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AWSJ: Hopes For MAS Takeoff Dim By Zach Coleman 5/6/2001 12:09 am Tue |
[Lihatlah apa yang sudah jadi kepada MAS setelah dikerjakan
oleh Tajuddin Ramli.... Ia sudah tidak berkilauan lagi. MAS
mencatat kerugian PALING TERUK dalam sejarah penubuhannya.
Yang peliknya Utusan Malaysia menyandarkan kerugian itu kepada
kemelesetan ekonomi Amerika sedangkan Singapore Airlines boleh
untung walaupun dihempap kemelesetan itu juga.
- Editor] By Zach Coleman Staff Reporter Investors are in no rush to climb aboard Malaysian Airline
System. They had high hopes that the Malaysian flag carrier's
performance would take off again after Tajudin Ramli - formerly
the airline's chairman and biggest shareholder - turned over the
controls. The idea was that new managers and owners would make
tough restructuring decisions to reduce losses and debt, get
clearance to raise domestic air fares from the government and
form an alliance with a foreign partner to contribute capital,
network traffic and management expertise. Now, five months after
Tan Sri Tajudin sold his 29% stake back to the government in an
unpopular buyout and three months after he quit MAS, hopes are
fading. Losses are mounting and investors see little reason to
expect much improvement soon. MAS's stock has steadily slid in
the past four months, and fell 2% on Friday to 2.40 ringgit (63
U.S. cents), down five sen. Damian Kestel, of Indosuez W.I. Carr in Hong Kong, says clients
have no patience to hear about MAS's potential turnaround.
"Nothing changes, no one wants to listen."
MAS's annual results, released last week, offered little solace.
At 1.3 billion ringgit ($342.1 million), the company's net loss
was nearly two times what a consensus of analysts had estimated
and five times the size of the previous year's loss. Even those
poor results were padded by 235.8 million ringgit in profit from
the sale of planes and engines and 171.8 million ringgit from an
insurance claim for writing off the full value of an Airbus 330
damaged by a spill of chemicals it was carrying as cargo.
The results, said analyst Peter Negline of J.P. Morgan Chase,
"showed an alarming deterioration in the business" during the
quarter that ended in March. The annual loss brought MAS
shareholder equity down to its lowest level in nine years. "They
can't afford to keep losing money at this rate," he said.
MAS's share of seats filled by paying passengers rose to 74.8%
from 71.4% and revenue increased 10% for the year. But costs
rose 13%. That gap was driven by a 48% increase in fuel costs
and a 59% increase in aircraft leasing expenses, a downside of
the carrier's tactic of taking quick profit from selling and
leasing back planes. And even at a time when its competitors rode record cargo
traffic to profitability, MAS's cargo operations have stumbled.
Unhappy shippers are moving freight by truck to connect to
flights in neighboring Singapore to get around the problems at
Kuala Lumpur International Airport. MAS's cargo business posted
a pretax loss of 169.9 million ringgit last year.
Mohamed Nor Yusof, appointed managing director of the airline in
February, said last Tuesday that the airline wanted to return to
profitability in two years, and set a target of 341 million
ringgit. To do that, he said MAS would streamline its
international routes, reorganize its domestic network, ask the
government again for permission to raise domestic fares and
implement a revenue management system. Speaking to analysts
Friday, Datuk Mohamed Nor outlined detailed targets for cutting
costs in catering, distribution, cargo and maintenance,
according to one person who attended.
Analysts say the airline's proposal last month to issue 800
million ringgit in convertible preference shares should provide
temporary relief, but they are waiting to hear more from the new
management. "There's a lot of work to be done," said Chong Yoon
Chou, a fund manager with Aberdeen Asset Management Asia.
