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Anwar Sets Deadline For Permission To Go Abroad By AP 14/6/2001 9:15 am Thu |
[Sakit Anwar sekali lagi mungkin menyebabkan Mahathir sakit juga.
Anwar telah membuat satu permohonan rasmi agar jabatan penjara
menyediakan kemudahan untuk beliau pergi ke klinik di Jerman untuk
rawatan 'slipped disc' segera dan akan mengambil tindakkan undang-undang
jika tuntutan itu tidak dilayan segera. Jika tiada tindakbalas atau
jawapan langsung dari Omar, ketua pengarah penjara, Anwar akan memohon
agar mahkamah tinggi mengarahkan Omar untuk mengatur perjalanannya
dan mungkin akan menyaman jika keadaan sakitnya semakin teruk dan
memeritkan. Kerajaan sepatutnya memikirkan faktor kesihatan SAHAJA kerana itulah
yang terlebih utama. Anwar tidak sepatutnya dibiarkan menderita atau
didera hanya kerana fahaman politiknya yang berbeda atau tidak disenangi
kerana beliau hanya meminta haknya dari segi undang-undang dan moral
sebagai pesakit SAHAJA mengikut saluran undang-undang yang ada. Keadaan
Anwar kini sudah semakin kronik dan beliau sudah mula menghadapi kesan
sampingan ubat penahan sakit yang menyebabkan tangannya membengkak.
Sepatutnya Anwar tidak dihantar ke penjara oleh Dollah Badawi yang tidak
berhati perut itu. Jika Anwar lumpuh kerana dilengahkan bukan sahaja Dollah
akan terkena, malah Mahathir juga akan 'lumpuh' juga kerana rakyat yang
memerhati akan merasa amat terhiris lagi sakit hati. Jika ini berlaku
polis dan askar pun tidak akan mampu membendung kebangkitan rakyat
walaupun datang berkawal lengkap bersenjata kerana rakyat Serbia sudah
membuktikannya. Rakyat Malaysia apa kurangnya kerana mereka sebenarnya
boleh - mereka cuma belum lagi mencuba. Lihatlah krisis Nanyang kerana
pembayangnya ada disana..... Malaysia Anwar Sets Deadline For Permission To Go Abroad
KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--Jailed former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim
will sue Malaysia's prisons chief unless he is allowed to travel overseas
for medical treatment within a week, his lawyer said Wednesday.
Upping pressure on the government in a long-running battle to be
allowed abroad, Anwar made a formal application to the prisons
department to begin preparations for him to go to a clinic in Germany
for treatment on a slipped disc and threatening legal action if it doesn't
comply swiftly. In a letter to Malaysia's Director-General of Prisons Omar Muhammad
Dan, Anwar's lawyer Sankara Nair said the official was "on notice" to
act within seven days. The letter was dated April 12.
If there is no response, Anwar will ask the High Court to order Omar
to arrange the trip and may sue the official for damages if the former
deputy prime minister's health worsens.
Doctors say Anwar needs surgery on his back and risks permanent
disability unless he gets it soon. But Anwar and the government are in
dispute about the type of surgery and where it can occur.
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has said a ban on Anwar going
overseas for treatment is final, ignoring pleas from his former
protege's family, the opposition and Malaysia's government-appointed
human rights commission which says Anwar has the right to choose
his mode of treatment. Anwar, who says the injury was caused in part by a 1998 police
beating, wants endoscopic surgery and has lined up specialist surgeon
Dr. Thomas Hoogland of the Alpha Klinik in Munich.
The government says Anwar should accept less specialized surgery
performed locally, or bring Hoogland to Malaysia. Hoogland says he
can't operate in Malaysia, The opposition has accused the government of being vindictive against
Anwar. In his letter, Sankara said Anwar's condition was worsening, and that
his hands had swelled as a side effect of pain relieving drugs.
Anwar's "misery cannot and should not be allowed to perpetuate,"
Sankara's letter said. "He ought not be made to suffer or be punished
for merely demanding his legal and moral right to his choice of doctor
and mode of treatment." Omar was duty bound to arrange Anwar's trip, "without any other
considerations including political considerations."
A prison official wasn't immediately available to comment.
After grooming Anwar as his successor, Mahathir fired his deputy in
1998 amid disputes over how the government should handle the Asian
economic crisis. Anwar was later convicted of s###my and corruption
and is serving 15 years in prison. He claims the charges were designed
to quash his threat to Mahathir. The government denies a conspiracy.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires 13-06-01
1&010&&afpnews.cgi&cat=malaysia& KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 (AFP) - Jailed Malaysian politician Anwar
Ibrahim has made a fresh appeal to be allowed to undergo spinal
surgery overseas because his condition is deteriorating, his lawyer said
Wednesday. Counsel Sankara Nair told AFP he had submitted a letter Tuesday to
the director-general of prisons for Anwar to be "released under
licence" and for arrangements to send him to Germany for surgery
within a week. Anwar's doctors had advised him that his condition would not improve
without surgery and that a prolonged delay could lead to "certain
disabilities and even paralysis," the lawyer said.
The letter said the former deputy premier would seek legal action to
enforce his rights if the prisons department rejected the application.
It noted the support given by the Human Rights Commission of
Malaysia last month for Anwar to have surgery at a specialist spinal
clinic in Munich. The letter said Anwar was "still in pain everyday" having been moved
back to prison last month after more than five months in hospital.
"Only strong medication is keeping the pain at bay and side effects of
some of the drugs administered is apparent where there is now
noticeable water retention and swelling of his hands," it added. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad last month said his decision to
refuse his former deputy permission for surgery overseas was final,
despite a guarantee from Anwar that he would return to Malaysia after
the operation. Anwar is serving a total of 15 years for abuse of power and s###my
but maintains he is a political prisoner. He has become the symbol of
opposition to Mahathir, who completes 20 years in office in July.