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BH: Daim terus 'berteka teki' By Saidon Idris 30/5/2001 9:31 pm Wed |
[Daim meminta media menasihatkannya agar hadir dalam
perhimpunan agung umno atau meletak jawatan sahaja.
Nampak benar beliau begitu tersinggung oleh berita
yang tersebar mengenai salahguna kuasa dan masa depan
dirinya. Itu satu sindiran tajam buat penulis berita
yang dikatakannya amat berkuasa. Ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi di sini. Siapa yang
menguasai media ini jika tidak orang Mahathir belaka?
Siapa yang menulis surat layang dan memusnahkan lawan
secara terbuka melalui pengaiban jika tidak Mahathir juga?
Nasib Daim, Ku Li, Anwar, Tunku lebih kurang serupa...
mereka hidup di zaman seorang penghasut dan pemfintnah
terkemuka. Dalam satu ucapan (amanat?) Mahathir pada perhimpunan
pemuda Umno semalam (29/5/2001), beliau menyebut:
"Just because there is insufficient evidence against
certain people, it does not mean that we cannot take
action against those guilty of money politics." (- NST)
jika diterjemahkan ia berbunyi: "Hanya kerana tidak ada bukti yang mencukupi terhadap
seseorang, itu tidak bermakna kita tidak boleh
mengambil tindakkan terhadap mereka yang bersalah
kerana politik wang". Ada sesuatu yang pelik di sini... Oleh Saidon Idris KUALA LUMPUR, Selasa - Menteri Kewangan Tun Daim
Zainuddin terus 'berteka teki' dengan media, terutama media
asing berhubung kedudukannya dalam Kabinet.
Ketika ditemui pemberita selepas berucap pada perasmian
Persidangan Pelaburan Perbadanan Kemajuan Industri (IDC)
Afrika Selatan di sini, hari ini, Daim berkata, beliau
memerlukan nasihat media bagi membantunya membuat
keputusan, baik mengenai tempoh cutinya dan juga
kedudukannya dalam Kabinet. Menjawab pertanyaan seorang pemberita agensi media asing
mengenai sama ada tugasnya dalam kerajaan bagi
memulihkan ekonomi sudah selesai dan sudah tiba masanya
bagi beliau meletak jawatan, Daim berkata, tugas dalam
kerajaan tidak pernah selesai. 'Kerja tidak akan selesai. Walaupun saya mati hari ini, ada
seseorang yang perlu meneruskan kerja ini,' katanya.
Ketika ditanya sama ada kata-katanya itu adalah bayangan
kemungkian beliau akan meletak jawatan, Daim berkata, beliau
tidak pernah memberi bayangan, sebaliknya media yang
berbuat demikian. 'Saya tidak memberikan bayangan, anda yang
memberikannya kepada saya,' katanya. Apabila diberitahu beliau pernah menyatakan mahu meletak
jawatan, Daim berkata, lambat laun beliau terpaksa juga
meletakkan jawatan. 'Ya bila sampai masanya saya terpaksa juga (meletakkan
jawatan). Saya tanya anda bila masanya? Anda mahu saya
meletakkan jawatan esok. O.K datang jumpa saya esok,'
katanya. Mengenai sampai bila beliau akan bercuti, Daim berkata:
'Itulah saya meminta nasihat anda.' Tempoh cuti beliau selama dua bulan bermula awal April lalu
dijangka tamat Khamis ini. Sementara itu ketika ditanya sama ada beliau akan menghadiri
perhimpunan agung Umno 21 Jun ini, Daim sambil bergurau
berkata, beliau juga memerlukan nasihat media untuk
memutuskan mengenainya. 'Anda nasihatkan saya apa yang saya patut buat dan saya
akan buat kerana anda (media) adalah orang yang sangat
berkuasa,' katanya.
If accomplished, tasks will prove movement's commitment
by Sajahan Waheed and Adrine Sapari (
Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad has challenged Umno
Youth members to accomplish three tasks which could determine the party's
performance in the 2004 general election.
The tasks are to: * set up Umno Youth operations room at all branches;
* increase Umno's membership;, and, * ensure that all the its members are registered as voters.
If the tasks are fulfilled, the Prime Minister said it would display the members'
commitment towards Umno's struggles. "This is a practical test besides just shouting the war cry Hidup Melayu
(Long Live the Malays)," Dr Mahathir said. "It is quite an unromantic way but
this is how we could determine whether Umno Youth members are sincere in
their struggle." Dr Mahathir issued the challenge during a special assembly organised by
Umno Youth at the Putra World Trade Centre. Also present was the party
deputy president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Some 5,000 Youth members including executive council members, division
heads, their deputies and division committee members, attended the event.
Dr Mahathir said with no allocation would be given to set up the operations
rooms, branches would have to look into ways to finance the centre.
"I hope that I would be able to visit the branch operation centres during my
next visit to the divisions," he said in the one-hour speech.
Dr Mahathir also urged Umno Youth members to have a good knowledge of
democratic principles. "You all (Umno Youth leaders) would inherit the party one day when the
older generation are no longer around," he said. "You should equip
yourselves with the necessary knowledge, including on how to react when
winning or losing party elections." "We have adopted democratic principles and determine who we want to
elect as our leaders. But sadly, we have failed to understand how to use the
democratic system that we have selected."
Reminding Umno Youth members not to resort to money politics, Dr mahathir
said the party took a stern stance in fighting the scourge.
"That is why we took stern action against those found guilty of practising
money politics," he said. "Support our move because the perpetrators are
promoting an unhealthy and negative culture."
"They must be prevented from spreading as the damage is too wide for us to
cover." Dr Mahathir said when people are influenced by money, they would resort to
"doing just about anything." "Today, we are willing to sell our votes during party elections and one day
later, we would even sell our votes during the general election," he said. "In
that way, we would end up losing our self-dignity."
He also issued this warning: "Just because there is insufficient evidence
against certain people, it does not mean that we cannot take action against
those guilty of money politics."
Dr Mahathir advised Umno Youth members not to emulate the attitude of
some senior members who could not accept their defeat in party elections.
"When they lose, they are disappointed and do not want to carry on with the
party's struggles," he said. "Some even leave Umno. I hope that this would
serve as a lesson." On the other hand, Dr Mahathir told winners not to totally ignore the losers.
Losers too must be willing to close ranks and work with the winners, he said.
Dr Mahathir requested younger leaders to be patient while waiting for their
turn to take over the party's leadership.
"Your turn will surely come," he said, "and you must prepare yourselves to
lead the party and show a good example."
Dr Mahathir said urged Umno leaders at all levels to go down to the ground
and mix with the people. "While we are there, we need not travel in our luxury cars," he said. "We can leave the cars at home. There is no need to impress the people." |