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IHT: Ikatan Ringgit Lemahkan Malaysia By Philip Bowring 24/5/2001 9:55 pm Thu |
Malaysia dijangka akan lambat pulih seandainya ekonomi
rakan dagangnya kembali pulih. Terdapat banyak perkembangan yang
tidak menyenangkan awal tahun ini. Rezab mungkin menurun ke paras
kritikal 3 bulan impot. Bukan sahaja ekspot elektronik tergugat
malah ekspot pertanian (gula dan kelapa sawit) juga terancam.
Sewaktu krisis 1998-98 dulu ekspot kita tidaklah tergugat sebanyak
mana dan tidak sampai ke luar bandar dan desa. Sekarang ia sudah
jauh terasa - beribu-ribu pekerja kilang di bandar dan kaum petani
di desa akan menderita ketiadaan sumber menyara keluarga.
Walaupun kawalan modal melalui levi sudah digugurkan rezab negara
masih enggan untuk bertahan. Kawalan matawang sebenarnya seiring
jalan. Ekonomi kita terlalu bergantung kepada matawang sebab itulah
kita semakin tumbang walaupun faktor lain sudah dilonggarkan. Inilah
kelemahan ekonomi kita - ringgit berpaut erat dengan dolar Amerika.
Sayangnya Mahathir masih tidak faham. Siapa mahu membeli barangan
dan saham dalam negara kita jika ia jauh lebih mahal kerana nilai
matawang yang tidak berpadan? Dan siapa mahu melabur sekarang jika
rezab negara terus menurun sehingga memungkinkan ringgit dinilai
semula. Pelabur akan rugi jika ia dinilai serta-merta walaupun
ada jaminan dari kerajaan ia tidak akan dinilai semula. Pelabur
sudah tidak percaya kepada kata-kata pemimpin negara Malaysia
kerana mereka sudah pernah terkena. Apabila tersepit Mahathir
akan menukar polisi secara tiba-tiba - jika tidak lagi nahas
Malaysia jadinya. Ketiadaan Daim dan ketidak-pastian beliau menyebabkan pelabur
semakin menjauhkan diri kerana tiada keyakinan pada diri perancang
negara sendiri. Iklim sebegini tidak sesuai untuk melabur.
Begitu juga tangkapan ISA. Ia menunjukkan sokongan kepada Mahathir
sudah melemah sehingga terdesak menggunakannya tanpa sebarang bukti
dan bicara sampai hari ini. Malah menunjukkan muka sahaja pun tidak
diberi. Kalaulah itu sendiri berlaku kepada pelabur tentulah mereka
juga susah hati kerana bukan sahaja dinafikan pembelaan dan khidmat
guaman - malah menemui keluarga pun begitu sukar sekali.
Rencana IHT ini berpendapat kebimbangan jangka panjang pelabur lari ke
negara China mungkin tidak berasas. Tetapi kita jangan lupa negara
Amerika amat memerlukan pasaran China untuk memulihkan ekonomi mereka.
Sebab itulah mereka mengirim pelbagai misi dagang ke sana dan memujuk
Cina membuka pasarannya dengan lebih luas untuk mereka. Apakah mereka
perlu datang untuk memujuk negara kita yang asyik menghentam mereka?
Sebaliknya kita yang terpaksa menjelajahi negara mereka memujuk agar
datang ke Malaysia. Cubalah memandang wajah menteri industri dan kewangan negara kita
dan bandingkan dengan wajah teman seperjawatan mereka di negara China.
Wajah siapa yang lebih ceria? Dan siapa yang sebenarnya patut bercuti
dan goyang kaki sebenarnya? Mereka pun mengawal matawang juga tetapi
mengapa China berjaya sehingga Jepun sendiri datang membina industrinya
di sana? Negara kita berbelanja besar untuk memujuk negara luar. Itu tidak
salah jika ada yang sudi kemari dan kita memang diminati serta
wang kita memang banyak sehingga boleh berjoli. Sekarang apa sudah
jadi? Lihatlah bank yang sudah sakit oleh hutang lapuk yang semakin
meninggi kerana sektor hartanah tidak laku-laku sehingga terpaksa
diubah beberapa polisi hartanah akhir-akhir ini. Stok Hartanah
sebanyak RM29 bilion yang tidak terjual itu bukannya sedikit - jika
tidak sudah tentu bank tidak akan sakit sampai menjerit.
