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TheAge: Malaysia Gets Tough On Student Activists By Mark Baker 8/7/2001 10:13 am Sun |
[Pemerintah yang sedikit bijak tidak bermain dengan pelajar
kerana mereka mempunyai rangkaian yang sukar ditewaskan bila
sudah menjalar. Mahathir nampaknya hanya akan mempercepatkan Umno
gulung tikar.... kerana kebanyakkan revolusi dan kebangkitan
rakyat adalah kerana sentuhan kaum pelajar.......
- Editor] Malaysia gets tough on student activists
By MARK BAKER ASIA EDITOR The Malaysian Government has launched a crack-down on
university campuses in a new effort to stamp out growing
opposition to its authoritarian rule. A student leader has been arrested under the Internal
Security Act - which allows detention without trial for up to
two years - and another was expelled from his university for
joining anti-government protests. Education authorities warned there would be further arrests
and expulsions if student groups continued to agitate for
political reform and an end to summary detentions.
The youth wing of the ruling United Malays National
Organisation is reported to be preparing to publish on
Monday the names of so-called "militant groups" based on
campuses and details of their activities.
Khairul Anuar, a 24-year-old engineering student at Kuala
Lumpur's Institut Kemahiran Mara, was arrested on Thursday
under the security act after being ordered by police to
explain his role at a rally outside the national mosque last
month. Ten police later raided his home and confiscated
materials including a computer and video discs.
A police spokesman said Mr Khairul was "assisting police in
their investigation into activities found detrimental to national
security". It is believed to be the first time since 1974 that the security
act - introduced by the British colonial administration to
counter terrorism - has been used to target student activists.
Six prominent opposition figures arrested under the act in
April continue to be held in prison, even though a judge
condemned the use of the act as a political weapon, and
released four others who were detained at the same time.
Malaysia's government-appointed Human Rights
Commission, Suhakam, attacked the arrest of Mr Khairul and
said people accused of crimes should be charged and
allowed the rights and protection of the normal legal system.
"Detention without a proper trial or due process of law is
against the very tenets of human rights," said commissioner
Anuar Zainal Abidin. Rafzan Ramli, a second-year engineering student at the
Universiti Teknologi Mara, who also took part in the national
mosque protest, was expelled on Thursday.
Education Minister Musa Mohamad signalled further moves
against student activists and said private colleges were
being warned not to enrol students who were expelled from
public universities.
July 06 , 2001 20:15PM External Influence Leads To Emergence Of Militants, Says Norian
KUALA LUMPUR, July 6 (Bernama) -- The emergence of militant religious
extremists has been attributed to the influence of foreign struggles and
nurtured by certain political parties which are capable of creating chaos in
the country, said Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Norian Mai.
Based on investigations, he said, a section of these groups who were
influenced by foreigners while they were abroad were actually the ones
bringing in the militant influence to this country.
"They were there probably as students or fighters and we find that some of
them had been involved in the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as the
fighting in Ambon," he said at a media conference after officiating the
closing of the Police Science Diploma Programme for the 2000/2001 Session at
the Police Senior Officers College, here Friday.
He was asked to comment further on the matter which he had raised in his
speech at the closing ceremony. Norian said religious extremists could easily spread the influence because
they had experience in fighting during the war, in the use of firearms and
the jihad experience which was considered as extremist.
He said the others were influenced through the religious activities which
were held behind closed-doors in this country aimed at nurturing the jihad
spirit. Norian said so far police had uncovered the activities of the religious
extremist groups namely the Al-Ma'unah Group and the Mujahidin, two
different groups with a common objective.
"Based on investigation, the two groups are not related but they have a
common function in terms of their struggles that is to put up an Islamic
nation by militant means," he said. He said if these two groups, which were not related to each other but had
common objectives, could exist then it was not impossible that other groups
with similar objectives could also exist.
He said police were carrying out investigations to detect the emergence of
such groups. He also disclosed that investigations on the Mujahidin group were still
going on but could not say when the probe would be completed.
The Mujahidin group was the militant religious group suspected of being
involved in criminal activities including the murder of politician Dr Joe
Fernandez in November last year. So far, nine members of the group had been detained after they failed to rob
Southern Bank Jalan Gasing in Petaling Jaya on May 18.
Earlier, he gave away diplomas to 40 officers who had completed their
one-year course at the college. -- BERNAMA |