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MGG: UMNO Stumbles On Its Discliplinary Moves By M.G.G. Pillai 27/5/2001 10:13 am Sun |
[Rencana ini disiarkan dahulu untuk mengkaji sambutan.
Umno dilanda krisis lagi berikutan mereka yang digugurkan
kerana tuduhan politik wang itu berkeras mengaku mereka
tidak bersalah dan akan bertindakbalas jika tidak dipertimbangkan
atau mendapat pengadilan. Ada yang mengugut untuk keluar
daripada Umno dan ada yang masih memegang jawatan kerajaan
negeri walaupun telah dihukum kerana itu sedikit lain.
Terdapat kebimbangan jika yang terhukum itu meletakkan
jawatan sehingga pilihanraya kecil diadakan. Inilah yang
sedang menghantui Umno sekarang ini dalam memerangi politik
wang. Ia gagal dari awal lagi untuk membersihkan diri kerana
kerusi lebih penting dari maruah diri.
- Editor] UMNO Stumbles On Its Discliplinary Moves
This long drawn out mess over the six disciplined, and
barred from UMNO for up to six years, shows how weak and
frightened UMNO is. The UMNO supreme council has affirmed
the disciplinary board findings. But UMNO leaders look for
an easy way out of looking upon it for what it is: the
disciplined got caught. UMNO sees it as proof of its
seriousness in rooting out the influence of money in its
ranks, and nothing more need to be done. All the six,
predictably, insisted upon their innocence; one threatened
to leave UMNO; another did not see why he should resign as
state executive councillor and state assemblyman. The
newspapers were full of how when UMNO fumbles when it has to
make unpalatable decisions. UMNO leaders could not order the disciplinary board's
findings be carried out forthwith. If this move --
revolutionary in many ways since UMNO at last comes to terms
with the dominant influence of money in its deliberations --
can cause so much distress and reduce UMNO leaders to talk
gibberish, it shows not determination to root out an evil
but to resolve the matter without offending anyone. One of
the six is a state executive councillor and state
assemblyman from Kedah. Dato' Zainol Md Isa refused to step
down from either. The mentri besar did not see why he
should be removed; after all he does good work, says his
mentri besar, and what he is disciplined for does not affect
the state. Another threatened to leave UMNO after he was
suspended, with rumours swirling that he would join PAS.
UMNO leaders went into rigor mortis. It is as if UMNO
wanted a token decision, chose the six, and then told them
they should not fight back, instead accept the punishment
like men, and all would be well in the end.
UMNO froze in shell shock which this was challenged.
It punishes the six for the widespread use of money as an
inducement to vote them in, but it would not act decisively.
So, when Dato' Zainol said he would resign from the state
executive council but not as state assemblyman, he is
praised to the heavens for pulling the UMNO leadership from
a sticky wicket. Intelligent move which reflects
understanding, crows the deputy president, Dato' Seri
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He is happy that Dato' Zainol would
remain in the party, when he should have been happy the
fellow left. The UMNO vice president, Dato' Najib Tun
Razak, thanks the man for resigning "voluntarily". What
wonderful fellows UMNO members are, we are told. They would
come to aid not the party but its leaders, and quietly quit
instead of being sacked. If UMNO meant what it says about
money politics, it should have sacked him from the executive
council and forced a byelection. It would not. It cannot
accept that a man sacked from UMNO would join an opposition
party. It is afraid of a byelection. So, it finds creative
ways to put a gloss to this whole business of money
politics. And it evades the more serious charges a Pahang state
assemblyman laid upon the former mentri besar who is now
UMNO secretary-general and federal cabinet minister, of
corruption. Dato' Fauzi Abdul Rahman said he would resign.
He has yet to. All effort is made to see he does not.
This potentially is worse than the case of the suspended
six. The fright this gave the UMNO leaders is incalculable.
They would not act, and drag their feet. If a byelection is
held for Dato' Fauzi's state assembly seat, PAS, which lost
by 800 votes in 1999, could well be returned. When Dato'
Fauzi accused one in UMNO's inner circles of corruption,
UMNO looked away. The two events are interlinked,
the Khalil issue the more serious. Until it is resolved,
UMNO would continue to shoot itself in the foot.
M.G.G. Pillai |