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Bila Pedih Tidak Terperi By Kapal Berita 18/5/2001 8:12 pm Fri |
Saya ingin memberi fokus kepada Telekom Malaysia dalam nukilan
kali ini kerana banyak kisah mengenainya muncul kebelakangan ini.
Sebelum itu kita titip ringkas gelagat beberapa gergasi ekonomi
yang telah tercedera setelah Mahathir mengurus ekonomi sendiri
tanpa Daim berada di sisi. Seperti biasa rakyat akan menjadi mangsa krisis yang melanda negara
sekarang ini. Ia datang berdikit dahulu sebelum banjir memusnahkan
semua termasuk yang kaya raya sejak dulu. Semua akan merasa termasuk
rakyat yang saban hari menyokong UMNO sehingga sanggup menggadaikan
nyawa dalam sia-sia. Dan tempoh itu mungkin tidak lama kerana bank sudah
mula berhati-hati mahu meminjam kepada sesiapa.
Hutang lapuk (NPL) sudah meningkat akibat kelembapan ekonomi.
Ini akan menjejaskan pendapatan bank. Itulah punca saham bank
begitu bergolak sekarang ini. Akibatnya bank sudah tidak berani
meminjam wang kepada sesiapa yang dicurigai tidak dapat membayarnya
termasuk penyokong kuat UMNO juga. Bank tempatan yang sudah bergabung itu kini terpaksa menyelesaikan
banyak masalah termasuk saingan sesama sendiri dan masalah mengurangkan
kos yang bertindih sana sini. Dalam kesibukkan itu Bank mungkin kehilangan
fokus yang amat diperlukan disaat ini - menjanakan ekonomi.
Apa yang menarik KWAP telah membeli 2.09 juta lagi saham CAHB
dalam tempoh April 5-24 pada kadar harga yang tidak dinyatakan.
Sekarang dana itu sudah memilikki 26.47 juta saham atau 2.25%
daripada syarikat tersenarai Bumiputra Commerce Bank.
Potfolio KWAP yang asyik merugi: Mac 2001: RM904 juta untuk 273.9 juta saham Time dotCom @ RM 3.30 [kini @ RM 2.04]
Dec 2000: RM280 juta untuk 70 juta saham MAS @ RM 4.00 [kini @ RM 2.55]
Campur tolak, anggaran jumlah kerugian atas kertas KWAP kini = RM470 juta
hanya untuk menghidupkan sang kroni. TNB masih kepeningan mengapa pelabur bertempiaran lari sedangkan segala
maklumat sudah pun diberi. Masalahnya mudah sahaja - Jamaluddin Jarjis
tidak boleh dipercayai walaupun berjam-jam dia bercakap berdiri. TNB
sudah terperangkap antara kepentingan sendiri dan kepentingan diktator yang
sudah merapu berbicara berkali-kali. Perhatikan ada banyak berita mengenai Telekom Malaysia sejak akhir-akhir
ini. Ia bagai sang gergasi yang sedang meraba-meraba mencari setelah tersesat
beberapa hari jika tidak beribu-ribu hari.
Langkah kerajaan untuk mengawal-selia internet menyebabkan ramai pihak
gusar di hati ingin mencuba MSC. Rencana terbaru AWSJ telah mendedahkan
keresahan ini. Pengurangan caj oleh Telekom untuk penghuni MSC dijangka
tidak akan menjanakan 'spark' (percikkan) pembangunan R&D kerana si otak
yang bergeiliga itu bukan berada di MSC, tetapi di dalam 'garaj' (tempat
letak kereta) sebagaimana yang ditonjolkan dalam cerita 'Anti Trust' yang
dapat dibeli di pasar-malam tanpa perlu menggigit jari. Cerita ini
mengisahkan betapa otak yang bergeliga itulah penentu kejayaan di hari
muka - bukannya kemudahan gergasi yang lengkap serba-serbi. Yang perlu
lengkap sebenarnya ialah otak manusia yang tidak memerlukan bangunan
berjuta-juta harganya untuk berfungsi sebaik-baiknya.
Pelaburan menggila Telekom Malaysia di MSC itu terlalu lambat untuk
dipungut hasilnya yang lumayan - itu pun jika MSC menjadi. Masalahnya
teknologi pengiriman data yang memesat kini mungkin akan membuat semua
wayar yang di susun atur oleh Telekom terpupus sendiri.
Jika kita perhatikan perkembangan teknologi masakini - dunia sedang menuju
ke era tanpa wayar (wireless communication technology). Akan tiba satu ketika
nanti kos untuk menjelajahi internet tanpa wayar (misalnya) tidak akan jauh
beza dari kos untuk melayari melalui talian telefon masakini. Telekom mungkin
akan merendahkan lagi kos melalui talian berwayar - dan ini tentunya akan
mengikis lagi untungnya nanti (atau hidup merugi??). Sila perhatikan banyak
alat tanpa wayar mula direkacipta akhir-akhir ini. Itulah punca 3Com membeli
Palm Computing - kerana Palm telah merevolusikan dunia perhubungan melalui
komputer sebesar telapak tangan yang bernama PalmPilot itu. Malah banyak
telefon bimbit yang dikeluarkan kini mempunyai ciri-ciri Palm ini. Sudah ada
usahasama antara Palm dan pembuat talifon bimbit untuk mengintegrasikan
dua alat penting buat manusia ini. Dengan kata lain - teknologi dunia kini
sedang memusat ke telapak tangan anda (the world is merging in your bare
hands, if not inside your pocket). Sudah tentu tidak ke MSC!
