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Likas: In Defend Of J. Md Kamil & Judicial Integrity By Kim Quek 28/6/2001 10:15 pm Thu |
[Mahathir dan Rais telah mempertikaikan keputusan hakim
Md Kamil dengan komen yang tidak sepatutnya. Mahathir
mempersoalkan catatan peribadi hakim itu manakala Rais
menganggap hakim tersebut sudah tersilap pula. Kedua-dua
tanggapan ini jelas tidak menghormati keputusan hakim - atau
dengan kata lain menghina mahkamah secara terbuka. Yang
peliknya hujah-hujah bernas hakim Md Kamil yang lainnya
tidak diungkit pula. Tampak jelas keresahan mereka berdua
dan sikap kerajaan yang enggan mengaku kalah walaupun sudah
terbukti segalanya. Mereka menyerang peribadi hakim - bukannya
fakta yang terang lagi nyata. Padahal catatan hakim Kamil
cumalah satu sindiran yang akan diterkam oleh pihak yang
terasa tetapi dungu akan implikasinya kerana ia mungkin akan
membunuh sesiapa yang menyentuhnya.....
- Editor] 28.06.2001 Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and defacto Law Minister Rais
Yatim's concerted attacks on Justice Muhammad Kamil Awang's
Judgement annulling the Likas Election is a gross injustice to
Justice Muhammad and an insult to the intelligence of the
people of this Country. Justice Muhammad's courageous Judgment, which exposed a ruling
party inspired, massive infusion of illegal immigrants into the
electoral role of Sabah, has won the applause of the whole
Nation. His revelation of an illegal attempt by the former
Chief Justice to abort the hearing is a landmark judicial act
that bodes well for the new Chief Justice's noble vow to
restore integrity to the fallen Judiciary.
While the Nation jubilates over this latest triumph of the
righteous over the corrupt within our Judiciary, the uncalled
for attacks by Mahathir and Rais appear as a spoke in the wheel
of our expectant judiciary reforms and reveal in stark focus
who the real villains are in this controversy.
The issues raised by Mahathir and Rais to malign Justice
Muhammad are trivial comments in the Judgment, taken completely
out of context, and deliberately distorted and blown up to
accuse Muhammad of allowing his personal grievances to 'tarnish
the image' of the entire Judiciary.
In the ending paragraphs of Muhammad's Judgment, he took the
opportunity to observe a 'worrisome trend or culture' in the
Government. He lamented the total non-response of government
departments to public's letters and reports. To illustrate his
point, he gave 2 personal experiences, one being his son
applying for a temporary work permit, and the other his
daughter applying for a scholarship for a one year post
graduate course. In both cases, there was no acknowledgement
from the government in spite of reminders.
Muhammad's motivation to make the above observation must have
been obvious, if one reads through his Judgment. Reading
through his Judgment, one cannot help but feel the frustration
in him, when he gave instances after instances of total
non-response from various government departments to numerous
written complaints from the public on phantom voters and
illegal identity cards. Opposition party leaders had made
numerous written complaints on various occasions, giving
relevant details of sometimes dozens, and sometimes thousands
and even tens of thousands of electors with dubious identity
cards to National Registration Department, Election Commission
and the Police, occasionally appealing all the way to the head
offices in Kuala Lumpur. Invariably, there was no response to
all these written complaints and appeals. Making these
complaints to the Government was like barking to a stonewall.
Under these circumstances, can you really blame any one for
feeling angry and frustrated at such blatant irresponsibility
of an elected government, least of all a high court judge?
Wouldn't Justice Muhammad be feeling the reprimand of his own
conscience, if he were to keep mum (particularly out of
timidity) over such heinous betrayal of public trust by the
Government? It is within this context that Muhammad's personal experiences
were cited not to express a personal loss, but to reinforce his
view of an arrogant trend in government to totally ignore
public complaints, which trend has precipitated the electoral
fraud that forms the subject matter of this case.
