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Reuters: Anwar Cabar Keputusan Pembedahan Luar By AP 21/6/2001 7:35 am Thu |
[Anwar akan membawa Ketua Jabatan Penjara ke mahkamah
kerana tidak mengizinkan beliau mendapat rawatan di luar
negara. Peguam Anwar, Sankara Nair telah pun menulis surat
rasmi kepada KP Penjara, En Omar minggu lepas menuntut agar
Anwar dibebaskan dari penjara untuk terbang mendapatkan
rawatan ke Munich. Menurut Nair, KP Penjara berkuasa penuh untuk membebaskan
sebarang pesalah atas sebab-sebab kesihatan di bawah Akta
Penjara. Suhakam pula berpendapat Anwar memang mempunyai HAK untuk
terbang ke luar negara menjalani pembedahan.
Dijangka tuntutan saman ini akan difailkan minggu depan.
Jika kerajaan tewas Mahathir akan dipenuhi keaiban. Seluruh
rakyat Malaysia harus berdoa mengikut ugama masing-masing
agar seorang insan yang sakit mendapat haknya yang sudah
diperlekehkan sehingga menderita kesakitan yang boleh membawa
kepada lumpuh yang mengerikan.
Malaysia's Anwar challenges foreign surgery ruling
Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 18:00 JST Anwar, through his counsel Sankara Nair, wrote to
Director-General of Prisons Omar Muhammad Dan a week
ago demanding he be freed from the Sungai Buloh jail
outside Kuala Lumpur and flown to Munich for treatment
for a slipped disc. Nair said Omar had denied the request in a letter on
Tuesday, leaving Anwar no choice but to pursue legal
action. "We're now filing an action at the High Court to order
the Prisons D.G. to release Anwar," Nair told Reuters,
adding that the legal papers would be filed by early
next week. Nair said Omar had powers to release a prisoner for
medical reasons under the Prisons Act. The prisons
chief could not be contacted for comment.
The government has refused to let Anwar travel
overseas for treatment of his slipped disc, saying
prisoners have no such privilege. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has offered Anwar,
his former deputy, the choice of any Malaysian
hospital, saying specialists could be flown in from
Germany to operate. Once a prime-minister-in-waiting, Anwar is serving a
15-year jail term for corruption and sex crimes he
says were plotted by Mahathir allies after he fell out
with his one-time mentor. The prime minister denies any plot against Anwar.
The country's government-established human rights
commission has said Anwar had a right to travel
abroad for surgery. (Reuters News)
Malaysia Prisons Chief: Anwar Can't Go Abroad For Surgery
KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--Malaysia's prisons chief has rejected
jailed politician Anwar Ibrahim's demand to be allowed abroad
for spinal surgery, his lawyer said Wednesday.
Omar Muhammad Dan, the director-general of prisons, sent a
letter Tuesday refusing to let Anwar travel to a clinic in
Germany where he wants to undergo an operation for a slipped
disc, said attorney Sankara Nair. The refusal is in line with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's
repeated statements that Anwar cannot go overseas because he
is serving prison sentences totaling 15 years for corruption
and s###my. Omar's letter was in response to a formal application made by
Anwar last week for the prisons department to arrange a trip
for him to Munich. Anwar said Omar had seven days to arrange the trip, or he
would seek a court order telling him to do so. Anwar also
said he would sue for damages if his health worsened.
Doctors say Anwar needs surgery and risks permanent
disability unless he gets it soon. But Anwar and the
government have wrangled for months over the type of
operation and where it should be performed.
Sankara said that Omar, in his letter, rejected Anwar's claim
that the Prisons Act allowed the removal overseas of a
prisoner if treatment in Malaysia is inadequate.
"He says Anwar isn't eligible under prison regulations,"
Sankara said. Sankara said he would file a motion next week asking the High
Court to order the prison to arrange the trip. The case is
expected to last one or two days. A prison official wasn't immediately available to comment.
Anwar, who claims the injury was caused in part by a 1998
police beating, wants a less invasive method of surgery and
has voiced his desire for specialist surgeon Dr. Thomas
Hoogland to perform the operation at the Alpha Klinik in
Munich. But the government says Anwar should accept less specialized
surgery performed locally, or bring Hoogland to Malaysia
instead. Hoogland says he cannot operate in this Southeast
Asian nation. Mahathir fired Anwar in 1998 amid disputes over how the
government should handle the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis.
Anwar was subsequently convicted on corruption and s###my
charges, which he claims were designed to foil his threat to
Mahathir. The government denies this.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires 20-06-01 |