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AsiaWeek: Time To Pull The Peg By Assif Shameen 20/5/2001 7:19 am Sun |
[Semakin lama ringgit dikekalkan semakin melemah daya saing negara
kerana matawang serantau lebih murah. Ini akan menggugat pasaran ekspot
dan saham negara. Kebimbangan ringgit dinilai semula menyebabkan bukan
sahaja pelabur luar semakin mengeluarkan dana dari Malaysia - malah
pengekspot tempatan menyimpan hasil dalam bentuk dolar di pesisiran luar
negara. Rezab antarabangsa sudah semakin berkurang dan mungkin kritikal
bulan Disember nanti. Mahathir masih berdegil mengekalkan nilai ringgit
kerana itu adalah moral politik beliau. Itu lebih penting dari nasib
pengekspot negara yang sudah mula menggugurkan beribu-ribu pekerja.
Jika paras rezab negara berada di bawah 3 bulan Mahathir akan terpaksa
mengalah juga - tetapi ramai yang sudah sengsara itu tidak akan dapat
melupakan segala-galanya kerana terlalu lambat mereka dibela. Jika mereka
mengajar Mahathir dalam pilihanraya nanti alamat tamatlah riwayat hidup
kerajaan BN atau Umno.
business/0,8782,110147,00.html Asiaweek VOL.27 NO.21 Issue 25th May, 2001 Time To Pull The Peg Capital flight, slowing foreign investment, blunted export and
business competitiveness - Assif Shameen totes up the price Malaysia
is paying for keeping the ringgit pegged to the dollar
Malaysia wants Mark Mobius, and he knows it. The fund manager
practically lives and works in a Gulfstream V private jet as he scours
the world for places to put $10 billion of his clients' money. Two
weeks ago, Malaysia made a bid for more foreign funds by lifting a 10%
tax on the repatriation of stock market profits, one of the
controversial capital-control measures it imposed in 1998. Instead of
rushing in, foreigners took the opportunity to cash out. Mobius just
never came in. "It's still too early to invest in Malaysia," he says.
"It has too many problems such as corporate governance, crony
capitalism, restructuring - and probably a devaluation."
The consequences of the country's 1998 move to peg its currency to the
U.S. dollar are coming home to roost. In the past six months, regional
currencies have depreciated by 11% to 18%. Only the Malaysian ringgit
has stayed rock-solid at 3.80 to the greenback. That makes doing
business in Malaysia more expensive compared with its neighbors,
blunting export competitiveness, discouraging foreign investment and
fueling capital flight. "The main concern is dwindling foreign
exchange reserves," says Manu Bhaskaran of SG Securities Asia. Some
$500 million a week is flooding out of the Malaysian financial system
for safe havens like Singapore and Hong Kong. By mid-April, Malaysia's
foreign currency reserves had fallen by nearly a fourth to $26.3
billion - from a peak of $34.5 billion a year ago.
A vicious cycle is building. Foreign investors are loath to buy
Malaysian assets that they figure they'll be able to pick up more
cheaply after a devaluation. Exporters are holding back on converting
their dollar-denominated export earnings into the local currency. And
even ordinary citizens are joining in as rumors circulate that the
rate may be adjusted to 4.20 ringgit to the dollar. "We're selling 50%
more U.S. dollars now than we normally do," says a money changer in
downtown Kuala Lumpur. A worried Mahathir lashed out in frustration
last week. "We know this is happening, but we will not devalue the
ringgit just because speculators expect us to do it," he warned. "We
will not repeg. Our [currency's] value and goods are still
competitive." But several financial houses, including SG Securities and UBS, think
that by December, foreign reserves might fall to nearly $20 billion -
not enough to cover three months of imports. U.S. investment bank
Merrill Lynch forecasts a repegging to 4 ringgit to a dollar, while
others expect an exchange rate as low as 4.50 ringgit. "Malaysia's
choice is simple," says the chief of a European bank in Singapore, who
declines to be identified for fear of being shut out of Malaysian bond
issues. "It can repeg or it can adjust GDP growth sharply downward
over the next few years [because of loss of competitiveness]. Malaysia
has traditionally preferred growth over everything else. I'd be
surprised if they change that position just to defend the peg."
For now, Mahathir fervently hopes he won't have to choose between his
cherished 3.80-to-the-dollar peg and 8%-or-better annual economic
growth. For one thing, there is no guarantee that a cheaper ringgit
will restore competitiveness. Other Asian currencies can continue to
depreciate, and the ringgit may have to be repegged again and again.
Politics figures here, too. Mahathir had defied conventional economic
wisdom in devising the peg, which he proudly credits for protecting
the economy from global volatility. A revision would be a tacit
admission of failure. Says an economist at another Singapore bank:
"The peg has become such an important part of the political equation
that a repegging will be a political, not an economic, decision."
The harsh realities of global economics will likely leave Mahathir
with no choice but to swallow his pride. Asian countries, like
Thailand, with free-floating currencies are reaping the benefits of
export competitiveness and large foreign reserves. The ringgit-dollar
peg did help shield Malaysia from the turmoil of the Asian financial
crisis, but it also delayed the corporate restructuring needed if the
country is to be competitive. The challenge for Mahathir will be to
find a way to explain to the Malaysian public why it makes sense to
devalue the currency - and why it took him so long to admit the need
to do so.