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FEER: See You In Court [SEA] By Murray Hiebert 16/5/2001 5:32 pm Wed |
MALAYSIA See You In Court A series of civil suits suggests growing litigiousness
Murray Hiebert's original article--which ran in the REVIEW
on January 23, 1997--is reprinted here to provide the
context for the trial court's opinion, which is summarized in
the accompanying box. By Murray Hiebert in Kuala Lumpur Issue cover-dated September 23, 1999 The most recent case is playing out in a small court room in
the southwestern suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, where the
mother of a 17-year-old high-school student is suing the
International School of Kuala Lumpur, claiming he was
unfairly dropped from the school's debate team. Damages
sought: a record 6 million ringgit ($2.4 million).
The case has sparked intense interest among legal circles,
educators and foreign investors in the Malaysian capital.
For starters, the thin, bespectacled student, Govind Sri
Ram, is the son of a prominent Court of Appeals judge,
Gopal Sri Ram. And many are surprised at the speed with
which the case raced through Malaysia's legal labyrinth.
The trial began on January 6, less than seven months after
a writ was filed with the High Court. "Normally, in a civil
case, you're lucky to get a hearing within five years,'' a
veteran lawyer notes. The main point of interest for lawyers is that the case is
breaking new legal ground. "It's the first time in Malaysian
history that someone is suing on the basis of unfair
discrimination,'' notes one. "Malaysia has no laws on
discrimination.'' Educators are also following the case closely. A hefty
award for the plaintiff would be a major financial burden on
the school--and could hinder Malaysia's efforts to attract
foreigners. The institution, after all, was established 30
years ago to educate the children of foreign businessmen
and diplomats. (Young Govind is among the 7% of the
school's 1,650 students who are Malaysian citizens, most
admitted because their parents have spent years working
overseas.) "This is the first knowledge I have of any international
school being sued for anything,'' says the administrator of
another international school in Kuala Lumpur. "Usually
parents discuss problems with a teacher, and if that fails
they go to the headmaster and come to some decision.''
Govind's mother claims in her writ that the school
"unlawfully discriminated'' against her son by excluding him
from a debate team that took part in a forensics tournament
in Taipei last year. The mother is seeking damages from
teacher Julie Dean, who served as coach of the school's
debate team, and Gail Vendeland, the school board's
chairwoman. The writ says Dean "intentionally relied on insufficient
evidence'' to accuse Govind of "tampering'' with material he
had obtained from the Internet while preparing arguments for
the tournament. The teacher allegedly acted against Govind
at the instigation of other students who had "vested
interests'' in preventing him from participating, Govind's
lawyers wrote. In a separate 12-page letter to the court, Govind's father
says team-mates discriminated against his son because
they "never forgave Govind'' for the victory that qualified
him to compete in Taipei. The school's defence statement denies that Govind was
actually excluded from the tournament. It says the school
could not send him to Taipei because the competition
called for two-man teams and Govind "at the material time
had no partner.'' The defence contends that Govind's
partner had refused to compete alongside him because of
questions about the source of some of Govind's preparation
material. The school also denies that Govind was dropped "on the
basis that the Plaintiff had falsified evidence.'' The lawyers
wrote: "Another member of the school team had queried a
quotation by the Plaintiff from the Economist magazine, as
they or any opposing team in a tournament were entitled to
do under the rules governing the debate.''
A suit like Govind's may sound rather un-Malaysian, but
it's not the first. Consider the libel case brought in 1994
against journalist M.G.G. Pillai by Berjaya Group Chairman
Vincent Tan. A judge heard the case within seven months,
then ruled that four articles which appeared in the monthly
magazine Malaysian Industry in 1993 and 1994 were
defamatory and calculated to disparage Tan's personal and
business reputation. The upshot: Tan was granted 2 million
ringgit in damages, the largest award in Malaysian legal
history. Pillai lost his appeal, so he's headed for the
Federal Court, which will hear his case on January 27.
In another case, two Malaysian companies, MBf Capital
and MBf Northern Securities, filed a 60-million-ringgit
defamation suit on January 10 against lawyer Param
Cumaraswamy over statements attributed to him by
International Commercial Litigation in November 1995. The
suit against Param was the 13th filed over the same article.
Among the other suits it spawned, Berjaya's Tan sought
100 million ringgit in damages from legal firm Skrine & Co.
and its partner Tommy Thomas, and 70 million ringgit in
damages from Asian Wall Street Journal reporter Raphael
Pura. (The Journal is owned by Dow Jones & Co., owner
of the REVIEW.) Meanwhile, Govind Sri Ram continues studying at the
International School of Kuala Lumpur, despite his suit. He's
also back on its debate team, but teacher Dean is not his
adviser. Govind initiated an injunction against Dean in
September, prompting the school to agree that she would
not serve as coach as long he is on the team.
The Trial Judge's View Issue cover-dated September 23, 1999 Low Hop Bing, the trial judge who found the
accompanying article in contempt for scandalizing the
court, wrote a lengthy 1997 opinion affirmed on Saturday. In
explaining the jail sentence for the author, he made the
following points. Explanatory material is inserted between
brackets: It was a "baseless unwarranted and unsubstantiated
untruth'' to suggest that the court had fast-tracked the case
because it was brought by the family of a prominent
appeals judge. Mr. Hiebert had not named the "veteran
lawyer'' quoted in the third paragraph [the source, a
well-known Malaysian trial lawyer, had insisted upon
anonymity]. The case had been brought to trial on a date
consented to by all parties. It was a "baseless lie'' to suggest the suit was based on
"unfair discrimination'' and that Malaysia had "no laws on
discrimination,'' since its constitution had a guarantee of
equal treatment under law. Mr. Hiebert had perpetrated "an absolutely serious and
blatant lie against the plaintiff and his parents'' by referring
to "a separate 12 page letter to the Court'' by Govind's
father. The father, an appeals judge, had not written to the
court: He had written a 12-page letter to the school, which
had been exhibited in court. [The Far Eastern Economic
Review had apologized for this error; an editor in Hong
Kong had deleted the word "exhibited'' from the original
copy, giving the sentence an unintended and incorrect
meaning.] The judge inferred from other passages--reporting the
concerns of educators, suggesting that parents usually
discuss problems with teachers rather than suing them and
describing other Malaysian cases--that the reporter had
written the article "to solely misinform the general public
and to intimidate and pressurize the Court'' and to "give the
impression that the Plaintiff is an ungrateful boy.''
In imposing a prison sentence, the judge commented, "In
my view for far too long there appears to be unabated
contemptuous attacks by and through the media on our
judiciary . . . It is high time that our judiciary shows its
abhorrence to such contemptuous conduct as is illustrated
by the facts of this case.'' '[The article was written] to solely misinform the general
public and to intimidate and pressurize the Court'
--Trial judge, Low Hop Bing |