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Reuters: M'sia struggles against immigrant tide By Marty Logan 7/6/2001 6:40 pm Thu |
[Bilangan pendatang asing tidak dapat dianggarkan dengan tepat
tetapi terdapat kemungkinan mereka sudah mencecah angka 2 juta
- ini lebih ramai dari bilangan kaum minoriti India di negara ini.
Masalah ini tidak akan selesai selagi dalang dibiarkan bermaharaja
lela sesuka hati. Tidak mungkin mereka berjaya masuk ke negara ini jika tidak ada
lubang dan sesuatu yang mewah menanti. Siapakah yang untung dengan
kedatangan mereka ini jika tidak pihak yang menguruskan mereka selama
ini. Jika polis di atas sanggup berkonspirasi politik, polis di
bawah pun bukannya boleh dipercayai lagi. Di sini wang sudah menjadi
raja - undang-undang sudah melayang entah kemana. Bayangkan jika seorang
pendatang membayar wang bawah meja sebanyak RM100 ringgit, jika 2 juta
itu sudah memberi hasil RM 200 juta begitu sahaja.... yang tentunya lebih
baik dari gaji polis yang tidak berbaloi dengan penatnya bekerja.
- Editor] By Marty Logan KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Just before 2 a.m., a Malaysian police
speedboat douses its lights and heads out from the cover of a
mangrove swamp towards the open sea. The police have been tipped off that another boatload of refugees
fleeing politically volatile, impoverished neighbour Indonesia is on
its way across the Strait of Malacca. Soon after the patrol reaches international waters, clouds black out
the stars and the rain starts. The operation is called off -- and
another group of Indonesians make their way to what they hope will be
their promised land. Malaysia and neighbouring Singapore are battling to keep out
Indonesians so desperate that some will sell their land for a chance
to work at the menial jobs locals now refuse -- cleaning the
condominiums and building the skyscrapers that are symbols of the
countries' prosperity. In mid-May, a Malaysian government official said 5,000 Indonesians
were gathered on Batam Island, 45 minutes away by speedboat, waiting
for a chance to sneak in. In one patrol in May, the police caught 82 migrants crammed into the
deep hull of a slow wooden boat. According to the Indonesian embassy,
Malaysia arrested 6,000 illegal Indonesians in May.
ETHNIC INDIANS OUTNUMBERED? No one knows how many Indonesians there are in Malaysia, but Kuala
Lumpur deported nearly 90,000 last year.
Those captured are held in nine detention camps across the country
before being shipped home. But some 1,000 die each year making the
crossing, according to estimates in the early 1990s.
Death or deportation is no deterrent for many and the wealth gap
makes it easy to understand. Tiny Singapore is a rich country by any standards and Malaysia has
succeeded in bringing down poverty levels among its 23 million people
to less than seven percent from around 50 percent in the early 1970s.
Nearly a quarter of Indonesia's 200 million people are living in
poverty, and millions more are little better off.
Most official estimates put the number of Indonesians in Malaysia at
close to one million, but the Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur
recently said it could be as high as two million.
That would mean Indonesians now outnumber Malaysia's official third
largest ethnic group -- the 1.6 million Indians counted in the 2000
census. PUT DOWN ROOTS Sharing ethnic roots, religion and a similar language with the
majority Malays, Indonesians trade on hard work, family ties and a
fairly sympathetic government to make new lives here.
Many arrived at the start of Malaysia's development drive in the
early 1980s. But their growing numbers worry ordinary Malaysians, who blame
Indonesians for much of the country's petty crime.
For their part, many Indonesians resent the superior attitudes of
some of their hosts. "Sometimes Malay passengers ask me in a cynical tone how Indonesians
can be allowed to drive a taxi here. I get very annoyed," said a taxi
driver originally from West Sumatra. "I don't understand why they look down on Indonesians."
According to the Jakarta Post newspaper, Indonesian embassy officials
reported 35 of their nationals were arrested for murder last year.
Kuala Lumpur's gritty Chow Kit district was once known as
'mini-Jakarta'. Today the alleys where traders sell pirated VCDs are
also home to Africans and other foreigners.
But in the street markets on the west side of the main road,
Indonesians still dominate. Indonesian labourers in jeans and T-shirts loaf around outside
betting shops, in a haze of smoke from their trademark aromatic clove
cigarettes, hoping for a winning ticket. WORK Two police officers walking the beat say most Indonesians are hard
workers who beat the system by entering Malaysia on tourist passes,
get jobs, then return monthly to update the pass, carrying valuable
Malaysian ringgit to their waiting families.
"Ten years ago they would come here and if one was from Madura and
the other was Dayak they would automatically fight. Now they respect
the peace in Malaysia," says Yasin, one of the officers.
A government official says it is Malaysian businessmen who hire
Indonesians illegally who cause trouble.
Indonesians "are people who make positive contributions to Malaysia.
We don't have a problem with this group," said Aseh Che Mat,
secretary-general of the Ministry of Home Affairs. "What we don't want is a situation where they are being exploited,"
Aseh told Reuters in an interview. But while officials appear understanding, residents complain of
rising crime and Indonesians moving into their areas.
"If there is no immediate action, the number can double in a few
months," says Saharuddin Awang Yahya, head of a residents' group
which is campaigning against a squatter area mushrooming on the
outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. With no official status, squatters there still managed to build 1,000
homes and access water and electricity.
It could be a microcosm of a national anxiety.
The upheavals in Malaysia's seething neighbour is one of Foreign
Minister Syed Hamid Albar greatest external worries.
"Law and order problems, economic or political instability, we have
to watch very closely because the spillover to us is real," Syed
Hamid told Reuters. |