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TJ KB: Kena Ikut Fikiran Dia Sahaja By Robert Hum 27/6/2001 12:36 am Wed |
Secara tidak langsung politik telah menjadi tuhan di negara ini.
Mahathir memarahi rakyat yang tidak menyokongnya dan tidak membenarkan
aliran pemikiran yang berbeda atau pandangan bebas seperti Nanyang
hanya kerana ia kritis dan mempersoalkan sedikit terhadap beberapa
tindak-tanduk kerajaan yang tidak baik. Selagi kerajaan mencengkam
kebebasan berfikir rakyat negara tidak akan mampu menjadi hebat.
Usahawan yang kayaraya seperti Bill Gates (Microsoft), Larry Ellison
(Oracle ), Micheal Dell (Dell Computers) adalah hasil daripada pemikiran
orang biasa yang berfikir jauh kehadapan melalui satu budaya bebas niaga
tanpa sebarang campur tangan kerajaan. Mahathir mengherdik ramai orang
termasuk ahli Umno, orang asing, ulamak dan pembangkang. Yang peliknya
panel penasihat MSC dipenuhi oleh orang asing kebanyakkannya.
Tidak salah untuk rakyat untuk tidak menyokong kerajaan. Mereka berhak
untuk berfikiran demikian. Di Australia Parti Buruh dan Liberal bertukar
ganti memerintah negara dan mereka tidakpun mengatakan pengundi bodoh.
Itu hak rakyat yang bebas untuk memilih sesiapa.
Malaysia tidak akan mampu maju dari segi ekonomi mahupun politik jika Dr M
masih terus mahukan rakyat berfikir dari satu sudut biasa sahaja. Setiap
aliran yang bertentangan dianggap sebagai menentang kerajaan pula. Jika
beginilah keadaannya, sampai bilapun hasrat Wawasan 2020 tidak akan
kesampaian. Kalau sampai pun ia tidak bermakna apa-apa dari segi moral kerana
rakyat Malaysia asyik kena mengikut cakap pemimpin yang sudah nyanyuk dan lapuk
seperti Dr Mahathir. -Terjemahan Ringkas Kapal Berita- LETTERS Waiting for god-given nod Robert Hum 2:58pm, Sun: In Malaysia, when the prime minister gave his OK (not directive
according to him) to the takeover of Nanyang Press by MCA, the whole
Malaysian political fraternity viewed it as a god-given nod to the takeover.
How could Malaysia move forward to the information age, when independent
thinking is disallowed and any action against the government of the day is
misconstrued as anti-establishment? In the land where politicians are
treated as gods, there is not much hope to cure the ills of Malaysian
society. Billionaire entrepreneurs like Bill Gates (Microsoft), Larry Ellison
(Oracle ), Micheal Dell (Dell Computers) and other millionaires of the IT
revolution of the 1970s and 1980s were ordinary persons who dared to think
laterally and acted beyond the norms of the day. These people were willing
to challenge the norms. The companies they established and their inventions
were founded on a culture of free enterprise, with no government hand-out or
intervention. The open market economy rewards as well as punishes
entrepreneurs. The western nations' liberal philosophy is the root cause of dynamism in its
business and research and development. The reason why more and more
technical inventions originate from the West is primarily due to its liberal
philosophy. By liberal, I mean the unfettered, non-intervention of
politicians in every sphere of life. Meritocracy dictates university
entrance, employment, business opportunities and so forth.
In the Umno annual general meeting, Dr Mahathir Mohamad berated Umno
members, the white Caucasian race, the ulamas, and the oppositions. And yet,
the general council of the Malaysian Multimedia Super Corridor is stacked
with white Caucasians that run some of the largest IT conglomerates in the
world. If I were a member of the council, I would feel insulted. Come on
Bill Gates, Larry Ellison - say something!
There is nothing wrong for electors to switch their allegiance from one
political party to another. In Australia, the Labour Party and the Liberal
Party have taken turns in governing the country. Australian PMs don't call
the electors stupid, when they have decided to dump a ruling party and vote
for the opposition. Malaysia would never progress to the level of the Western world, socially,
economically and politically if politicians like Dr M stifle initiatives and
teach our children to conform to the norms all the time; not when every
independent act is viewed as a challenge against the authority.
Vision 2020, if and when Malaysia becomes a developed country will mean
nothing morally, if Malaysians need to be told what to do from politicians
like Dr M. |