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BG: Islamic state proposal against Constitution Article 3 By Karpal Singh 5/7/2001 12:20 am Thu |
[Banyak pihak yang tidak faham maksud sebenar Karpal Singh
sehingga tersilap menafsir beberapa perkara. Beliau tidak mahu
PAS dilihat mengganggu atau melakukan sesuatu yang bertentangan
dengan perlembagaan. Sebagai seorang peguam, Karpal melahirkan
kebimbangan kerana PAS nampak terlalu deras sedangkan rakyat
masih mengayuh perlahan. DAP tetap menghormati Islam.
Kemelut undang-undang sekular dalam negara tidak mengizinkan
penubuhan negara Islam. Ini bermakna perlembagaan perlu dipinda
terlebih dahulu sebelum ia dapat dilaksanakan. DAP tidak mahu PAS
melanggar perlembagaan kerana ia mungkin terhumban (oleh sistem
yang ada sekarang). Dengan kata lain Karpal memberi nasihat dari
sudut perundangan kepada PAS. Itu bukan namanya penentangan tetapi
satu nasihat berunsur kasih dan sayang agar PAS tidak terjebak
dalam kancah yang merbahayakan. Rakyat perlu didewasakan terlebih
dahulu kerana banyak yang masih tidak faham. Rakyat memerlukan
penerangan - bukannya serang menyerang (oleh pihak tertentu) yang
tidak menguntungkan. Press statement by DAP Deputy National Chairman, Karpal Singh, on 3 July
2001 in Kuala Lumpur Islamic state proposal against Constitution Article 3
The contention by PAS secretary general, Nasharuddin Mat Isa, that the
Alternative Front's common manifesto leaves the door open for the setting up
of an Islamic state, is misconceived. It is the provisions of the Federal
Constitution which require to be addressed.
Article 3 of the Constitution makes Islam the official religion but other
religions are allowed to be practised in peace and harmony in the country.
Clearly, the basic structure of the Constitution provides for a secular
state. This position has been accepted by everyone including academicians
and even the Malays since Merdeka. It is wrong for PAS to squeeze into the
common manifesto provision for the setting up of an Islamic state.
Malaysia is not an Islamic republic but a democratic country with a
constitutional monarchy. It is not a theocratic state.
PAS should accept the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land and
strife to give the provisions therein life and expression and not attempt to
negate what is clear and obvious in the provisions of Article 3.
PAS should not misunderstand what DAP leaders have been trying to say. It is
in defense of the Constitution that the DAP is against the setting up of an
Islamic state. The DAP accepts Islam as the official. Our opposition is not
against Islam which we respect but the setting up of an Islamic state which
will contravene Article 3. |