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Damage From 1997 Asian Crisis Still Unfolding By David DeRosa 3/6/2001 9:30 pm Sun |
[Malaysia mungkin akan mengikuti jejak langkah Indonesia
yang sudah bercelaru dan tidak menentu sekarang ini. Yang
mendapat mandat tidak berupaya membaiki negara itu manakala
yang layak tidak pula terpilih untuk meneraju. Negara itu sudah
rosak serosaknya akibat dikerjakan terlalu lama oleh Suharto
sehingga tiada sesiapa pun mampu membaikinya dengan kadar yang
segera. Akibatnya ramai yang terpaksa hidup menderita untuk
tempoh yang mungkin amat lama. Krisis ekonomi telah menggoncangkan senario politik negara -
ia menghumban semua diktator yang ada dengan sendirinya. Inilah
putaran alam untuk membersihkan dirinya yang pasti berlaku
walaupun asyik cuba ditunda. Semakin lama kejijikkan dibiarkan
semakin sukar untuk membaiki kemusnahan. Apa yang berlaku di
Indonesia seharusnya menjadi iktibar untuk mereka yang mempunyai
aqal fikiran. Kita akan mengundang huru-hara yang mengerikan
kerana terlalu lama berdiam membiarkan pemimpin negara melakukan
kerosakkan. Sesal dahulu pendapatan - sesal kemudian sudah tidak
berguna lagi. Keseronokkan hari ini akan padam dan petandanya sudah
pun mula kelihatan... Ramai yang akan tersimpul dan terjerat nanti
di dalam kesusutan. 06/03 00:03 Damage From 1997 Asian Crisis Still Unfolding
By David DeRosa New Canaan, Connecticut, June 3(Bloomberg) -- For
Indonesians, the last four years must seem like hell on earth.
What in the world has happened to that country?
Everything started to fall apart in the summer of 1997 with
the onset of the Asian financial crisis. The crisis was both
economic and political. Perhaps the best single word to describe
the last four years is chaos. And in truth, nobody today can give
a solid prediction for how all this will come out in the end for
Indonesia. In 1997 there was a view that the financial crisis, though
devastating in the economic sense, might bring some political
blessings. Had it not been for the double crash of the stock
market and the rupiah, Suharto, the dictator of 32 years, might
well still be in power. It could have been argued that the crisis was a cost of
getting rid of the tyrant. Indonesians, though far poorer, were at
least a free people. Other countries have paid much more dearly to
rid themselves of tyrants. But it now appears that freedom came to Indonesia at an
inopportune time. After three decades of Suharto's iron fist, not
surprisingly, no viable alternative candidate to lead the country
was available. Those who were electable were unable to govern. And
those who could govern were unelectable.
Poor Choices
And that's how a country like Indonesia could wind up with a
wholly unsuitable president like Abdurrahman Wahid. Worse yet,
even if they get rid of Wahid -- and the parliament appears ready
to do just that by impeachment -- no viable replacement is on the
scene. But what did you expect after 32 years of Suharto? Grooming a
replacement wasn't high on the man's agenda.
And let's not forget who is running Malaysia. Prime Minister
Mahathir, I submit, was also destroyed by the crisis. Although he
is still very much in power, the crisis made his own version of
the Asian miracle a lie. And even if you want to buy into the nonsense that Mahathir
found ``a kinder, gentler way'' (compared to the International
Monetary Fund's programs), one thing must be considered: Talented
Malaysians of all ethnic background seem to be voting with their
feet. The movers and shakers have packed up and left.
But Malaysia may have the same problem as Indonesia. If they
can force Mahathir out, whom will they have as a replacement?
Ah, but you say, there is the worthy Anwar Ibrahim, who
languishes in Mahathir's jail, having been falsely accused by the
tyrant. Well that would make for a nice storybook ending. Throngs of
Malaysians storm the jail to free Anwar. There is a special
election and Anwar, by then a national hero, becomes prime
minister. Get over it. When Mahathir finally falls, anything could
happen, including the people totally forgetting about Anwar.
Thaksin Populism
Last on my Southeast Asian parade of leaders is the new guy
in Thailand, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, or Thaksin for
short. His bit is populism. But like H. Ross Perot once said of
President Bill Clinton, he isn't house broken yet. I refer to his
usurpation of the Thai central bank last week.
Even if Thaksin were right about monetary policy, and believe
me he doesn't have a clue, what right does he have to fire the
governor of the central bank and replace him with a puppet?
There is something very alarming about not just what he did
but how he justified it, saying, in so many words, that the
central bank was being run for foreign investor not for Thai
citizens. So there you have it -- this is what politics in Southeast
Asia has become post Asian financial crisis: Wahid, Mahathir, and
Thaksin. What a crew. |