However, Mahathir chose to interpret Muhammad's references to
his son and daughter otherwise. Mahathir said:
"It was obvious the Judge harboured ill feelings when he
commented that his son did not get good treatment from the
government. Other similar election petitions in Sabah have
been dismissed by other courts except this Likas case. The
Judge was obviously not happy with the way he was treated in
Sabah." It is childish and mischievous of Mahathir to interpret
Muhammad's references to his son and daughter as airing his
'personal grievances', imputing improprieties into Muhammad's
Judgment. It is also equally wrong of Mahathir to implicitly
conclude that just because all the other election petitions in
Sabah have been dismissed by the courts, Muhammad should also
do the same, unless motivated by improper personal reasons
(such as personal unhappiness with the government as in
Muhammad's case). Contrary to Mahathir's implicit assertion that the other
election petitions in Sabah have been rightly dismissed,
Muhammad's Judgment has opened up a new vista of massive
election crimes in Sabah whereby tens of thousands of phantom
voters consisting of illegal Philippine and Indonesian
immigrants uncovered in the trial are merely a 'tip of the
iceberg', to quote Muhammad. For that reason, all the other
election petitions that have been dismissed previously are now
suspect and must be fully investigated with a view to uncover
irregularities and tampering of justice. This is important,
particularly when Muhammad has disclosed that other judges
hearing similar election petitions in Sabah had called him for
advice regarding similar telephone calls from the former Chief
Justice to dismiss their cases. On the issue of conspiracy, though Muhammad has mentioned
there is no legal evidence to show the existence of an
agreement between the Prime Minister (or other Minister) and
the Sabah Barisan Nasional conspiring to the register
non-citizens in the electoral roll, nevertheless, witnesses and
evidences galore indicating the existence of massive campaigns
to issue blue identity cards to illegal Philippine and
Indonesian immigrants and the subsequent registration of these
phantom voters in the electoral rolls. In these illegal
activities, UMNO officials play a heavy role, abetted by the
National Registration Department, the Election Commission and
the Police. Involvement of the highest authorities in the
National Registration Department and the Election Commission
respectively in Kuala Lumpur is indicated when the former
ignored completely written complaints from Opposition leaders
in Sabah on cases of blue identity cards being issued to
illegal immigrants, and the latter gave strict directives to
Sabah election officials not to entertain any objection on tens
of thousands of dubious voters in the electoral roll that
surfaced frequently. The question is: what motivated these highest civil servants
to commit such treasonous acts against the State in unlawfully
admitting these tens of thousands of illegal immigrants as
citizens and voters? Personal gain can be ruled out, as these
are more than offset by the heavy punishment that can be meted
out for such high crimes against the Country.
The only plausible explanation is that this is the political
strategy of the UMNO leadership to regain political power in
Sabah from the Kadazan (mainly Christians) dominated PBS. The
latter had won every Sabah election since 1986 save the last
one in 1999. It did not take a genius to find out why. Until
the last election in 1999, the Sabah electorate had been such
that non-Muslim Kadazans and Chinese overwhelmingly outnumbered
Malays (all Muslims) and other Muslims. With UMNO's heavy
emphasis on racial and religious privileges, which alienated
the non-Malays and non-Muslims, there was virtually no chance
that the UMNO dominated Barisan Nasional could unseat the PBS
Government, unless there was a drastic restructuring of the
ratio of non-Muslim to Muslim electorates and re-drawing of the
electoral boundaries. And this is exactly what happened. Through massive infusion
of illegal Philippine and Indonesian immigrants (who are all
Muslims) and gerrymandering, Muslim majority constituencies in
Sabah in the 1999 electoral roll had suddenly and inexplicably
increased from 30% to 50% of the total constituencies of 48
within a short period of 5 years. Given this numerical boost,
Barisan Nasional swept the last Sabah election in 1999, after
employing every dirty election trick available under the sun,
which included fraud, threat, blackmail, bribery, abuse of
government resources, etc. Now that Justice Muhammad has established legitimacy to past complaints of serious electoral frauds that have hitherto been rejected and denied by the Government, we must pursue relentlessly to clean up this mess and restore justice to the people of Sabah. An independent commission of enquiry should be set up immediately with the following objectives:
Returning now to Mahathir and Rais' concerted criticism of
Justice Muhammad, it is pertinent to note that Rais intimidated
that he would take action through current Chief Justice Mohamed
Dzaiddin Abdullah to ensure that the Likas case is not
repeated. In rebuking Justice Muhammad, Rais said:
"Actually, what he did to me has damaged efforts by my
department and the Judicial Department in rehabilitating the
image of the judiciary. But I am confident that we will try again so that judges will
be truly neutral and not use their position for politicking or
including anti-administration comments that have nothing to do
with the judiciary." Rais, like his master Mahathir, must have taken the Malaysian
public as fools, for making such preposterous and laughable
comments and still expect the public to swallow them.
Muhammad's judgment of massive electoral frauds is fully
substantiated with collaborated witnesses and irrefutable and
unchallenged evidence in writings. What has Rais got to say to
that? In the eyes of Mahathir and Rais, Muhammad's wrong was that he
had exposed the ruling party's unforgivable crime in robbing
the people of Sabah of their political rights, and also the
former Chief Justice's illegal attempt to tamper with justice.
But instead of being man enough to take Muhammad head on and
attack his main Judgment, they cowardly stoop to pick on a
minor side comment, extract it out of context, distort its
original intent, and use it to make a full blast on the
presiding judge. Rais even had the cheek to use this as a
pretext to suggest that "the code of ethics for judges be
reviewed to include additional and suitable provisions to
prevent a repeat of the Likas case". (Bernama, 26h June).
Mahathir and Rais' naked and clumsy attempt to pressure the
new Chief Justice and the Judiciary to toe the line is all too
obvious. Justice Muhammad, together with Justice Mohd Hishamudin of the
Shah Alam High Court (habeas corpus case), have just given a
glimmer of hope for judicial reforms under the new Chief
Justice through their courageous judgment recently. These
courageous judges have risked victimization from a vindictive
Executive to uphold judicial integrity. They have just broken
new grounds for others to follow in the expectedly long and
tortuous road of judicial reforms under the present repressive
regime. For this reform to succeed, it is absolutely essential that
those who have courted the displeasure of the Executive in the
course of serving justice must not be victimized in any way.
For this the Malaysian public must play their part, through
words and deeds, their solidarity with the just, and their
emphatic rejection of any Executive attempt to undermine