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FAC Sweet Faces Turns Malaysian PM Sour By FAC 23/6/2001 3:24 am Sat |
[Terkejut besar Mahathir bila Bahirah, isteri Ezam muncul
dengan sesuatu di tangan. Mahathir tersilap besar kerana
memutuskan kasih dan sayang melalui ISA tanpa bukti dan tanpa
perbicaraan. Dia bakal menghadapi pelbagai serangan yang tajam
serta penuh sindiran yang boleh membawa keaiban. Kemunculan
tiba-tiba Bashirah ini hanyalah baru satu kejutan permulaan.
Apa yang menanti di hari depan mungkin boleh membuat dia tergoncang.
Kalau kaum hawa berjaya memukau dan menarik ribuan hadiran
di Filipina (Aquino), India (Ghandi), Myanmar (Aung Sang Suu Kyi),
Indonesia (Megawati) dan lain-lain lagi, tidak mustahil ia
tidak boleh berlaku di sini. Kata orang cinta itu terlalu agung sehingga lautan pun akan
diselami dan gunung pun akan sanggup didaki. Malah maut pun
sanggup diredahi demi cinta yang sejati. Apatah lagi cinta
seorang isteri yang hebatnya pasti....
"Love is a value that is actualized through living actions"
- Steven Covey. - Editor] Sweet faces turns Malaysian PM sour
Yesterday began the four-day UMNO General Assembly - the expected
highlight being Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin's resignation and the
aftershock that would follow. But little did they know the event that
would steal the thunder would be the ambush from the wives of the
Internal Security Act detainees.
Four of these detainees' wives converged on the UMNO headquarters
building. However, only Bahirah Tajul Aris, National Justice Party Youth
Leader Ezam Mohd Nor's wife, managed to get through. The others
were grabbed by the plainclothes security officers and stopped in their
tracks. Bahirah managed to squeeze her petite self amongst the UMNO
Ministers lined up waiting for Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir
Mohamad to arrive and lay in ambush. Imagine Mahathir's surprise as he
shook hands with the guard of honour only to come face-to-face with Bahirah.
Bahirah introduced herself, "Dato Seri, I am Ezam's wife, I have come
here to hand you this letter," and handed over the letter demanding the
release of the six ISA detainees. [(Copy of the letter can be read below).]
Mahathir took the letter while trying to maintain his composure with a
weak smile. He put the letter in his pocket, probably to mull over later, as
the security officers showed Bahirah the exit - not that she needed help
finding it. The other wives were not so lucky though as their letters were yanked
from their hands and ripped to shreds. But Bahirah got through and this
is all that matters. Today, the wives and family members of the six detainees still being
detained at the Kamunting detention camp struck back - not with
violence but persistently nevertheless. The shock of the two-year
detention order has already evaporated and now it is now time to fight
back. And the wives and families of the six are doing just that, the first
salvo being the letter to the Prime Minister.
The wives and families are determined. They will not rest until the six are
free men again. They are not prepared to ride out these two years
without a fight. Arresting politicians is one thing. Whether they are guilty or not of the
crimes they are accused of is another. But facing the wrath of angry
wives and mothers may be more than Mahathir can handle.
The wives have nothing to lose and everything to gain from fighting for
their husbands' freedom. Mahathir will have to gauge carefully how he
would like to handle this onslaught of angry wives and mothers. As the
Intifadah has shown, the hand that rocks the cradle can more than rock
the nation. And these wives, mothers and fiancées of the six detainees
will not rest until they have gained the freedom of their loved ones.
Let Mahathir be warned.
ISA Family Members' Letter to Mahathir
21 Jun 2001 Yang Amat Berhormat Assalamualaikum warahamatullahiwabarakatuh
Mohamad Ezam Mohd. Nor, Saari Sungib, Dr. Badrul Amin Bahron,
Lokman Noor Adam, Chua Tian Cheng, and Hishamuddin Rais
We, the undersigned, are the wives and family members of the
above-mentioned detainees currently being detained at Kamunting
under the Internal Security Act. The detention of the above-mentioned detainees was made without
any formal criminal charge or trial in an open court. This is an
inhumane act that violates their fundamental rights.
The above-mentioned detainees are responsible individuals who
uphold the principle of democracy in this beloved Malaysia of
ours. They are neither common criminals nor enemies of state.
They are, in fact, citizens committed towards safeguarding the
nation's wealth against transgressions and acts of bribery.
They are also our husbands and loving fathers to our children.
Separating them from us and from our young children who are still
in great need of their love is truly a cruel and inhumane act.
Our husbands are peace-loving people who struggle to uphold the
principles enshrined in the declaration of independence which
guarantees that this nation will continue to be a democratic nation
based on the principle of freedom and justice. Does fighting to
uphold these principles constitute a crime or threaten national
security? Malaysia has now entered the twenty-first century but why is our
country still practicing laws that were inherited from our
one-time colonial masters and detains its citizen without trial.
We, the wives of the above-mentioned detainees, have no doubts
whatsoever that our husbands have acted nobly, constitutionally,
and that they did not violate any laws. Their detention is criminal
and unjust. We, therefore, demand that our husbands be immediately and
unconditionally released and be allowed to return to their families,
or, if the government has any proof of them violating any laws, charge
them in court. Yours Sincerely, Puan Bahirah Tajul Aris Puan Aliza Jaffar Mabel Au En. Jalaluddin Manaf Puan Zumrah Husni Puan Noor Farahin Ahmad |