Despite lingering speculation about a white knight in the form
of Swissair, Qantas or KLM, Mark Webb, airline analyst with HSBC
Securities in Singapore, said he doubts it will happen. "I don't
see any airlines queuing up," he said. "Why sink money into an
airline like MAS?" Mr. Webb believes that for MAS, the key to returning to
profitability is an acknowledgement that Kuala Lumpur is no Hong
Kong or Singapore. "Kuala Lumpur is a relatively small business and financial
center," he says. "Premium paying passengers don't want to go
Kuala Lumpur." He suggests the carrier should recast itself as
"more protected and less competitive, and thus more profitable,"
niche regional player. According to a person who attended MAS's
analyst briefing, the airline is hoping to do just that by
refocusing on regional routes such as those to Hong Kong and
Sydney. Analyst Timothy Ross of UBS Warburg considers MAS undervalued
relative to the market value of its fleet. He sees the potential
for a 49% rise in MAS stock in the next year, the second highest
among the 16 airlines he tracks. But even with that upside, Mr.
Ross projects that MAS will stay in the red for at least another
year and rates the stock only a "hold."
What MAS's new management is up against is more than the
airline's own problems. With falling cargo traffic, slowing
passenger business and high fuel prices in Asia and Malaysia
facing its own economic difficulties, fund managers such as Mr.
Chong are going to "Wait and see."
(END) DOW JONES NEWS 06-03-01 05:27 PM Copyright (c) 2001 , Dow Jones & Company Inc
Kemelesetan ekonomi AS dikaitkan dengan kerugian
terbesar dalam sejarah KUALA LUMPUR 29 Mei - Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) yang
telah diambil alih oleh kerajaan awal tahun ini menanggung
kerugian sebelum cukai sebanyak RM1.303 bilion bagi tahun
kewangan berakhir 31 Mac 2001 - kerugian terbesar dalam
sejarah syarikat penerbangan itu.
Kerugian itu adalah lima kali ganda besar daripada kerugian
sebelum cukai RM236.9 juta pada tahun kewangan 2000.
Tetapi jumlah perolehan syarikat penerbangan Malaysia itu
pula meningkat kepada RM8.956 bilion bagi tahun kewangan
semasa berbanding RM8.160 bilion bagi tahun kewangan 2000.
Syarikat penerbangan itu tidak mengumumkan sebab-sebab
kerugiannya secara terperinci tetapi perbelanjaannya telah
bertambah besar pada saat-saat ekonomi global diserang
kemelesetan ekonomi Amerika Syarikat (AS).
``Perbelanjaan kumpulan telah meningkat sebanyak 13 peratus
kepada RM10.802 bilion yang dikaitkan dengan kenaikan
sebanyak 47.9 peratus untuk harga minyak dan bahan bakar,''
menurut MAS kepada Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur (BSKL) hari
ini. Selain itu, sewaan pesawat bagi tahun kajian juga meningkat
sebanyak 59.2 peratus, jelas syarikat penerbangan itu lagi.
Perlunasan kerugian tukaran mata wang asing terhadap
penilaian liabiliti jangka panjang pula bernilai RM52.5 juta bagi
suku keempat dan RM419.2 juta bagi tahun kewangan 2001.
Prestasi syarikat-syarikat penerbangan berhubung rapat
dengan prestasi ekonomi negara-negara yang ditawarkan
perkhidmatannya. Menurut MAS lagi, kemelesetan ekonomi AS memberi kesan
kepada negara-negara terbabit dan juga syarikat-syarikat
penerbangan udara. Bagi mengatasi masalah itu, MAS me-ningkatkan program
utama pemulihan untuk menjadikannya kembali untung.
``Beberapa siri program dikenal pasti termasuklah
menyelaraskan jaringan laluan antarabangsa dan proses
meningkatkan operasi-operasi utamanya,'' kata syarikat itu
yang merancang pelaksanaan program-program tersebut
secara fasa demi fasa. Sebagai sebuah syarikat yang bermasalah dengan bebanan
hutang melebihi RM10 bilion, MAS dijangka menerbitkan saham
keutamaan bernilai RM800 juta untuk membeli pesawat baru
dan membiayai operasinya. Tetapi penganalisis mendakwa saham keutamaan itu tidak akan
menarik pelabur asing, malah, lebih sesuai untuk ditawarkan
kepada dana amanah kerajaan. MAS dikuasai oleh kerajaan selepas Kementerian Kewangan membeli 29.09 peratus pegangan saham daripada ahli perniagaan terkemuka Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli. |