Sekarang kita mendengar syarikat gergasi di Malaysia sudah mula
mengerang. Jika bank pun sakit mereka terpaksa meminjam melalui
saham tetapi keadaan BSKL sekarang tidak mengizinkan. Akhirnya
rakyatlah yang akan menjadi mangsa untuk dibebankan termasuk para
pekerja syarikat gergasi itu sendiri. Ini termasuk mereka yang
memangkah BN selama ini. Menjeritlah sekuat hati tapi tiada siapa
pun akan perduli kerana mereka pun sakit juga.
-Ringkasan/Ulasan Kapal Berita-
Economic Scene: Link to Strong Dollar Proving to Be Malaysia's Weakness
Philip Bowring International Herald Tribune Thursday, May 24, 2001 The economic fundamentals, such as inflation, may not be as
gloomy as the mood here. But in its current quandary, Malaysia
seems likely to lag any broader Asian market recovery.
That view received fresh support Wednesday, when the
government announced that gross domestic product had grown
only 3.2 percent in the first quarter, its slowest pace in two
years, as slumping demand for electronics exports forced
manufacturers to scale back. All this is why foreign investors greeted the removal of the last
control on foreign capital flows this month as occasion to sell,
not a signal to return to a once-favorite market.
The 2 percent decline in the Taiwan dollar this week, following
the earlier weakness of most other floating Asian currencies, has
underlined the exposure of the Malaysian currency, the ringgit,
to a rampant U.S. dollar. The question of whether the fixed ringgit rate of about 3.8 to
the dollar will hold back the Malaysian currency is in the news
again because of the strength of the dollar, and the uncertainty
is likely to lead to further capital outflow and erosion of the
foreign exchange reserves that are the currency's main line of
defense. Malaysia's reserves have fallen over the past year to
$27 billion from $34 billion, and real concern could set in if they
were to fall much below $25 billion - equivalent to just three
months' imports. Of course, the dollar's strength may soon reverse. If this does
happen, the pressure will be off the ringgit. But it will still be
unattractive relative to other Asian currencies.
Malaysia's difficulty is that it has been trying to have things both
ways - maintain its currency's tie to the dollar but use capital
controls to prevent too much exposure to market forces. The
problem is that the controls are not working. Foreign companies
are, legitimately, repatriating spare cash because of the higher
return they can get on dollar deposits.
Capital outflow has contributed to low monetary growth and
offset some of the impact of expansionary fiscal policy. Further
fiscal stimulation to offset weakness in manufactured exports
was announced in March, adding to the big public-sector deficit
projected in the budget. But there are now concerns that the bureaucracy will be slow to
implement new project spending and that cautious consumers
will fail to respond to a reduction in their provident fund
contributions. The external environment is certainly half the problem. Large
layoffs in the electronics sector are hurting sentiment as well as
employment. Meanwhile, low prices for palm oil and rubber are
having a direct impact on rural spending power - in contrast to
the situation in 1998, when prices cushioned rural areas from the
impact of the financial crisis.
But political and currency concerns are offsetting the domestic
demand stimulus that ought to be able to compensate for the
external downturn. There is huge scope to increase
consumption, but consumers remain reluctant.
One possible response to capital outflow would be a rise in
deposit but not lending rates, on the theory that it would stem
profit repatriation and help sentiment far more than it would
undermine banking recovery. Other possibilities include a heavy
external borrowing program to build up reserves and
government pressure to force state companies to repatriate
capital and finance their foreign investment with borrowing
offshore. But no policy will work unless there is confidence in its
originators. Concern over policy direction has been exacerbated
by uncertainty over the future of Finance Minister Daim
Zainuddin, now on leave, and the role and views of two new
economic advisers recently appointed by the prime minister.
Even with all these problems, the Malaysian economy is
expected to grow 3.5 percent or so this year. Inflation is low,
and Malaysia's ability to shed some of its large foreign labor
force provides flexibility. Longer-term fears, such as the competitiveness of its
electronics industry compared with that of China, may prove
groundless. Meanwhile, Malaysia's demographics, infrastructure
and resource base are intact and will continue to generate an
inflow of foreign direct investment. But whatever merits a dollar peg and capital controls might have
had in 1998, they are now a liability. The sooner Malaysia can
find a way of moving to the flexible exchange rates of most of
its Asian neighbors, the more relaxed it will be able to feel about
international exchange rate movements.
The irony now is that the one country that was most vociferous
in its demands for an Asian currency system and swap
arrangements independent of the International Monetary Fund
and Washington is now hoist on a dollar standard, while the likes
of South Korea and Thailand have been able to take recent
currency fluctuations in their stride. The dollar peg is making
domestic economic management more difficult and threatening
the progress of regional free-trade agreements by increasing
Malaysian industry's demands for protection.
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