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Monkeying over money politics By Martin Jalleh 23/5/2001 12:29 pm Wed |
[Mahathir beria-ria mahu menghapuskan politik wang sehingga
pernah menangis memujuk merayu agar ia dihentikan. Malangnya dia
lupa dia sendiri berkata "Ada seorang bekas Menteri Kewangan (Ku Li)
yang menjanjikan kerajaan Selangor RM 4 bilion dan lesen perbankan jika
delegasi negeri ke perhimpunan agung parti mengundi untuknya dalam
pemilihan MT." Mahathir juga menuduh Semangat 46 ketika itu bertanggungjawab terhadap
gejala politik ang dalam parti - di mana mereka memberi rasuah di hotel,
di tandas, memenjara ahli di rumah, dan menjanjikan jawatan yang tinggi.
Banyak lagi tuduhan seperti hadiah dan percutian percuma yang dijanjikan
oleh bekas pemimpin S46 ini. Tahun 1987 dikatakan permulaan penyakit ini - tetapi mengapa Mahathir
menerima orang yang dituduhnya sakit ini jika benar dia jujur untuk
membanteras politik wang? Sampai sekarang tiada tindakkan dikenakan kepada Ku Li malah Mahathir
sendiri menerima kemasukkan Ku Li kembali pada tahun 1996. Bukan itu
sahaja - Mahathir ke Gua Musang pada 8/04/2001 baru-baru ini untuk
menjulang kembali orang yang pernah dituduhnya bermain politik wang
sehingga RM 20 juta pun dikatakannya masih murah untuk menjadi PM.
Jelaslah di sini Mahathir cakap tidak seperti bikin. Samada Mahathir
menipu menuduh bukan-bukan kepada Ku Li atau dia sengaja membuta dan
melupa demi satu agendanya mengejar populariti. Kedua-dua sifat ini
adalah ciri seorang hipokrit yang tidak sedarkan diri semua kenyataan
silamnya dirakam sampai hari ini. Bukti itu semua akan mengoyakkan mukanya
sendiri lebih teruk lagi bahawa dia sebenarnya seorang bapak penipu
nombor satu. Monkeying over money politics "I have tried asking nicely, begged and even cried,
but no more of that. "Money politics is the worst kind of disease which
can cause UMNO to rot from within. "I am a doctor and I believe that when gangrene
sets in, the affected part must be amputated so
that it will not kill the body. "I do not fear that my tough stand will turn some
members against me. "I don't ask anyone to love me, just to love the party.
I am mortal just like you, but hopefully, UMNO will
live for as long as the Malays are around.
"No one in the party will be exempted from action if
they were found guilty of wrongdoing. "I am willing to be sacked from the party if it can be
proven that I am guilty of any unethical conduct."
(Star, 12.5.2001) Believe it or not, as far back as 10 years ago I had
in fact revealed during the opening of the UMNO
General Assembly that "there was a former Finance
Minister who promised the Selangor Government $3
billion and a banking licence, if the state's delegation
to the party general assembly voted for him in the
supreme council elections. "The Malay Chamber of Commerce in every state was
given a finance company licence. "On-the-spot grants, which are the prerogative of the
Prime Minister and his deputy, were used by this minister
to make himself popular. (Abuse of power, corruption?)
"Other powers given to the Finance Minister were used
by this man to gain support for himself in the UMNO
elections." -- . (Star, 9.11.91) No action was taken against this "former Finance Minster".
In fact, he rejoined UMNO in 1996. And just a few weeks
ago, in Gua Musang, he made such a touching plea,
urging me to continue serving the country -- for my "firm
leadership" was still needed under the present political
and economic climate (NST, 8.4.01). He should know what he is talking about, as he has seen
how "firm" I have been in tackling money politics, all
these years. In fact. seven years ago, during the UMNO Extraordinary
General Assembly to curb money politics and corruption,
I had, whilst exerting my "firm leadership" pointed out that
the 1987 party elections was responsible for the emergence
of money politics in the party. I had said then: "The splinter group (Semangat 46) which is now outside the
party is responsible for the spread of money politics in UMNO.
"They gave bribes at hotels, in toilets, they put UMNO
members under some kind of house arrest (how "militant"!)
and made promises to appoint many members to positions
such as mentris besar, deputy ministers and ministers.
"They gave gifts and paid for holidays. As one of them put
it: 'RM20 million is cheap to be a prime minister". I do not
have to say who (said that), you can all guess." -- (Star,
20.6.94) No action was taken, but ask Tengku Razaleigh, or ask
the Minister in my Department, Rais Yatim, and they will
be able to tell you -- how much freedom under my
Executive power they have enjoyed. I am sure they are now
very committed to and supportive of my resolve to put an
end to money politics in UMNO ! Martin Jalleh (16.5.01) |