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MGG: Rotting Fish Head Soliloquy Of Love In His Heart By M.G.G. Pillai 30/6/2001 1:58 am Sat |
Rotting Fish Head Soliloquy Of Love In His Heart
The MCA president, Dato' Seri Ling Liong Sik, bears no ill-will
towards anyone. He cannot afford to. By having the MCA takeover
Nanyang Press without the usual due diligence checks -- not the
balance sheet alone -- he annoyed the Chinese community. When
EGM confirmed this annoyance, he could not sack from the party
his deputy, Dato' Lim Ah Lek, and his seven supporters in the
central committee. The Nanyang Press fiasco came in hand for
those who wanted him to leave. He would not. He has come to
enjoy the good life of a cabinet minister and as president of a
coalition partner, with near dictatorial powers. He was not
prepared to give up these perks because he has become, in his
expressive phrase, a rotting fish head.
So, he puts on a brave face. "I have no hatred. I must
also confess that in all my years (as a politician), I have
learnt not to get angry with people, but only have love in my
heart for all members and friends. Unless you can have that kind
of attitude you are not going to get back the same response. If
you have hatred in your heart, people will know and hate you
back." This, you understand, is his response for the debacle he
presided over last week. Unlike Gandhi, to whom he obviously wants to model himself,
he accuses his enemies. They were the rascals who make his life
difficult by filing court actions at inconvenient times, like
just before important party conventions and EGMs, to show him to
be a greedy, conniving politician who used his office to enrich
his family and embark his son on a business career. He would
have sued these reprobates for hundreds of hundreds of millions
of ringgit, but the judiciary is not inclined to accept his word
that he is a man of impeccable character. So, he is reduced to
offering love instead. He knows, of course, who is behind this, is sorry he is
subject to such calumny by "certain" quarters. "All sorts of
things have been said, all sorts of lies. Even some outsiders
have been trying to throw in some court cases ... Before an AGM
or EGM, I always get these cases. It is becoming suspicious."
He does not know who is behind the smear campaign but "I must
declare to you all that I won't say a single bad word to anybody,
because it's not worth it. There is no point hurting other
people's feelings. Let us work together, towards unity, towards
togetherness, and a 100% MCA." It is no doubt in this spirit of forgiveness he has filed a
RM200 million defamation suit against those who want to besmirch
his name. He is right on course. He only promises to forgive,
but there is nothing like money to assuage one's conscience, as
the lawyer for an international business man of unequestioned
repute insisted in court. What is even more remarkable is he
managed this conference without once mentioning Nanyang Press.
He alluded to it. "I really believe we must have a 100% party.
We have just gone through the total political process, the
presidential committee, the central committee and the EGM, and
that is the total democratic process."
He does not explain what a "100% MCA" means. Does he mean a
party without the Gang of 8 as its conscience? Does he mean a
party which should expel any who questions his motives? Does he
mean a party which does not want a president who would rather
follow the UMNO president's orders than his own community's?
Does he mean a party so docile and irrelevant that only a rotting
fish head can lead it? However he sees it, nothing would emerge until the Nanyang
Press issue is resolved. The MCA must divest the majority of its
shares as quickly as possible. If it insists that it would be to
those who would ensure it would be an MCA-controlled newspapers,
nothing would change. All told, Dr Ling bet the MCA against the
Chinese community and lost. His personal state of mind has
nothing to do with it. M.G.G. Pillai