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NZ: Mahathir's Firm Grip on Power By Manfred Rist 4/7/2001 8:17 pm Wed | 2001/07/03_malaysia.html
Tough Times for the Opposition in Malaysia
Manfred Rist After twenty years as head of the governing coalition,
Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir shows neither
signs of wear nor any intention of stepping down. At a
recent party congress, he emphasized his leadership
role. His grip on internal power within his party is
combined with harsh action against opposition voices.
There has been no lack of rumors recently to the effect that
the power base of Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir has
been seriously depleted. What one repeatedly hears is
that, after 20 years as chief of the United Malay National
Organization (UMNO) and two decades as his country's
head of government, the time has come for Mahathir to
step down. As proof that the optimal moment for Asia's
oldest serving government chief to retire has already
passed, critics point to the not very sparkling performance
of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition in the last
parliamentary elections, in which the UMNO garnered
fewer than half the votes of the Malay majority and
Mahathir found himself more dependent than ever before
on political support from the ranks of ethnic Chinese and
East Indian voters. Harbingers of Change? Further signs of a weakening of power are racial unrest, a
more self-confident attitude on the part of Chinese interest
groups, the strengthening of the fundamentalist Islamic
opposition PAS, street demonstrations on behalf of
imprisoned Anwar Ibrahim, and the mysterious resignation
of Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin. Malaysian judges
have twice lately had the audacity to issue rulings against
the justice system, the independence of which is by no
means beyond all doubt. And finally, massive declines in
exports have hurt the nation's economy, making the
75-year-old ruler's performance seem not as impressive
as it has looked in the past. Are all these factors harbingers of a change in power and
a generational shift, such as other Southeast Asian
countries have already experienced? Appearances are
deceptive. At the UMNO's recent general assembly, which
is regarded as the yardstick for the political mood within
the strongest political force in the country, Mahathir played
such an uncontested leadership role as to make all
speculation about an internal changing of the guard in the
party seem premature. According to the reaction after the
party congress, only Mahathir could address his
compatriots so openly and aggressively, raise racial
problems and religious challenges, stir up fears and
anxieties, and then immediately turn around and speak in
conciliatory tones like the benevolent father of his country.
In rhetorically masterful speeches, Mahathir first launched
a philippic against his fellow Malays, whom he accused of
making too little intellectual and economic effort and
allowing themselves to be pampered by the state, which
grants them special privileges. The government guarantees
Malays a high percentage of university study slots, for
example, in keeping with the Malay majority of the
country's population. But Mahathir maintained that, on the
basis of actual performance, only 25 percent of those
Malay students really qualify for university admission.
Carrot and Stick On the first day of the party congress, at times
accompanying his rhetoric with tears, Mahathir decried the
ingratitude and laziness of his own ethnic group and
branded his political opponents several times as "idiots."
But on the second day the prime minister adopted a more
conciliatory tone, saying that the Malays are after all no
worse than others and that the important thing now was to
close ranks and insure political stability in the country.
"Foreign forces," including the international media, he
said, are the chief sources for the distorted view that the
outside world has of Malaysia. As usual, on this occasion
he also took potshots at other countries, such as Australia,
from which - he said - Malaysia could learn nothing
worthwhile. In view of the divisions in the Malay electorate
(the causes of which are the case of Anwar on the one
hand and the fundamentalist Islamic movement PAS on the
other), Mahathir said that it was important to set the stage
now for an election victory in 2004. No one rose to
contradict the prime minister's prescription of greater
discipline for his party and his fellow Muslims, and no
mention was made of the names of those players who have
fallen into open or veiled disfavor, such as Anwar or Daim.
Thus Mahathir grip on the levers of party power seems firm
and determined at present. The erstwhile country doctor
appears to be in sound health, and there is no talk of
resignation by the man who has created a monument to
himself by building Putrajaya, a new, smart government
city a little way outside the capital of Kuala Lumpur. By
ordering his eldest son to withdraw from key positions in
the Malaysian economy, he has also shielded himself in a
timely fashion from possible accusations of nepotism. No
one in the UMNO - which claims credit for having led
Malaysia out of the colonial era and securing the
dominance of Malays in the present (and for the future) -
has the stature, or the courage, to try to step into
Mahathir's shoes. Harsh Steps Against the Opposition
The prime minister's power within his party has its
counterpart in the iron fist with which Mahathir moves
against nascent opposition movements. Street protests are
nipped in the bud. Just a few days before a planned
demonstration in April to commemorate Anwar's arrest, the
police moved in and, on the basis of the "Internal Security
Act" (ISA), arrested 10 key individuals. With the aid of the
ISA, suspects can be imprisoned for two months without
judicial procedures. On a judge's subsequent order, and a
decision of Interior Minister Abdullah Badawi (Mahathir's
deputy prime minister), six of those arrested in April have
since been transferred to higher-security prisons and will
probably be detained for months or even years.
The government, and the pro-government press, reacted
subtly to the resignation of Finance Minister Daim, a
longtime comrade-in-arms of Mahathir. No, the news
reports said, contrary to currently circulating rumors Daim
had not been arrested; there was no reason to arrest him -
at least not at the moment, though no one could say what
the future might bring. This was a denial of a rumor
deliberately started by the Mahathir forces themselves,
and a thinly veiled warning to Daim and his entourage -
strongly reminiscent of the fate of Daim's predecessor,
Anwar, who after a humiliating trial is now serving a
15-year sentence for assorted infractions.
Media policy is being carefully orchestrated as well. The
takeover of a publishing house which publishes two
previously independent newspapers, China Press and
Nanyang Siang Pau, with a combined circulation of about
400,000, can only be regarded as an early measure to
position the governing coalition for the coming election
campaign. Chinese publications in Malaysia have so far
enjoyed greater journalistic freedom than other media
products. The majority holdings in the two newspapers just
mentioned, which had been repeatedly critical of the
regime and, among other things, had called into question
the Malays' precedence in Malaysia, were acquired in
early June by the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA)
after approval of the takeover at its party congress. It is
feared that this will degrade the journals into little more
than party organs of the MCA, which is an important
partner in the ruling coalition. Some editorial heads have
already rolled. 3 July 2001 / First published in German, 29 June 2001