Kesemua gergasi tersebut telah terjebak dalam projek wawasan Mahathir
dan perniagaan kroni sehingga mencederakan diri sendiri. Mereka masih
belum tumbang lagi - tetapi beberapa berita yang tersiar itu seharusnya
dibaca dengan teliti. Yang menjadi mangsa awalnya ialah para pekerja
syarikat-syarikat ini. Itu akan diikuti oleh kenaikkan kos kepada
pengguna nanti. Jabatan perangkaan baru-baru ini mendedahkan inflasi
sudah meningkat pada bulan April lepas sebanyak 1.6% akibat kenaikkan
kos kereta baru, tembakau dan minuman keras (4.8%), kos perubatan (2.6%),
gasolin (2.6%), tenaga (1.6%) dan tambang bas dan tren (4%).
[Bloomberg-BTS 17/05/2001] Inilah kesannya pembangunan wawasan Mahathir. Kroni hidup senang, rakyat
makin kesusahan hari dari demi hari. Syarikat yang besar pun sakit inikan
pula syarikat kecil yang masih termenung ketiadaan rezeki yang mencukupi.
Tidak usah menangis kerana salah diri kita sendiri yang masih berdiam
sehingga hari ini. Kita tidak muncul bila dipanggil menyelamatkan negara
ini kerana merasa tidak perlu sama-sekali. Semakin lama kita membiarkan
negara ditadbir sebegini semakin musnahlah hidup generasi kita nanti.
Lighatlah kejadian jenayah yang menjadi-jadi sekarang ini (termasuk oleh
polis sendiri) serta sesaknya tempat pemulihan dadah yang lebih ramai
penghuni dari yang bersarang di universiti. Itulah bahananya Mahathir
menguruskan negara ini. -Kapal Berita- Rencana Rujukan:
Malaysian bad loans seen rising as economy slows
By Benjamin Low KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's bad loans ratio swelled to
their worst levels in nearly 1-1/2 years in March, and is expected
to rise further in coming months as the economy cools, the central
bank said on Thursday. "It can be expected that non-performing loans will increase in an
environment in which there is a slowdown in economic activities,"
Bank Negara Malaysia governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz told a national
banking conference. As Malaysia's economy slows due to shrinking exports to the
United States, corporate borrowers are finding it harder to make
enough money to repay their debts, causing more loans in the
banking sector to turn sour. Net NPLs stood at 6.3 percent in end-2000. Zeti said the rise in
NPLs at end-March was "mainly due to the expiry of indulgence
for the classification of a number of loans."
Banks were given last year an indulgence, or additional time from
having to classify bad loans that were being restructured as
non-performing. But the slowing economy and falling asset prices have stymied
efforts by companies to restructure their mounting debts.
As the indulgence given by Bank Negara expires, banks are
starting to classify those loans as non-performing. The time period
for indulgences varies from loan to loan and is not made public.
Another 2.6 billion ringgit ($684 million) worth of such loans are yet
to be counted as NPLs, Zeti said, prompting recent market
concerns they will be a major strain on the banking system.
"However, if all these loans were classified as non-performing, it
will only add 0.5 percent to NPLs to loans outstanding," Zeti said.
The anticipated increase in NPLs will also do little damage on the
banking system, Zeti said, citing recent studies by the central
bank. FEELING THE PINCH For now, Malaysia's banks are clearly feeling the pinch from the
rise in bad loans, forcing them to make bigger provisions against
possible losses. Malaysia's top bank Maybank announced last week a 48 percent
plunge in net profit in the quarter to end-March as provisions for
bad debts swelled. The bank also warned that full-year earnings would be lower than
in the previous year. Other banks such as Commerce Asset soon followed with similarly
grim results and profit warnings. Despite the threat of more loan defaults looming, banks are still
aggressively lending. Total loans outstanding, including private debt securities, rose at
an annual rate of 6.6 percent in the first quarter, Zeti said.
On an annualised basis, the growth was 7.6 percent, close to the
government's loans growth target of eight percent.
"We have to take risks," said Tan Teong Hean, chief executive
director of Southern Bank Bhd . "For my bank, it is well known that
we grow best in the bust part of the cycle."
Still, banks are only taking measured risks.
Large corporations are no longer in the limelight after the economic
recession in 1998 left giants such as Renong and Lion Corp
floundering. Instead, the bulk of the lending is now aimed at safer markets such
as retail and small and medium enterprises.
