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TheAge: Mahathir lashes out at West By Mark Baker 22/6/2001 5:46 pm Fri |
[Mahathir marahkan reformis kerana tidak demokrasi, orang melayu
kerana tidak berterima kasih kepadanya, pembangkang kerana menemui
pemimpin negara luar dan orang asing kerana mencampuri urusan dalaman
negara. Demokrasi apakah yang ada di Malaysia jika insan seperti Sobri boleh
ditangkap di bawah ISA tanpa bukti dan bicara? Bagaimanakah pembangkang
bisa menang dalam pilihanraya jika pengundi hantu berleluasa? Mahathirlah
yang sepatutnya berterima kasih kepada rakyat Malaysia kerana masih
bersabar walaupun sudah teruk dihina dan dituduh sedangkan apa yang melanda
negara kini bukan kerana rakyat tetapi kerana kepincangan kepimpinan Umno
yang ada. Pembangkang sekadar menemui ketua negara luar secara terbuka untuk
menjelaskan beberapa perkara sahaja. Tetapi Mahathir kerapkali
menemui pemimpin Israel secara tertutup dan menyerahkan ekonomi kepada
konsultan Yahudi. Malah berkempen pun diserahkan kepada syarikat Yahudi.
- Editor] ASIA EDITOR Friday 22 June 2001 Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has accused Western
governments of backing Malaysia's democracy reform
movement as part of an "evil" strategy to undermine his
leadership and turn the country into a puppet state.
Dr Mahathir warned that growing support among ethic
Malays for the opposition parties' campaign for greater
political freedoms and human rights risked plunging the
country into the same violence and lawlessness unfolding in
Indonesia. "Far from benefiting from the democratic process, what is
seen as a result of 'reformasi' (reform) is mob rule, a lawless
rule by street mobs," he said in a firebrand speech to the
annual congress of the ruling United Malays National
Organisation. He said the opposition parties, ignoring the economic
achievements under his 20-year rule, were colluding with
foreigners to undermine stability and prosperity.
"They like to flatter the whites and are happy if they are
praised by these 'Mat Sallehs' (foreigners). Actually these
idiots are nothing if not for what we have given them.
Unfortunately they are not used to getting a bit of power.
Even with a minor position, they get big-headed and will
dance to their master's tune." The speech comes a day after the government-controlled
New Straits Times accused Australia of joining the United
States in wanting to see Dr Mahathir replaced by a "pliable
leader". The paper denounced a meeting last week between Foreign
Minister Alexander Downer and Malaysian Opposition Leader
Fadzil Mohamad Noor as a "neo-colonial" interference in
Malaysia's internal affairs. While Dr Mahathir did not name Australia or any other
Western country in his speech, he claimed "foreigners and
their media" did not have good intentions towards Malaysia.
"They do not wish to change a particular government for a
fairer and more democratic one ... They only wish to see
destruction which befell other countries to happen to our
country. "They wish us to become their client state. It is not that they
love the opposition and wish to see them taking over the
Malaysian government. They only use the opposition as a
tool to achieve their evil intentions."
He claimed Western countries hated his government
because it had fought globalisation and refused intervention
by the IMF and the World Bank after the 1997 Asian
economic crisis. "They hate Malaysia, especially the current leadership and
they hate it extremely. They especially hate it because
Malaysia was able to defend the economic and financial
attack they launched," he said. "They loathe the Malaysian government for exposing their
evil intent when they introduced their concept of
globalisation and a borderless world ... It is only idiots who
always idolise the whites who will not accept this."
Dr Mahathir acknowledged the decline in support for UMNO
during and since the last general election in 1999 a decline
traced to the sacking three years ago of his popular deputy
Anwar Ibraham. Mr Anwar is now serving a 15-year prison
sentence after being convicted on widely discredited
charges of corruption and sexual misconduct.
Dr Mahathir conceded for the first time that the government
risked electoral defeat if the drift in support to opposition
parties from UMNO's traditional power base in the Malay
community continued. |