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SK: The Injustice of Justice Augustine Paul By Martin Jalleh 3/7/2001 12:11 am Tue |
[Keputusan 3 hakim besar yang mengadili Zainur itu bukan sahaja
membebaskan beliau, tetapi ia juga telah mengutuk tindakkan Augustine
Paul kerana tidak bersikap adil dan sengaja mengelak bukti dan fakta
penting dari terkeluar agar pihak pendakwa tidak tertanggal seluar.
Keputusan itu juga telah memperakui akan sahnya pengakuan Manjeet sehingga
ia disebut berkali oleh mereka. Ini menunjukkan hakim Augustine sudah
melakukan satu kesalahan yang amat mencemarkan institusi kehakiman -
kerana telah memihak kepada pendakwa yang berniat jahat mengugut
Nalla memalsukan fakta agar Anwar terkena. Hakim Augustine Paul bukan
sahaja telah mendera peguambela dan anak guamnya (Anwar) malah beliau
telah memihak kepada pendakwa sedangkan hakim yang adil sepatutnya
memihak kepada kebenaran dan mendengar semua fakta kerana itulah yang
lebih utama - walaupun ia mengaibkan pihak pendakwa.
- Editor] [sangkancil] Augustine Paul had charged the lawyer for contempt of
court, for filing an application which (the judge had claimed)
"has no basis", -- by arriving at a conclusion which the Federal
Court found was "quite unsustainable in all circumstances"
(in other words -- which had no basis)!
Augustine Paul had very proudly warned that he would flex
"every inch" of his "judicial muscle' -- the Federal Court found
him to be suffering from judicial dystrophy, especially in the
area of judicious discretion. Augustine Paul had declared that it was his "duty to
guarantee that persons who are following this trial are not
hoodwinked in any way" -- the Federal Court found that there
was "a blatant disregard of rules of procedure and considering
the frame of mind the learned trial judge was in, he should
have been the last person to deal with the contempt issue"!
Augustine Paul had accused the lawyer for ""having attempted
to undermine the integrity of this trial" -- the Court's integrity
was undermined by what the Federal Court called
"an error of judgment" and "misconception" by the judge.
Augustine Paul had spoken so eloquently in defence of "the
process of Court" -- the Federal Court ruled that he had denied
the lawyer a chance to defend himself by not allowing him to
prepare his defence-- "thereby offending the sacrosanctity of
a principle so fundamental to our system of justice"!
Augustine Paul had alleged that "...the object of filing (the
application) is to project an impression that the prosecution is
anchored on fabricated evidence" -- the Federal Court revealed
that the judge's conduct "gave the picture that he was behaving
as though he was acting as counsel for the two prosecutors in
the motion"! Augustine Paul had very confidently declared that the lawyer
had committed a "serious contempt" -- the Federal Court was
as clear "as night follows day, that the charge of contempt
against the appellant (Zainur Zakaria) has not been proved
beyond reasonable doubt" -- and "imposing a sentence of
three months imprisonment was definitely the wrong icing
on the cake"! Augustine Paul had, in the name of justice, and "the smooth
flow of justice", invoked the summary procedure -- the Federal
Court ruled that he had "not correctly applied the summary
procedure resulting in injustice to the appellant"!
Augustine Paul had found the lawyer guilty of contempt of court --
the Federal Court made it very relevant that "the conduct of the
learned trial judge himself had vitiated the contempt proceedings"!
Augustine Paul by his conduct and bias administration of justice
has tarnished the image of the judiciary. He should consult the
Prime Minister and gracefully resign. He should apologise to
Zainur Zakaria for the "injustice" he has caused him.
(Martin Jalleh, 1 July 2001) ===== Note: (On 27 June 2001, in an unanimous decision, the Federal Court --
comprising of Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve
Shim and judges Datuk Abdul Malek Ahmad and Datuk Haidar
Mohd Nor -- allowed the appeal of Zainur Zakaria (Datuk Seri
Anwar Ibrahim's lawyer) against contempt of court
Zainur was sentenced to three months' jail by High Court Judge
Datuk Augustine Paul for contempt of court when he made an
application on Anwar's behalf to stop Senior Deputy Public
Prosecutor Datuk Abdul Gani Patail and Datuk Azahar
Mohamad from further prosecuting in Anwar's corruption case.
The judge had cited Zainur for contempt for being reckless,
negligent and acting in bad faith by filing the application which was
supported by affidavits containing allegations that the two Deputy
Public Prosecutors had tried to get Datuk S. Nallakaruppan
(Anwar's friend -- who was then charged under the ISA for
a firearms offence) to fabricate evidence against him (Anwar).
The Federal Court decision was more than a "landmark judgment"
(as was described by UN Rapporteur Datuk Param Cumaraswamy).
At a closer look it was an indictment of the conduct and bias
administration of justice by Justice Datuk Augustine Paul.
When one reads the full separate judgments of the three Federal Court judges, one cannot but be shocked by what they have to say of Augustine Paul's conduct and decision to cite Zainur Zakaria for contempt. ) |