"Competition is intense because everybody is focusing on the
same sectors -- those that are well-sheltered like retail, domestic
trade and services," said Bumiputra Commerce Bank Bhd
executive vice president Nik Hassan Nik Mohd Amin.
1017 [Dow Jones] MALAYSIA: Banking shrs could come under
pressure on news that net non-performing loans rose to 7.1%
end-March, central bank governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz said today in
speech; NPLs stood at 6.7% in February and 6.5% in January.
Economists warn bad loans will rise as economy slows down. Zeti
said bad-loan levels expected to rise in 2001 but will remain
"manageable." Commerce Asset Hldgs (1023) yesterday reported 1Q
results, with loan-loss provisions surging to MYR160.4 million
from MYR71.6 million on-year, and NPLs rising to 6% at
end-March from 4.7% end-December. KLSE Finance Index up 0.85%
at 4163.74 points mid-morning.(TUP)
Malaysia banks grapple with post-merger blues
By Jalil Hamid KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian banks, already hit by a
slowing economy and rising bad loans, are facing a raft of
post-merger pains following the nation's biggest-ever industry
consolidation. And bankers said the real challenge has just begun.
"Merging is relatively easy," said Tan Teong Hean, chief
executive director of Southern Bank Bhd , one of the 10 core
banks. "Making it work is where the real work starts," he told an industry
conference. "Managing cost is where we start."
He said banks' profit margins were being squeezed by intensifying
competition and higher overhead costs due to redundancies in the
workforce. Azman Hashim, a prominent banker who controls the sprawling
Arab-Malaysian group , said Malaysian authorities should allow
small and boutique banks to exist. "It's a pity that small is no longer beautiful," he told the conference.
AMMB, itself a core bank, is in talks to buy MBf Finance to
complete its merger process. Malaysia's central bank chief Zeti Akhtar Aziz told merged entities
to consider rationalising their operations.
"With the legal mergers now completed, the focus has been on the
operational integration process to allow the merged banking
institutions to operate as a single entity," she said in a speech at
the conference. NPLs MAY RISE . In the same speech, she said banks' non-performing loans, based
on six-month classification, soared to 7.1 percent for the first three
months of this year -- the highest in nearly 1 ½ years.
She warned NPLs could rise further in the coming months as the
economy cools. NPLs stood at 6.3 percent a quarter earlier.
Still banks' bottomline are already hit, due mainly to rising NPLs as
banks were forced to increase bad debt provisions. Many have
also incurred large one-off post-merger costs.
Malaysia wants to create bigger and stronger banks to face global
competitors. But despite the much-touted mergers, Malaysian financial groups
are still dwarfed by bigger players in the region.
"Domestic banks have significant gaps in scale, skills and scope
vis-a-vis foreign competitors," said James Bemowski, managing
director of consultants McKinsey & Co, Malaysia and Singapore.
He told the same conference that Asia-wide, foreign names "were
attacking the most attractive segments and services" in the banking
sector. Malaysian bankers said they expect further mergers among local
players to face the foreign challenge.
"We know it's not over," said Southern's Tan.
May 16, 2001 Pension fund raises stake in Commerce Asset
KWAP now owns nearly 26.5m shares or 2.25% in the group
By Eddie Toh in Kuala Lumpur NATIONAL pension fund Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen (KWAP), which has come
under fire for its recent aggressive forays in the Malaysian stock market,
has acquired more shares of Commerce Asset-Holding Bhd (CAHB).
KWAP bought another 2.09 million shares of CAHB, the owner of the second
largest bank in Malaysia, between April 5 and April 24, at undisclosed
prices. The pension fund now owns 26.47 million shares or 2.25 per cent in the
listed parent of Bumiputra-Commerce Bank.
KWAP also dispelled the notion that its holding of 24.38 million CAHB shares
were acquired on March 22. The pension fund said the shares were acquired
between July 1997 and March 22 this year. Of the total of 24.38 million
shares, about 15 million shares were acquired after March 15 this year. This
is because CAHB's annual report as at March 15 showed KWAP as a substantial
shareholder with only 9.35 million shares. KWAP's recent foray in the stock
market is likely to come under further scrutiny following its surprise
involvement in the dismal initial public offering (IPO) of Time dotCom and
the purchase of a substantial block in Malaysian Airline System.
In March, KWAP, which comes under the office of Finance Minister Daim
Zainuddin, disclosed that it coughed up RM904 million (S$432 million) in
cash to take up 273.9 million unwanted Time dotCom shares at RM3.30 apiece
following its IPO. Mr Daim suggested that the agency had miscalculated as it
had expected the IPO to be fully taken up. 'KWAP was one of the
sub-underwriters. They expected the shares to be over-subscribed,' he told
reporters then. Time dotCom, part of the Renong stable, closed at RM2.04
yesterday. In December, KWAP bought Brunei Investment Agency's entire 70 million shares
in national carrier Malaysian Airline System (MAS) at RM4 apiece.
MAS closed at RM2.55 yesterday. KWAP is estimated to be sitting on a paper loss of almost RM470 million from
its investments in Time dotCom, MAS and CAHB.