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BK: Call made, advice given - only justice left (Likas) By Manjeet Singh Dhillon 18/6/2001 9:33 am Mon |
[Apa perlunya Eusoff Chin menalifon sedangkan Hakim Muhammad Kamil
tidak memerlukan pun untuk ditolong? Tidak perlu timbul lagi persoalan
samada panggilan itu telah dibuat atau apakah yang telah terucap. Apa
yang nyata kini ialah Eusoff Chin sudah mengaku membuat panggilan kepada
anak-buahnya sedangkan dia tidak seharusnya melakukan demikian kerana
Hakim Muhammad Kamil sudah cukup arif dan mempunyai banyak fakta yang
sudah mencukupi di mahkamah. Ini terbukti dengan keputusan bertulisnya
yang amat panjang lagi terang. Itu tidak memerlukan apa-apa tambahan
atau panggilan talifon walau apa-pun yang diucapkan.
'Waktu panggilan itu dibuat, jenis nasihat yang diberi dan cara ia
disampaikan sudah cukup untuk ditafsirkan satu mesej yang terang lagi
bersuluh apa yang ingin disampaikan. Lagipun itulah cara tradisi hakim-hakim
cuba dirobotkan untuk mencapai maksud yang diinginkan' - Manjeet.
- Editor]
manjeetsingh17jun.htm By Manjeet Singh Dhillon Surely Eusoff Chin's unsolicited "advice" to justice Muhammad Kamil Awang
that there were two earlier decisions, both resulting in election petitions
being struck off on the grounds that electoral rolls were sacrosanct and
so beyond question, in itself begs the question.
What need was there for Eusoff to give such advice in the manner in which
it was given bearing in mind that that was the vexing problem facing justice
Kamil - tainted and corrupted electoral rolls and so the need to go behind
them? It is no more a question of whether such a call was made or what was said
in that call. That is all beyond dispute now. It was made, and made by
Eusoff to one of his subordinates.
At times the timing of "advice", the form of advice, and its nature, delivers
a strong and clear message to the recipient. Isn't that the traditional
Malaysian way of achieving ends?
It is no more a question of splitting hairs as to when justice Kamil raised
the matter or why he waited till now. He has raised it and a lesser mortal
than Eusoff would by now have been hauled off to the courts for gross
and blatant interference in judicial proceedings.
Justice must be fair and the law must be equally applied. In the classic
style of the Attorney- General's Chamber's, and the police's, way of determining
such matters - can we have another prosecution and let the courts decide?