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FEER: Prison Didn't Shut Him Up [Said Zahari] By S. Jayasankaran 29/6/2001 5:46 am Fri |
[Ada banyak mesej dan nostalgia di dalam buku Said Zahari.
Walaupun terseksa lukiran beliau tidak pula kelihatan memarahi
sesiapa - namun ia cukup tajam untuk menusuk nun jauh di dalam dada
- betapa beliau telah terbuang, teraniaya dan tersiksa kerana pemimpin
negara juga. Beliau tidak sanggup berkompromi walaupun ditekan dengan
pelbagai cara. Malah tidak tertewas pun walau bertahun-tahun disumbat
ke penjara ISA, tanpa bukti, tanpa bicara dan tanpa khabar berita.
Buku Said cukup berguna kerana ia muncul disaat kebebasan akhbar
Nanyang sedang dicengkam dan ketika aktivis reformasi sedang
dibelasah oleh akta ISA di Kamunting. Kebebasan akhbar adalah
amat penting malah melebihi kepentingan diri sendiri. Said tidak
sanggup minda anak bangsa dijajah oleh Umno kerana ia akan menyebabkan
penindasan dan kerusakkan yang amat lama. Lihatlah apa yang berlaku
sekarang - walaupun ada banyak isu yang mahal-mahal, ramai yang masih
terlena dan tetap me-layu jua kerana mereka sudah tertipu oleh silap-mata
dan mainan kata pemimpin haprak Umno. Issue cover-dated 5th July 2001 Prison Didn't Shut Him Up By S. Jayasankaran Dark Clouds at Dawn: A Political Memoir, by Said Zahari. INSAN, Kuala
Lumpur. 40 ringgit ($10.52) AT 4:30 on the morning of February 2, 1963, Singapore police arrested
newspaper editor Said Zahari. He was 34. His "long, long night" ended
in August, 1979, when he was released at the age of 51.
It was never clear why Said was arrested, though the arrest revolved
around charges of his being "a dedicated communist"--in the words of
former Singapore President Devan Nair.
There were other Kafkaesque variants. He was, allegedly,
"pro-communist," a "Malay chauvinist," and even "anti-Malaysia." The
Malaysian government had "requested" his continued detention,
according to Singapore's then Premier Lee Kuan Yew in 1967, though
this was denied by Kuala Lumpur. He was, at times, "an agent of a
foreign power" or "he had refused to renounce violence as a political
instrument." (The last charge was made as recently as 1978, the year
before Said was released). The only thing clear was that Said's
detention was lawful under the Internal Security Act, which permits
indefinite detention without trial. Dark Clouds at Dawn is Said's account of his life. It is a
fascinating, alternative account of the formative history of Malaysia
and Singapore. It covers the period of British colonial rule, the
Japanese occupation of Malaya, the period of British governance
leading up to independence and Singapore's expulsion from Malaysia.
And it offers portraits of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's first
premier, Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and includes an utterly surreal
conversation between Said and communist leader Chin Peng in Bangkok in
the early 1990s. This is an account of a seasoned journalist who ran foul of those in
power. Above all, however, it's an account of a life well lived,
remarkable for its lack of bitterness, written in often graceful
prose. Said, a staunch anti-colonialist, became a journalist on the
Malay-language Utusan Malaysia. But after Malayan independence in
1957, he quickly found out that the pressure to toe a political line
hadn't changed. The ruling United Malays National Organization, or
Umno, which had courted the paper before independence, now pressured
it. Said recalls how one day the paper's editor, Yusoff Ishak, "cried like
a baby" over his treatment by the new rulers in Umno. The aloof and
aristocratic Yusoff told Said bitterly that "even the British never
treated me like this." Yusoff sold his shares in the newspaper to Umno
allies and moved back to Singapore.
Said became the paper's editor and ignored Umno's promptings. But
pressure mounted and Said was presented with an
ultimatum--essentially, support Umno, or else. The staff of the paper
rallied around Said, resulting in Malaysia's first and last strike
over principle--press freedom. During the 90-day strike, Said went
back to his native Singapore to boost staff morale at the paper's
Singapore branch. But he was banned from re-entering Malaya.
In Singapore, both Lee Kuan Yew's party and the left wooed him. He
veered left, which must have worried Lee and the British: Said was an
influential Malay who could easily garner support from the island's
15% Malay minority. Said was arrested in a British-sanctioned mass sweep in 1963.
Subsequently the leftist opposition, bereft of leadership, collapsed
and Lee's People's Action Party swept the 1964 election.
Said steadfastly denied being a communist. He never confessed to
anything. He spent 16 years in jail, including more than a year, on
and off, in solitary confinement. Yet, less than a fifth of the book
is devoted, without anger, self-pity or rancour, to his incarceration.
Books like Said's affirm the indomitable nature of the human spirit,
its transcendence over adversity. Said says he wrote it to absolve a
"terrible guilt" towards his family, which suffered during his
absence. But to civil society adherents, Dark Clouds at Dawn offers a
strong case for why laws like the Internal Security Act should be
expunged from the face of the earth.