male dominance finds
its fullest expression in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, in the new
century Asia is experiencing a new kind of gender politics.
While Megawati and Arroyo Conform to the mould of their
forbearers - thrust into the spotlight by political dynasties that
found themselves without princes - Chan and Lu represent an
egalitarian and consciously western style of politics where a
politician's sex is losing relevance.
In Anson Chan and the election of lifelong dissident Annette Lu,
a new model for women in Asian politics is emerging. Chan is a
career civil servant respected for her independence from Hong
Kong's ultimate rulers, both Britain and China, the model of a
government professional. But it is Lu, a pro-democracy activist
sentenced to 15 years in jail in 1980 for organising a protest
against the ruling Kuomintang, who broke the most new ground
with her inauguration on May 20. Her pro-independence leanings have made her Beijing's figure
of hate. But the more titles - "scum of the nation," "sinner for 1,000
years," "lunatic" - she collects, the stronger she appears.
In an admitted emulation of British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
Taiwan President Chen Shui-Bian has chosen 10 women for
his cabinet. Broadfoot said their accession is a natural consequence of the
election of former dissidents, who tend to group all opposition
interests, including women's right organisations, into one
movement. "It's not so much that women have risen, it's that the establishment has fallen," he said. (AFP) |